Installation of slx-admin is modularized, that means there is no central, global SQL dump, but every module can provide an install hook, that is supposed to install everything it needs to the database (or anything else). The hook file is called and needs to reside in the module's root directory. Some modules might not have an install hook. A few simple helper functions are provided to make it easier to create tables, check for their existence, and create feedback of the installation process. It is important to make as little assumptions as possible about what is already present in the database, so try not to call functions like User::load() in your install hook. There might be no user table yet. The installation hook should be written in a way that it is non-destructive, and can recognize if an old version of the module's schema is already present in the database, in which case it should update the table(s) instead of erroring out or losing data. See the install hook of the 'main' module for an example. Installation/Upgrading can be triggered manually through the browser by accessing "install.php" in slx-admin's root. Please note that this page does not require any form of authentication. While any actions this page can perform should not be destructive, you might want to consider moving the file away after each install/upgrade. The other way of triggering the process is running 'install-all' from the command line. This comes in handy for automated install scripts.