{ "lang_addUser": "Add user", "lang_assignRoles": "Assign roles", "lang_changeLoginHint": "You can change the login identifier used for logging in. This is only enabled for local accounts that are not linked to LDAP\/AD servers.", "lang_changeOwnPasswordHint": "You can change your own password by clicking you username in the menu.", "lang_changePassword": "Change password", "lang_confirmation": "Confirm Password", "lang_createUser": "Create User", "lang_editUser": "Edit user", "lang_email": "Email", "lang_fullName": "Full Name", "lang_fullnameMissing": "Full name missing", "lang_login": "Login", "lang_loginTooShort": "Login too short", "lang_name": "Name", "lang_passwordTooShort": "Password too short", "lang_passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords do not match", "lang_phone": "Phone", "lang_role": "Role", "lang_userDeleteConfirm": "Do you want to delete this user?", "lang_userIdCol": "ID", "lang_userManagement": "User management", "lang_userlist": "User list" }