Design Guidelines ================= Buttons on the right-hand side if possible. Button order from left to right: secondary action (cancel etc), primary action (save etc) Single buttons: normal size, glyphicon and text Multiple buttons with the same action (e.g. in a table): btn-sm, glyphicon only, no text Button colors: Action with irreversible consequences (e.g. delete) = red (btn-danger) Primary action (e.g. save) = blue (btn-primary) Add/Create = green (btn-success) speciel actions (e.g. send test mail) = yellow (btn-warning) Secondary action (e.g. cancel) = white (btn-default) Prefered glyphicons: add (create) = glyphicon-plus add (assign) = glyphicon-share-alt delete = glyphicon-trash remove = glyphicon-remove save = glyphicon-floppy-disk edit = glyphicon-edit cancel = no glyphicon reset = glyphicon-refresh help = glyphicon-question-sign download = glyphicon-download-alt settings = glyphicon-cog Tables should be sortable if it makes sense (using the stupidtable-plugin). Every column should have a heading. Bootstrap styled checkboxes and radiobuttons Modals with an action should have a cancel button. Info-modals without an action: no buttons in footer. only x-button in the top right corner to close the modal. Modals instead of confirm() Module heading in the top left corner Subheadings in panels Saving changes only after using the save button