0, 'usec' => 300000)); socket_set_option(self::$sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, array('sec' => 0, 'usec' => 200000)); socket_connect(self::$sock, '', 9215); } /** * Start a task via the task manager. * * @param string $task name of task to start * @param array $data data to pass to the task. the structure depends on the task. * @param boolean $async if true, the function will not wait for the reply of the taskmanager, which means * the return value is just true (and you won't know if the task could acutally be started) * @return array struct representing the task status (as a result of submit); false on communication error */ public static function submit($task, $data = false, $async = false) { self::init(); $seq = (string) mt_rand(); if (empty($data)) { $data = '{}'; } else { $data = json_encode($data); } $message = "$seq, $task, $data"; $sent = socket_send(self::$sock, $message, strlen($message), 0); if ($sent != strlen($message)) { self::addErrorMessage(false); return false; } if ($async) return true; $reply = self::readReply($seq); if ($reply === false || !is_array($reply) || !isset($reply['id']) || (isset($reply['statusCode']) && $reply['statusCode'] === NO_SUCH_TASK)) { self::addErrorMessage($reply); return false; } return $reply; } /** * Query status of given task. * * @param mixed $task task id or task struct * @return array status of task as array, or false on communication error */ public static function status($task) { if (is_array($task) && isset($task['id'])) { $task = $task['id']; } if (!is_string($task)) return false; self::init(); $seq = (string) mt_rand(); $message = "$seq, status, $task"; $sent = socket_send(self::$sock, $message, strlen($message), 0); $reply = self::readReply($seq); if (!is_array($reply)) return false; return $reply; } /** * Checks whether the given task id corresponds to a known task in the taskmanager. * Returns true iff the taskmanager is reachable and the status of the task * is different from NO_SUCH_TASK. * * @param string $taskid a task id * @return boolean true if taskid exists in taskmanager */ public static function isTask($taskid) { $task = self::status($taskid); return isset($task['statusCode']) && $task['statusCode'] !== NO_SUCH_TASK; } /** * Wait for the given task's completion. * * @param array $task task to wait for * @param int $timeout maximum time in ms to wait for completion of task * @return array result/status of task, or false if it couldn't be queried */ public static function waitComplete($task, $timeout = 2500) { if (is_array($task) && isset($task['id'])) { if ($task['statusCode'] !== TASK_PROCESSING && $task['statusCode'] !== TASK_WAITING) { self::release($task['id']); return $task; } $task = $task['id']; } if (!is_string($task)) return false; $done = false; for ($i = 0; $i < ($timeout / 150); ++$i) { $status = self::status($task); if (!isset($status['statusCode'])) break; if ($status['statusCode'] !== TASK_PROCESSING && $status['statusCode'] !== TASK_WAITING) { $done = true; break; } usleep(100000); } if ($done) self::release($task); return $status; } /** * Check whether the given task can be considered failed. This * includes that the task id is invalid, etc. * * @param array $task struct representing task, obtained by ::status * @return boolean true if task failed, false if finished successfully or still waiting/running */ public static function isFailed($task) { if (!is_array($task) || !isset($task['statusCode']) || !isset($task['id'])) return true; if ($task['statusCode'] !== TASK_WAITING && $task['statusCode'] !== TASK_PROCESSING && $task['statusCode'] !== TASK_FINISHED) return true; return false; } /** * Check whether the given task is finished, i.e. either failed or succeeded, * but is not running, still waiting for execution or simply unknown. * * @param array $task struct representing task, obtained by ::status * @return boolean true if task failed or finished, false if waiting for execution or currently executing, no valid task, etc. */ public static function isFinished($task) { if (!is_array($task) || !isset($task['statusCode']) || !isset($task['id'])) return false; if ($task['statusCode'] !== TASK_WAITING && $task['statusCode'] !== TASK_PROCESSING) return true; return false; } public static function addErrorMessage($task) { static $failure = false; if ($task === false) { if (!$failure) { Message::addError('main.taskmanager-error'); $failure = true; } return; } if (!isset($task['statusCode'])) { Message::addError('main.taskmanager-format'); return; } if (isset($task['data']['error'])) { Message::addError('main.task-error', $task['statusCode'] . ' (' . $task['data']['error'] . ')'); return; } Message::addError('main.task-error', $task['statusCode']); } /** * Release a given task from the task manager, so it won't keep the result anymore in case it's finished running. * * @param string $task task to release. can either be its id, or a struct representing the task, as returned * by ::submit() or ::status() */ public static function release($task) { if (is_array($task) && isset($task['id'])) { $task = $task['id']; } if (!is_string($task)) return; self::init(); $seq = (string) mt_rand(); $message = "$seq, release, $task"; socket_send(self::$sock, $message, strlen($message), 0); } /** * Read reply from socket for given sequence number. * * @param string $seq * @return mixed the decoded json data for that message as an array, or null on error */ private static function readReply($seq) { $tries = 0; while (($bytes = socket_recvfrom(self::$sock, $buf, 90000, 0, $bla1, $bla2)) !== false || socket_last_error() === 11) { $parts = explode(',', $buf, 2); // Do we have compressed data? if (substr($parts[0], 0, 3) === '+z:') { $parts[0] = substr($parts[0], 3); $gz = true; } else { $gz = false; } // See if it's our message if (count($parts) === 2 && $parts[0] === $seq) { if ($gz) { $parts[1] = gzinflate($parts[1]); if ($parts[1] === false) { error_log('Taskmanager: Invalid deflate data received'); continue; } } return json_decode($parts[1], true); } if (++$tries > 10) return false; } return false; } } foreach (array('TASK_FINISHED', 'TASK_ERROR', 'TASK_WAITING', 'NO_SUCH_TASK', 'TASK_PROCESSING') as $i) { define($i, $i); }