{ "SLX_ADDONS": "Addons to load. Currently, only *vmware* is available.", "SLX_AUTOSTART_UUID": "ID of a lecture which is automatically started. The lecture-ID is found in the detail window of a lecture in the bwLehrpool-Suite. \r\n\r\n*This solution is only temporary. In later versions this feature will probably be moved to another section*", "SLX_BIOS_CLOCK": "Specifies whether and how the internal clock of the computer should be set in relation to the system time of the \/MiniLinux\/.\r\n*off* = The internal clock of the computer is not changed.\r\n*local* = The internal clock is set to local time. Preferably if, for example, there is still a native Windows installation available on the PC.\r\n*utc* = The internal clock is set to the \/Coordinated Universal Time\/. This is the most common setup in a pure Linux environment.", "SLX_DEMO_PASS": "Password for the *demo* account. Leave empty to disallow logging in as the demo user.\r\nLike the root password, the demo user's password will be sent to the client in its hashed form.", "SLX_LOGOUT_TIMEOUT": "Time \/in seconds\/, in which a user session may remain without action before it is terminated.Leave field blank to disable the function.", "SLX_NET_DOMAIN": "DNS domain in which the client integrate, provided the DHCP server does not specifies such.", "SLX_NTP_SERVER": "Address of the NTP time server. Multiple servers can be specified separated by spaces.The servers are queried in sequence until a responding server is found.", "SLX_PRINT_USER_PREFIX": "Prefix to add to the user name in the authentication dialog of PrinterGUI.\r\nIf your print server belongs to a Windows domain and requires the domain name prefixed, set this field to *domainname\\*. Note the trailing backslash, it will not be inserted automatically. If your print server just wants the plain user name, this field should be left blank.", "SLX_PROXY_BLACKLIST": "Address or addresses ranges in which the proxy server is not used (for example the address range of the device). Valid entries are individual IP addresses and IP ranges in CIDR notation (for example\/16). Multiple selections can be separated by spaces.", "SLX_PROXY_IP": "The address to use for the proxy server.", "SLX_PROXY_MODE": "Determines whether a proxy server is required to access the Internet.\r\n*off* = do not use a Proxy.\r\n*on* = Always use proxy.\r\n*auto* = Only use proxy when the client PC is in a private address space.", "SLX_PROXY_PORT": "The port to use for the proxy server.", "SLX_PROXY_TYPE": "Type of the proxy.*socks4*, *socks5*, *http-connect* (HTTP proxy with support from the CONNECT method), *http-relay* (Classic HTTP proxy)", "SLX_REBOOT_SCHEDULE": "Fixed time to reboot the computer, even if there is a user active.\r\nSeveral times can be specified, separated by spaces.", "SLX_REMOTE_LOG_SESSIONS": "Determines whether logins and logouts of the users should be reported to the satellite.\r\n*yes* = log with user ID\r\n*anonymous* = anonymous logging\r\n*no* = no logging", "SLX_ROOT_PASS": "The root password of the client system. Only required for diagnostic purposes on the client.Leave field blank to disallow root logins.\r\n\/Hint\/: The password SHA-512-with-salt hashed before it's being sent to the client. It's only stored in clear text on the Satellite Server. If you want to have it hashed on the server too, you can supply a pre-hashed passoword in \/$6$...$...\/-format.", "SLX_SCREEN_STANDBY_TIMEOUT": "Time in seconds after which the screen will enter power saving mode, if the client is not in use.", "SLX_SHUTDOWN_SCHEDULE": "Fixed time to turn off the computer, even if there is a user active.\r\nSeveral times can be specified, separated by spaces.", "SLX_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT": "Time in seconds after which a computer is switched off, if no user is logged on.\r\nLeave blank to disable the function.", "SLX_VMCHOOSER_FORLOCATION": "Defines how lectures special to the user's location are handled in the vmchooser.\r\n*IGNORE*: Sort them alphabetically among the global lectures.\r\n*BUMP*: Put them atop the global lectures.\r\n*EXCLUSIVE*: Put them atop the global lectures and aditionally collapse the node which contains the global lectures.", "SLX_VMCHOOSER_TAB": "Defines which tab is show by default, if the user doesn't have stored a last used session on his persistent home directory.\r\n*0*: Native Linux sessions\r\n*1*: User specific lectures\r\n*2*: All lectures\r\n*AUTO*: If the computer has low system specs, show the Linux sessions, otherwise, show all lectures", "SLX_VMCHOOSER_TEMPLATES": "Defines how lectures that link to template VMs are treated wrt sorting.\r\n*IGNORE*: Sort among regular lectures\r\n*BUMP*: Move to top of list" }