') { $hasSelf = true; } if (!is_null($row['fixedip'])) { $ip = $row['fixedip']; } elseif (!is_null($row['clientip'])) { $ip = $row['clientip']; } else { continue; // Huh? } if (!is_null($row['machineuuid'])) { unset($dynClients[$row['machineuuid']]); if ($row['clientip'] === $satServerIp) { // Lolwut, sat server is openslx client configured for proxy mode!? baleeted. RunMode::setRunMode($row['machineuuid'], 'dnbd3', null, null, null); continue; } } elseif ($ip === $satServerIp) { // Manually configured sat server as dnbd3 server - makes no sense continue; } $server = array( 'serverid' => $row['serverid'], 'addr' => $ip, ); $servers[] = $server; } // See if any clients are in dnbd3 proxy mode but don't have a matching row in the dnbd3_server table foreach ($dynClients as $client) { if (isset($allUuids[$client['machineuuid']])) continue; Database::exec('INSERT IGNORE INTO dnbd3_server (machineuuid) VALUES (:machineuuid)', array('machineuuid' => $client['machineuuid'])); // Missing from $servers now but we'll handle them in the next run, so don't bother } // Same for this server - we use the special fixedip '' for it and need to make surecx we don't have the // IP address of the server itself in the list. Database::exec('DELETE FROM dnbd3_server WHERE fixedip = :serverip', array('serverip' => $satServerIp)); if (!$hasSelf) { Database::exec("INSERT IGNORE INTO dnbd3_server (fixedip) VALUES ('')"); } // Delete orphaned entries with machineuuid from dnbd3_server where we don't have a runmode entry Database::exec('DELETE s FROM dnbd3_server s LEFT JOIN runmode r USING (machineuuid) WHERE s.machineuuid IS NOT NULL AND r.module IS NULL'); // Now query them all $NOW = time(); foreach ($servers as $server) { $data = Dnbd3Rpc::query($server['addr'], [Dnbd3Rpc::QUERY_STATS, Dnbd3Rpc::QUERY_SPACE]); if ($data === Dnbd3Rpc::ERROR_UNREACHABLE) { $error = 'No (HTTP) reply from ' . $server['addr']; } elseif ($data === Dnbd3Rpc::ERROR_NOT_200) { $error = 'No HTTP 200 OK from ' . $server['addr']; } elseif ($data === Dnbd3Rpc::ERROR_NOT_JSON) { $error = 'Reply to status query is not JSON'; } elseif (!is_array($data) || !isset($data['runId'])) { if (is_array($data) && isset($data['errorMsg'])) { $error = 'DNBD3: ' . $data['errorMsg']; } else { $error = 'Reply to status query has unexpected format'; } } else { $error = false; } if ($error !== false) { Database::exec('UPDATE dnbd3_server SET uptime = 0, clientcount = 0, errormsg = :errormsg WHERE serverid = :serverid', array('serverid' => $server['serverid'], 'errormsg' => $error)); continue; } // Seems up - since we only get absolute rx/tx values from the server, we have to prevent update race conditions // and make sure the server was not restarted in the meantime (use runid and uptime for this) Database::exec('UPDATE dnbd3_server SET runid = :runid, lastseen = :now, uptime = :uptime, totalup = totalup + If(runid = :runid AND uptime <= :uptime, If(lastup < :up, :up - lastup, 0), If(:uptime < 1800, :up, 0)), totaldown = totaldown + If(runid = :runid AND uptime <= :uptime, If(lastdown < :down, :down - lastdown, 0), If(:uptime < 1800, :up, 0)), lastup = :up, lastdown = :down, clientcount = :clientcount, disktotal = :disktotal, diskfree = :diskfree, errormsg = NULL WHERE serverid = :serverid', array( 'runid' => $data['runId'], 'now' => $NOW, 'uptime' => $data['uptime'], 'up' => $data['bytesSent'], 'down' => $data['bytesReceived'], 'clientcount' => $data['clientCount'], 'serverid' => $server['serverid'], 'disktotal' => $data['spaceTotal'], 'diskfree' => $data['spaceFree'], )); } } /** * A client is booting that has runmode dnbd3 proxy - set config vars accordingly. * * @param string $mode always 'proxy' */ public static function runmodeConfigHook(string $machineUuid, string $mode, string $modeData) { $self = Property::getServerIp(); // Get all directly assigned locations $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT locationid FROM dnbd3_server INNER JOIN dnbd3_server_x_location USING (serverid) WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', array('uuid' => $machineUuid)); $assignedLocs = array(); foreach ($res as $row) { $assignedLocs[] = $row['locationid']; } $modeData = (array)json_decode($modeData, true) + self::defaultRunmodeConfig(); if (!empty($assignedLocs) && ($modeData['firewall'] ?? false)) { // Get all sub-locations too $recursiveLocs = $assignedLocs; $locations = Location::getLocationsAssoc(); foreach ($assignedLocs as $l) { if (isset($locations[$l])) { $recursiveLocs = array_merge($recursiveLocs, $locations[$l]['children']); } } $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT startaddr, endaddr FROM subnet WHERE locationid IN (:locs)', array('locs' => array_values($recursiveLocs))); // Coalesce overlapping ranges $floatIp = ip2long($self); // Float for 32bit php :/ $ranges = [['startaddr' => $floatIp, 'endaddr' => $floatIp]]; foreach ($res as $row) { settype($row['startaddr'], 'int'); settype($row['endaddr'], 'int'); self::mergeRanges($ranges, $row); } // Got subnets, build whitelist $opt = ''; foreach ($ranges as $row) { $opt .