', self::$header , '
', self::$body , '
' ; if ($zip) { Header('Content-Encoding: gzip'); ob_implicit_flush(false); $gzip_contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; echo substr(gzcompress($gzip_contents, 5), 0, -4); } } /** * Set the page title (title-tag) */ public static function setTitle($title) { self::$title = ' - ' . $title; } /** * Add raw html data to the header-section of the generated page */ public static function addHeader($html) { self::$header .= $html . "\n"; } /** * Add the given template to the output, using the given params for placeholders in the template */ public static function addTemplate($template, $params = false) { self::$body .= self::$mustache->render(self::getTemplate($template), $params); } /** * Add error message to page */ public static function addError($message) { self::addTemplate('messagebox-error', array('message' => $message)); } /** * Parse template with given params and return; do not add to body */ public static function parse($template, $params = false) { return self::$mustache->render(self::getTemplate($template), $params); } /** * Open the given html tag, optionally adding the passed assoc array of params */ public static function openTag($tag, $params = false) { array_push(self::$tags, $tag); if (!is_array($params)) { self::$body .= '<' . $tag . '>'; } else { self::$body .= '<' . $tag; foreach ($params as $key => $val) { self::$body .= ' ' . $key . '="' . htmlspecialchars($val) . '"'; } self::$body .= '>'; } } /** * Close the given tag. Will check if it maches the tag last opened */ public static function closeTag($tag) { if (empty(self::$tags)) Util::traceError('Tried to close tag ' . $tag . ' when no open tags exist.'); $last = array_pop(self::$tags); if ($last !== $tag) Util::traceError('Tried to close tag ' . $tag . ' when last opened tag was ' . $last); self::$body .= ''; } /** * Private helper: Load the given template and return it */ private static function getTemplate($template) { if (isset(self::$templateCache[$template])) { return self::$templateCache[$template]; } // Load from disk $data = @file_get_contents('templates/' . $template . '.html'); if ($data === false) $data = 'Non-existent template ' . $template . ' requested!'; self::$templateCache[$template] =& $data; return $data; } }