{ "lang_actionTarget": "Action target", "lang_allowLoginByDefault": "Allow all staff members to login and use the bwLehrpool-Suite", "lang_allowLoginDescription": "If this option is enabled, all members of the organization marked as staff or employee are allowed to login to this server and manage VMs\/courses. Otherwise, new users need to be individually allowed access after their first login attempt by visiting the sub page \"users and permissions\" in this web interface.", "lang_asteriskRequired": "Fields marked with (*) are required", "lang_blockCount": "Block count", "lang_canLoginOrganization": "Users from this organization can login", "lang_canLoginUser": "This user can login", "lang_createTime": "Created", "lang_currentFilter": "Current filter", "lang_defaultImagePermissionAdmin": "Administrate", "lang_defaultImagePermissionDownload": "Download", "lang_defaultImagePermissionEdit": "Edit", "lang_defaultImagePermissionLink": "Link lecture", "lang_defaultImagePermissions": "For VMs", "lang_defaultLecturePermissions": "For lectures", "lang_defaultPermissions": "Default permissions", "lang_delButton": "Permanently delete selected images", "lang_descriptionPermissionConfig": "These are the default permissions being used for VMs and lectures if the owner does not specify any.", "lang_descriptionRuntimeLimits": "Here you can define some limits, e.g. how long a newly uploaded VM will be valid. This should make sure that you don't end up with a lot of old, unused VMs over time.\r\n\r\nModified settings won't apply for already existing VMs.", "lang_description_delete_images": "This is a list of VMs that either expired, or where the disk image is damaged or missing. These VMs are not available in bwLehrpool currently, but you have to manually confirm the deletion of the disk images for safety reasons (clock skew etc.)", "lang_dozmodLogHeading": "bwLehrpool-Suite action log", "lang_email": "E-Mail", "lang_emailNotifications": "E-Mail notifications enabled", "lang_error": "Error", "lang_event": "Event", "lang_fileSize": "File size", "lang_followingPlaceholdersUnused": "The following placeholders are not being used", "lang_hasNewer": "Newer version exists", "lang_hash": "Hash", "lang_heading": "Images marked for deletion", "lang_host": "Host", "lang_image": "VM", "lang_lastEditor": "Edited by", "lang_lastLogin": "Last login", "lang_latestVersion": "latest version", "lang_lecture": "Lecture", "lang_lecturePermissionAdmin": "Administrate", "lang_lecturePermissionEdit": "Edit", "lang_loadDefaults": "Reset all templates to their defaults", "lang_mailConfig": "SMTP configuration for sending mails", "lang_mailConfigHeadline": "email configuration", "lang_mailDescription": "Fill in the following fields if you want to notify tutors\/professors\/lecturers about expiring VMs and lectures. If you leave one of the required fields blank, the feature will be disabled.", "lang_mailTemplates": "E-Mail templates", "lang_maxImageValidity": "New VM validity (days)", "lang_maxLectureVisibility": "Max time lecture end date may lie in the future (days)", "lang_maxLocationsPerLecture": "Max. explicit locations per lecture", "lang_maxTransfers": "Max concurrent transfers per user", "lang_miscOptions": "Misc options", "lang_modified": "modified", "lang_organization": "Organization", "lang_organizationList": "List of organizations", "lang_organizationListHeader": "Set access permissions for organizations", "lang_os": "Operating System", "lang_owner": "Owner", "lang_password": "Password", "lang_placeholders": "Placeholders", "lang_port": "Port", "lang_reallyResetTemplates": "Are you sure you want to reset all texts to their default values?", "lang_replaceWithOriginal": "load original text into text box", "lang_replyTo": "Reply-To address", "lang_runtimeConfig": "Limits and Defaults", "lang_runtimeConfigHeadline": "Configure limits and defaults for bwLehrpool-Suite", "lang_runtimeConfigLimits": "Limitations", "lang_senderAddress": "Sender address", "lang_senderName": "Sender's display name", "lang_size": "Size", "lang_spaceWastedDuplication": "Potentially wasted space by duplicate blocks", "lang_ssl": "SSL mode", "lang_sslExplicit": "Explicit SSL (\"STARTTLS\")", "lang_sslImplicit": "Implicit SSL", "lang_sslNone": "No SSL", "lang_subHeading": "Expired or damaged images", "lang_superUser": "Is super user (can edit\/delete all lectures and VMs)", "lang_system": "System", "lang_template": "Template", "lang_templatePageDescription": "Here you can edit text fragments that are used to compose the information and reminder mails sent by the bwLehrpool server, e.g. when a lecture or VM is about to expire.", "lang_test": "Send test mail", "lang_testConfiguration": "To test the configuration, enter a recipient address here", "lang_testRecipient": "Recipient", "lang_thisVersion": "this version", "lang_updateTime": "Last update", "lang_user": "User name", "lang_userId": "User id", "lang_userList": "User list", "lang_userListDescription": "Here you can promote \"super users\", which will have all permissions in the bwLehrpool-Suite. You can also ban users from accessing this server via the bwLehrpool-Suite.", "lang_userListHeader": "Users known to this satellite", "lang_username": "User name (SMTP auth)", "lang_version": "Version timestamp", "lang_when": "When" }