{ "lang_backup": "Backup", "lang_backupDescription": "Here you can backup the complete configuration of this satellite server.", "lang_backupRestore": "Backup and restore", "lang_download": "Download", "lang_dozmodExplanation": "This restores all the virtual machine and lecture meta data created using the \"Dozentenmodul\". Please make sure the VM-storage configured still contains all the VM-Images associated with the virtual machines. If the location of the storage changed, make sure the relative pathes on the share are still the same, otherwise the virtual machines won't be usable.", "lang_file": "File", "lang_restore": "Upload", "lang_restoreDescription": "Here you can restore a configuration backup. Please note that this will reboot the server, so it is advised to do this while nobody is using the system. Please note that this will also restore the password for the web interface that was active when the configuration backup was created.", "lang_restoreDozmodConfig": "Restore Dozentenmodul config", "lang_restoreSystemConfig": "Restore system config", "lang_systemExplanation": "Restore basic configuration like authentication method, passwords, vm storage location, proxy config, etc." }