httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/logout/alpha/$alphaID", "" ); } function retry ($alphaID) { title ("Authentication Failed"); uriboot ( "Try again", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/login/alpha/$alphaID/login/true", "" ); uriboot ( "Return to Group Bootmenu", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/logout/alpha/$alphaID", "" ); } function sessionerror ($serialnumber,$mac) { title ("A Session Error occured"); uriboot ( "Reconnect", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/serial/serialnumber/$serialnumber/mac/$mac", "" ); } function serialerror ($serialnumber,$mac) { title ("The Serial was not found. Press Tab to change the Serial or contact an Admin"); uriboot ( "Reconnect", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/serial/serialnumber/$serialnumber/mac/$mac", "" ); } function nobootmenu () { title ("There are no Bootmenu Entries"); } ?> action != "selectmembership") echo "TIMEOUT ".(10*$this->startcounter)."\n";?> PROMPT 0 DEFAULT /ipxe/vesamenu.c32 httpmode === 'https') echo "MENU BACKGROUND /ipxe/pbs2ssl.png\n"; else echo "MENU BACKGROUND /ipxe/pbs2.png\n";?> MENU WIDTH 78 MENU MARGIN 9 MENU PASSWORDMARGIN 9 MENU ROWS 10 MENU TABMSGROW 16 MENU CMDLINEROW 16 MENU ENDROW -1 MENU PASSWORDROW 16 MENU TIMEOUTROW 20 MENU HELPMSGROW 16 MENU HELPMSGENDROW -1 MENU HSHIFT 0 MENU VSHIFT 7 #menu color screen 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std menu color border 37;40 #00000000 #00000000 std menu color title 1 #ee004a99 #00000000 all menu color unsel 37;40 #ff4f75aa #00000000 all menu color hotkey 1 #ffff8b00 #00000000 std menu color sel 7;37;40 #ff1c2a33 #667799bb all #menu color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffff8b00 #667799bb all menu color disabled 1;37;40 #ff4f75aa #00000000 std #menu color scrollbar 37;40 #40000000 #ee000000 std #menu color tabmsg 37;40 #ffff8b00 #ff8093a1 std #menu color cmdmark 1;37;40 #ffff8b00 #ff8093a1 std #menu color cmdline 37;40 #fff0f0f0 #ff8093a1 std #menu color pwdborder 37;40 #40000000 #ff8093a1 std #menu color pwdheader 37;40 #ffff8b00 #ff8093a1 std #menu color pwdentry 37;40 #ffff8b00 #ff8093a1 std #menu color timeout_msg 37;40 #fff0f0f0 #ff8093a1 std #menu color timeout 1;37;40 #ffff8b00 #ff8093a1 std #menu color help 37;40 #ff1c2a33 #00000000 none MENU MSGCOLOR #ff1c2a33 #00000000 none error)){ switch($this->error){ case "serial": serialerror($this->serialnumber, $this->mac); break; case "session": sessionerror($this->serialnumber, $this->mac); break; case "login": retry($this->alphaID); break; } }else{ if($this->action == "selectmembership"){ title ( "Select Membership:" ); if(isset($this->memberships)){ foreach($this->memberships as $membership){ uriboot ($membership['group']." as ".$membership['role'], "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/setgroup/membershipid/".$membership['membershipID']."/alpha/$this->alphaID", ""); } comment ("", ""); comment ("login", "Logged-In as $this->firstname $this->name"); uriboot ( "Logout (Return to Group Bootmenu)", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/logout/alpha/$this->alphaID", ""); }else{ nomembership($this->alphaID); } }else{ title ( $this->title); $bootosmapper = new Application_Model_BootOsMapper(); if(isset($this->bmelist)){ foreach($this->bmelist as $bme){ $kcl = $bootosmapper->find($bme->getBootosID())->getDefaultkcl(); if($bme->getKcl() && $kcl != null){ uriboot ( $bme->getTitle(), "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/resource/getkernel/alpha/$this->alphaID/bme/".$bme->getID()."/file/kernel", "initrd=$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/resource/getinitramfs/alpha/$this->alphaID/bme/".$bme->getID()."/file/initramfs $kcl alpha=$this->alphaID file=$this->httpmode://$this->host/c/$this->alphaID/default.tgz ".$bme->getKclappend()); }else{ uriboot ( $bme->getTitle(), "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/resource/getkernel/alpha/$this->alphaID/bme/".$bme->getID()."/file/kernel", "initrd=$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/resource/getinitramfs/alpha/$this->alphaID/bme/".$bme->getID()."/file/initramfs alpha=$this->alphaID file=$this->httpmode://$this->host/c/$this->alphaID/default.tgz ".$bme->getKclappend()); } } }else{ nobootmenu(); } comment ("", ""); comment ("info", "More Options:"); if(!$this->loggedin){ uriboot ( "Login", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/login/alpha/$this->alphaID/login/true", "" ); texthelp("Login to get your own Bootmenu."); }else{ comment ("login", "Logged-In as $this->firstname $this->name in Group $this->group"); uriboot ( "Switch Group From $this->group", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/switchgroup/alpha/$this->alphaID", "" ); uriboot ( "Logout (Return to Group Bootmenu)", "$this->httpmode://$this->host/ipxe/auth/logout/alpha/$this->alphaID", "" ); } localboot(); } }