= ' ' . self::range2Cidr($row['startaddr'], $row['endaddr']); } if (!empty($opt)) { ConfigHolder::add('SLX_DNBD3_WHITELIST', $opt, 1000); } } // Send list of other proxy servers $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT s.fixedip, m.clientip, sxl.locationid FROM dnbd3_server s LEFT JOIN machine m USING (machineuuid) LEFT JOIN dnbd3_server_x_location sxl USING (serverid) WHERE s.machineuuid <> :uuid OR s.machineuuid IS NULL', array('uuid' => $machineUuid)); $public = array(); $private = array(); $public[$self] = $self; foreach ($res as $row) { $ip = $row['fixedip'] ?: $row['clientip']; if ($ip === '') { continue; } if (is_null($row['locationid'])) { if (!array_key_exists($ip, $private)) { $public[$ip] = $ip; } } else { unset($public[$ip]); $private[$ip] = $ip; } } if (!empty($public)) { shuffle($public); ConfigHolder::add('SLX_DNBD3_PUBLIC', implode(' ', $public)); } if (!empty($private)) { shuffle($private); ConfigHolder::add('SLX_DNBD3_PRIVATE', implode(' ', $private)); } if (isset($modeData['bgr']) && $modeData['bgr']) { // Background replication ConfigHolder::add('SLX_DNBD3_BGR', '1'); } // Extra config options if (!empty($modeData['advancedSettings'])) { $str = ''; foreach ($modeData['advancedSettings'] as $k => $v) { $str .= str_replace(["\n", "\r", "\t", ' '], '', $k . '=' . $v) . ' '; } ConfigHolder::add('SLX_DNBD3_EXTRA', $str); } ConfigHolder::add('SLX_ADDONS', '', 1000); ConfigHolder::add('SLX_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT', '', 1000); ConfigHolder::add('SLX_SHUTDOWN_SCHEDULE', '', 1000); ConfigHolder::add('SLX_REBOOT_TIMEOUT', '', 1000); ConfigHolder::add('SLX_REBOOT_SCHEDULE', '', 1000); ConfigHolder::add('SLX_SYSTEM_STANDBY_TIMEOUT', '', 1000); } /** * Get smallest subnet in CIDR notation that covers the given range. * The subnet denoted by the CIDR notation might actually be larger * than the range described by $start and $end. * * @param int $start start address * @param int $end end address * @return string CIDR notation */ private static function range2Cidr(int $start, int $end): string { $bin = decbin($start ^ $end); if ($bin === '0') return long2ip($start); $mask = 32 - strlen($bin); return long2ip($start) . '/' . $mask; } private static function mergeRanges(&$ranges, $row) { if ($row['startaddr'] >= $row['endaddr']) return; // Don't even bother foreach (array_keys($ranges) as $key) { if ($row['startaddr'] <= $ranges[$key]['startaddr'] && $row['endaddr'] >= $ranges[$key]['endaddr']) { // Fully dominated unset($ranges[$key]); continue; // Might partially overlap with additional ranges, keep going } if ($ranges[$key]['startaddr'] <= $row['startaddr'] && $ranges[$key]['endaddr'] >= $row['startaddr']) { // $row['startaddr'] lies within existing range if ($ranges[$key]['startaddr'] <= $row['endaddr'] && $ranges[$key]['endaddr'] >= $row['endaddr']) return; // Fully in existing range, do nothing // $row['endaddr'] seems to extend range we're checking against but $row['startaddr'] lies within this range, update and keep going $row['startaddr'] = $ranges[$key]['startaddr']; unset($ranges[$key]); continue; } // Last possibility: $row['startaddr'] is before range, $row['endaddr'] within range if ($ranges[$key]['startaddr'] <= $row['endaddr'] && $ranges[$key]['endaddr'] >= $row['endaddr']) { // $row['startaddr'] must lie before range start, otherwise we'd have hit the case above $row['endaddr'] = $ranges[$key]['endaddr']; unset($ranges[$key]); //continue; } } $ranges[] = $row; } /** * @return array{bgr: bool, firewall: bool} */ public static function defaultRunmodeConfig(): array { return [ 'bgr' => true, 'firewall' => false ]; } public static function matchAddress($server) { if (!preg_match('/^(?:\[(?[a-f0-9:]+)\]|(?[a-f0-9:]+)|(?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+))(?:\d+)?$/i', $server, $out)) { return false; } foreach (['v6a', 'v6b'] as $k) { if (isset($out[$k])) { $out['v6'] = $out[$k]; unset($out[$k]); } } return $out; } }