$title)); $id = Database::lastInsertId(); if (!is_numeric($id)) Util::traceError('Inserting new AD config to DB did not yield a numeric insert id'); // Entry created, now try to get a free port for the proxy $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT moduleid, contents FROM configtgz_module"); $ports = array(); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($row['moduleid'] == $id) { // ... } else { $data = json_decode($row['contents'], true); if (isset($data['proxyport'])) $ports[] = $data['proxyport']; } } $port = 3300; while (in_array($port, $ports)) { $port++; } // Port determined, carry on... $ownEntry = array( 'server' => $server, 'searchbase' => $searchbase, 'binddn' => $binddn, 'bindpw' => $bindpw, 'home' => $home, 'proxyport' => $port ); $data = json_encode($ownEntry); if ($data === false) Util::traceError('Serializing the AD data failed.'); $name = CONFIG_TGZ_LIST_DIR . '/modules/AD_AUTH_id_' . $id . '.' . mt_rand() . '.tgz'; Database::exec("UPDATE configtgz_module SET filepath = :filename, contents = :contents WHERE moduleid = :id LIMIT 1", array( 'id' => $id, 'filename' => $name, 'contents' => $data )); // Add archive file name to array before returning it $ownEntry['moduleid'] = $id; $ownEntry['filename'] = $name; return $ownEntry; } }