$res = array();
$res[] = tableCreate('location_roomplan', "
`locationid` INT(11) NOT NULL,
`managerip` varchar(45) CHARACTER SET ascii DEFAULT '',
`tutoruuid` char(36) CHARACTER SET ascii DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`locationid`),
KEY `tutoruuid` (`tutoruuid`),
KEY `managerip` (`managerip`)");
if (!tableHasColumn('location_roomplan', 'managerip')) {
$ret = Database::exec("ALTER TABLE `location_roomplan` ADD COLUMN `managerip` varchar(45) CHARACTER SET ascii DEFAULT '' AFTER locationid,"
. " ADD KEY `managerip` (`managerip`)") !== false;
if ($ret === false) {
finalResponse(UPDATE_FAILED, 'Adding managerip to location_roomplan failed: ' . Database::lastError());
$res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
if (!tableHasColumn('location_roomplan', 'tutoruuid')) {
$ret = Database::exec("ALTER TABLE `location_roomplan` ADD COLUMN `tutoruuid` char(36) CHARACTER SET ascii DEFAULT NULL AFTER managerip,"
. " ADD KEY `tutoruuid` (`tutoruuid`)") !== false;
if ($ret === false) {
finalResponse(UPDATE_FAILED, 'Adding tutoruuid to location_roomplan failed: ' . Database::lastError());
$res[] = UPDATE_DONE;
if (in_array(UPDATE_DONE, $res)) {
Database::exec("ALTER TABLE `location_roomplan`
ADD CONSTRAINT `location_roomplan_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`locationid`) REFERENCES `location` (`locationid`) ON DELETE CASCADE");
Database::exec("ALTER TABLE `location_roomplan`
ADD CONSTRAINT `location_roomplan_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`tutoruuid`) REFERENCES `machine` (`machineuuid`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE");
// 2017-11-30: Refactor to runmode
// managerip, dedicatedmgr, --> runmode
if (tableHasColumn('location_roomplan', 'dedicatedmgr')) {
if (!tableExists('runmode') || !tableExists('machine')) {
$res[] = UPDATE_RETRY;
} else {
$ret = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT lr.locationid, lr.managerip, lr.dedicatedmgr, m.machineuuid
FROM location_roomplan lr INNER JOIN machine m ON (m.clientip = lr.managerip)');
if ($ret === false) {
} else {
foreach ($ret as $row) {
$dedi = $row['dedicatedmgr'] != 0;
$data = json_encode(array('dedicatedmgr' => $dedi));
Database::exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO runmode (machineuuid, module, modeid, modedata, isclient)
VALUES (:machineuuid, 'roomplanner', :locationid, :modedata, :isclient)", array(
'machineuuid' => $row['machineuuid'],
'locationid' => $row['locationid'],
'modedata' => $data,
'isclient' => ($dedi ? 0 : 1)
Database::exec('ALTER TABLE location_roomplan DROP COLUMN dedicatedmgr');
$res[] = UPDATE_DONE;