#!/bin/bash FILE=$(mktemp) if [ -z "$FILE" ]; then echo "Something's fishy: No temp file!" exit 1 fi trap "rm -f -- '$FILE'" EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM START=$(php install.php | grep -m1 '^MODULE=' | cut -d= -f2-) if [ -z "$START" ]; then echo "Cannot install slxadmin - did you configure the DB access properly?" exit 1 fi echo "Started with $START" declare -A COUNTER COUNTER["$START"]=1 NEXT=$START RETRY=0 while true; do php install.php "$NEXT" > "$FILE" MODULE=$(grep -m1 '^MODULE=' "$FILE" | cut -d= -f2-) if [ -z "$MODULE" ]; then echo "Barfed after $NEXT - no module name found in next run" exit 1 fi echo "Next module was ${MODULE}..." (( COUNTER["$MODULE"]++ )) if [ ${COUNTER["$MODULE"]} -gt 3 ]; then echo "Iterated too many times" exit 1 fi STATUS=$(grep -m1 '^STATUS=' "$FILE" | cut -d= -f2-) echo "Result: $STATUS" MESSAGE=$(grep -m1 '^MESSAGE=' "$FILE" | cut -d= -f2-) echo "($MESSAGE)" if [ -z "$STATUS" ] || [ "$STATUS" = "UPDATE_RETRY" ]; then RETRY=1 fi if [ "$MODULE" = "$START" ]; then if [ "$RETRY" = "0" ]; then break fi RETRY=0 fi NEXT=$MODULE done echo "Rebuilding config.tgz modules" php api.php sysconfig --action rebuild echo "Done."