getModuleSpecific(); $newValues = Request::post('setting'); if (is_array($newValues)) { User::assertPermission('edit', $this->getPermissionLocationId()); // Build variables for specific sub-settings if ($this->targetModule === false || empty($this->qry_extra['field'])) { // Global, or Module specific, but module doesn't have an extra field $qry_insert = ''; $qry_values = ''; $qry_update = ''; $params = array(); $delExtra = ''; } else { // Module with extra field $qry_insert = ', ' . $this->qry_extra['field']; $qry_values = ', :field_value'; $qry_update = ''; $params = array('field_value' => $this->qry_extra['field_value']); $delExtra = " AND {$this->qry_extra['field']} = :field_value "; $delParams = array('field_value' => $this->qry_extra['field_value']); // Not editing global settings if ($this->getCurrentModuleName() === false) { Message::addError('main.value-invalid', $this->qry_extra['field'], $this->qry_extra['field_value']); Util::redirect('?do=BaseConfig'); } } // Honor override checkbox $override = Request::post('override', array()); // Load all existing config options to validate input $vars = BaseConfigUtil::getVariables(); // First, handle shadowing so we don't create warnings for empty fields BaseConfigUtil::markShadowedVars($vars, $newValues); // Validate input foreach ($vars as $key => $var) { // Delete entries where we disabled override if ($this->targetModule !== false) { // Module mode if (is_array($override) && (!isset($override[$key]) || $override[$key] !== 'on')) { // override not set - delete $delParams['key'] = $key; Database::exec("DELETE FROM {$this->qry_extra['table']} WHERE setting = :key $delExtra", $delParams); continue; } } // Only after that, check if variable is shadowed (disabled) if (isset($var['shadowed'])) continue; $validator = $var['validator']; $displayValue = (isset($newValues[$key]) ? $newValues[$key] : ''); // Validate data first! $mangledValue = Validator::validate($validator, $displayValue); if ($mangledValue === false) { Message::addWarning('main.value-invalid', $key, $displayValue); continue; } // Now put into DB Database::exec("INSERT INTO {$this->qry_extra['table']} (setting, value, displayvalue $qry_insert)" . " VALUES (:key, :value, :displayvalue $qry_values)" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = :value, displayvalue = :displayvalue $qry_update", array( 'key' => $key, 'value' => $mangledValue, 'displayvalue' => $displayValue ) + $params ); } Message::addSuccess('settings-updated'); if ($this->targetModule === false) { Util::redirect('?do=BaseConfig', true); } elseif (empty($this->qry_extra['field'])) { Util::redirect('?do=BaseConfig&module=' . $this->targetModule, true); } else { Util::redirect('?do=BaseConfig&module=' . $this->targetModule . '&' . $this->qry_extra['field'] . '=' . $this->qry_extra['field_value'], true); } } // Load categories so we can define them as sub menu items $this->categories = BaseConfigUtil::getCategories(); asort($this->categories, SORT_DESC); foreach ($this->categories as $catid => $val) { Dashboard::addSubmenu( '#category_' . $catid, Dictionary::translateFileModule($this->categories[$catid]['module'], 'config-variable-categories', $catid, true) ); } } protected function doRender() { // Check if valid submodule mode, store name if any if ($this->targetModule !== false) { $this->qry_extra['subheading'] = $this->getCurrentModuleName(); if ($this->qry_extra['subheading'] === false) { Message::addError('main.value-invalid', $this->qry_extra['field'], $this->qry_extra['field_value']); Util::redirect('?do=BaseConfig'); } } $lid = $this->getPermissionLocationId(); User::assertPermission('view', $lid); $editForbidden = !User::hasPermission('edit', $lid); // Get stuff that's set in DB already if ($this->targetModule !== false && isset($this->qry_extra['field'])) { $fields = ''; $where = " WHERE {$this->qry_extra['field']} = :field_value"; $params = array('field_value' => $this->qry_extra['field_value']); } else { $fields = ''; $where = ''; $params = array(); } $parents = $this->getInheritanceData(); // List config options $settings = array(); $varsFromJson = BaseConfigUtil::getVariables(); // Remember missing variables $missing = $varsFromJson; // Populate structure with existing config from db $this->fillSettings($varsFromJson, $settings, $missing, $this->qry_extra['table'], $fields, $where, $params, false); // Add entries that weren't in the db (global), setup override checkbox (module specific) foreach ($varsFromJson as $key => $var) { if ($this->targetModule !