', $title, self::$title, RENDER_DEFAULT_TITLE, '
// Include any module specific styles
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$files = $module->getCss($module != $pageModule);
foreach ($files as $file) {
echo '';
echo '
(self::$dashboard !== false ? self::parse('main-menu', self::$dashboard, 'main') : ''),
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$files = $module->getScripts($module != $pageModule);
foreach ($files as $file) {
echo '';
* Set the page title (title-tag)
public static function setTitle($title, $override = true)
if (!$override && !empty(self::$title))
self::$title = $title . ' - ';
* Add raw html data to the header-section of the generated page
public static function addHeader($html)
self::$header .= $html . "\n";
* Add raw html data to the footer-section of the generated page (right before the closing body tag)
public static function addFooter($html)
self::$footer .= $html . "\n";
* Add given js script file from the script directory to the header
* @param string $file file name of script
public static function addScriptTop($file)
trigger_error('Ignoring addScriptTop for ' . $file . ': Deprecated, use module-specific clientscript.js', E_USER_WARNING);
* Add given js script file from the script directory to the bottom
* @param string $file file name of script
public static function addScriptBottom($file)
trigger_error('Ignoring addScriptBottom for ' . $file . ': Deprecated, use module-specific clientscript.js', E_USER_WARNING);
* Add the given template to the output, using the given params for placeholders in the template
public static function addTemplate($template, $params = false, $module = false)
self::$body .= self::parse($template, $params, $module);
* Add a dialog to the page output.
* @param string $title Title of the dialog window
* @param boolean $next URL to next dialog step, or false to hide the next button
* @param string $template template used to fill the dialog body
* @param array $params parameters for rendering the body template
public static function addDialog($title, $next, $template, $params = false)
self::addTemplate('dialog-generic', array(
'title' => $title,
'next' => $next,
'body' => self::parse($template, $params)
), 'main');
* Add error message to page
public static function addError($message)
self::addTemplate('messagebox-error', array('message' => $message));
* Parse template with given params and return; do not add to body
* @param string $template name of template, relative to templates/, without .html extension
* @param array $params tags to render into template
* @param string $module name of module to load template from; defaults to currently active module
* @return string Rendered template
public static function parse($template, $params = false, $module = false)
if ($module === false && class_exists('Page')) {
$module = Page::getModule()->getIdentifier();
// Load html snippet
$html = self::getTemplate($template, $module);
if ($html === false) {
return '
Template ' . htmlspecialchars($template) . '
' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(print_r($params, true))) . '';
if (!is_array($params)) {
$params = array();
// Now find all language tags in this array
if (preg_match_all('/{{(lang_.+?)}}/', $html, $out) > 0) {
$dictionary = Dictionary::getArray($module, 'template-tags');
$fallback = false;
foreach ($out[1] as $tag) {
// Add untranslated strings to the dictionary, so their tag is seen in the rendered page
if ($fallback === false && empty($dictionary[$tag])) {
$fallback = true; // Fallback to general dictionary of module
$dictionary = $dictionary + Dictionary::getArray('main', 'global-tags');
if (empty($dictionary[$tag])) {
$dictionary[$tag] = '{{' . $tag . '}}';
$params = $params + $dictionary;
// Always add token to parameter list
$params['token'] = Session::get('token');
if (defined('LANG')) {
// Likewise, add currently selected language (its two letter code) to params
$params['current_lang'] = LANG;
// Add desired password field type
$params['password_type'] = Property::getPasswordFieldType();
// Return rendered html
return self::$mustache->render($html, $params);
* Open the given html tag, optionally adding the passed assoc array of params
public static function openTag($tag, $params = false)
array_push(self::$tags, $tag);
if (!is_array($params)) {
self::$body .= '<' . $tag . '>';
} else {
self::$body .= '<' . $tag;
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
self::$body .= ' ' . $key . '="' . htmlspecialchars($val) . '"';
self::$body .= '>';
* Close the given tag. Will check if it maches the tag last opened
public static function closeTag($tag)
if (empty(self::$tags))
Util::traceError('Tried to close tag ' . $tag . ' when no open tags exist.');
$last = array_pop(self::$tags);
if ($last !== $tag)
Util::traceError('Tried to close tag ' . $tag . ' when last opened tag was ' . $last);
self::$body .= '' . $tag . '>';
* Private helper: Load the given template and return it
private static function getTemplate($template, $module)
$id = "$template/$module";
if (isset(self::$templateCache[$id])) {
return self::$templateCache[$id];
// Load from disk
$data = @file_get_contents('modules/' . $module . '/templates/' . $template . '.html');
self::$templateCache[$id] =& $data;
return $data;
* Create the dashboard menu
public static function setDashboard($params)
self::$dashboard = $params;
public static function readableColor($hex) {
if (strlen($hex) <= 4) {
$cnt = 1;
} else {
$cnt = 2;
if (preg_match('/^#?([a-f0-9]{'.$cnt.'})([a-f0-9]{'.$cnt.'})([a-f0-9]{'.$cnt.'})$/i', $hex, $out) != 1)
return '#000';
$chans = array();
$f = ($cnt === 1 ? 17 : 1);
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; ++$i) {
$out[$i] = (hexdec($out[$i]) * $f);
$chans[] = $out[$i] ^ 0x80;
$b = (255 - (0.299 * $out[1] + 0.587 * $out[2] + 0.114 * $out[3])) * 2;
return sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", ($chans[0] + $b) / 3, ($chans[1] + $b) / 3, ($chans[2] + $b) / 3);