{ "lang_confirm": "Would you like to save the settings on [ \/srv\/openslx\/www\/boot\/config ] ?", "lang_create": "Create", "lang_explanationText": "Here you can configure what kind of partitions will be created on the client computers, and where they will be mounted", "lang_helpId": "Partition Id", "lang_helpMountPoint": "Must be a directory: \/example\/directory\/", "lang_helpOptions": "Currently, only option 'bootable' is available", "lang_helpSize": "Must be in Gigabytes e.g. 15G", "lang_newPartition": "New Partition", "lang_partitionId": "Id", "lang_partitionManagement": "Partition Managment", "lang_partitionMountPoint": "Mount Point", "lang_partitionOptions": "Options", "lang_partitionSize": "Size", "lang_resetConfirm": "Do you really wish to reset the variable to their default values?", "lang_resetDefault": "Reset Default" }