== false && !isset($settings[$var['catid']]['settings'][$key])) { // Module specific - value is not set in DB $settings[$var['catid']]['settings'][$key] = array( 'setting' => $key ); } $entry =& $settings[$var['catid']]['settings'][$key]; if (!isset($entry['displayvalue'])) { if (isset($parents[$key][0]['value'])) { $entry['displayvalue'] = $parents[$key][0]['value']; } else { $entry['displayvalue'] = $var['defaultvalue']; } } if (!isset($entry['shadows'])) { $entry['shadows'] = isset($var['shadows']) ? $var['shadows'] : null; } $entry += array( 'item' => $this->makeInput( $var['validator'], $key, $entry['displayvalue'], $entry['shadows'], $editForbidden ), 'description' => Util::markup(Dictionary::translateFileModule($var['module'], 'config-variables', $key)), 'setting' => $key, 'tree' => isset($parents[$key]) ? $parents[$key] : false, ); } unset($entry); // Sort categories $sortvals = array(); foreach ($settings as $catid => &$setting) { $sortvals[] = isset($this->categories[$catid]) ? (int)$this->categories[$catid]['sortpos'] : 99999; $setting['category_id'] = $catid; $setting['category_name'] = Dictionary::translateFileModule($this->categories[$catid]['module'], 'config-variable-categories', $catid); if ($setting['category_name'] === false) { $setting['category_name'] = $catid; } ksort($setting['settings']); $setting['settings'] = array_values($setting['settings']); } unset($setting); array_multisort($sortvals, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, $settings); Render::addTemplate('_page', array( 'override' => $this->targetModule !== false, 'categories' => array_values($settings), 'target_module' => $this->targetModule, 'edit_disabled' => $editForbidden ? 'disabled' : '', 'redirect' => Request::get('redirect'), ) + $this->qry_extra); } private function fillSettings($vars, &$settings, &$missing, $table, $fields, $where, $params, $sourceName) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT setting, value, displayvalue $fields FROM $table " . " {$where} ORDER BY setting ASC", $params); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (!isset($missing[$row['setting']])) continue; if (!isset($vars[$row['setting']]) || !is_array($vars[$row['setting']])) { $unknown[] = $row['setting']; continue; } unset($missing[$row['setting']]); if ($this->targetModule !== false) { $row['checked'] = 'checked'; } $row += $vars[$row['setting']]; if (!isset($row['catid'])) { $row['catid'] = 'unknown'; } $settings[$row['catid']]['settings'][$row['setting']] = $row; } } private function getCurrentModuleName() { if (isset($this->qry_extra['tostring'])) { $method = explode('::', $this->qry_extra['tostring']); return call_user_func($method, $this->qry_extra['field_value']); } if (isset($this->qry_extra['field'])) { return $this->targetModule . ' // ' . $this->qry_extra['field'] . '=' . $this->qry_extra['field_value']; } return $this->targetModule; } private function getModuleSpecific() { $module = Request::any('module', '', 'string'); if ($module === '') { $this->qry_extra = array( 'table' => 'setting_global', ); return; } //\\//\\//\\ if (!Module::isAvailable($module)) { Message::addError('', $module); Util::redirect('?do=baseconfig'); } $file = 'modules/' . $module . '/baseconfig/hook.json'; if (!file_exists($file)) { Message::addError('no-module-hook', $module); Util::redirect('?do=baseconfig'); } $hook = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); if (empty($hook['table'])) { Message::addError('invalid-hook', $module); Util::redirect('?do=baseconfig'); } if (isset($hook['field'])) { $hook['field_value'] = Request::any($hook['field'], '0', 'string'); } $this->targetModule = $module; $this->qry_extra = $hook; } private function getPermissionLocationId() { if (!isset($this->qry_extra['locationResolver']) || !isset($this->qry_extra['field_value'])) return 0; $func = explode('::', $this->qry_extra['locationResolver']); return (int)call_user_func($func, $this->qry_extra['field_value']); } private function getInheritanceData() { if (!isset($this->qry_extra['getInheritance']) || !isset($this->qry_extra['field_value'])) { BaseConfig::prepareDefaults(); return ConfigHolder::getRecursiveConfig(true); } $func = explode('::', $this->qry_extra['getInheritance']); return call_user_func($func, $this->qry_extra['field_value']); } /** * Create html snippet for setting, based on given validator * @param string $validator * @return boolean */ private function makeInput($validator, $setting, $current, $shadows, $disabled) { /* for the html snippet we need: */ $args = array('class' => 'form-control', 'name' => "setting[$setting]", 'id' => $setting); if (!empty($shadows)) { $args['data-shadows'] = json_encode($shadows); } if ($disabled) { $args['disabled'] = true; } $inner = ""; /* -- */ $parts = explode(':', $validator, 2); if ($parts[0] === 'list') { $items = explode('|', $parts[1]); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item === $current) { $inner .= ""; } else { $inner .= ""; } } $tag = 'select'; unset($args['type']); $current = ''; } elseif ($parts[0] == 'multilist') { $items = explode('|', $parts[1]); $args['multiple'] = 'multiple'; $args['class'] .= " multilist"; $args['name'] .= '[]'; $selected = explode(' ', $current); foreach ($items as $item) { if (in_array($item, $selected)) { $inner .= ""; } else { $inner .= ""; } } $tag = 'select'; unset($args['type']); $current = ''; } else { // Everything else is a text input for now $tag = 'input'; $args['value'] = $current; $args['type'] = 'text'; /* Password field guessing */ if (stripos($validator, 'password') !== false) { $args['type'] = Property::getPasswordFieldType(); } } /* multiinput: enter multiple free-form strings*/ if ($validator === 'multiinput') { $args['class'] .= " multiinput"; } $output = "<$tag "; foreach ($args as $key => $val) { if ($val === true) { $output .= $key . ' '; } $output .= "$key=\"" . htmlspecialchars($val) . '" '; } if (empty($inner)) { $output .= '>'; } else { $output .= '>' . $inner . ""; } return $output; } }