{ "lang_add": "Add", "lang_additionalMailAddresses": "Additional mail addresses", "lang_autoJson": "Full JSON data", "lang_autoJsonHelp": "The field \"POST format\" is ignored. The POST payload is a JSON struct with all available data regarding the according event. \"Subject\" and \"Message\" are ignored as well.", "lang_copy": "Copy", "lang_createFilter": "Create filter", "lang_details": "Details", "lang_editFilter": "Edit filter", "lang_editMail": "Edit mail", "lang_editTransport": "Edit transport", "lang_event": "Event", "lang_eventLog": "Server Log", "lang_filterArg": "Argument", "lang_filterExampleHelpText": "Here you can define filters for different events. Fields \"type\" and \"path\" contain example values, which can be displayed by single- or double-clicking (depending on browser) the according field.", "lang_filterOp": "Op", "lang_filterPath": "Path", "lang_filterResult": "Resulting string", "lang_filterRules": "Filter rules", "lang_formDataHelp": "POST event als urlencoded form data. Put your desired post string into the field above and use %TEXT% and %SUBJECT% as placeholders for where the according event fields go.", "lang_hintRegex": "If you use a regex, you can use capture groups in the filter expression, and refer to them later on in your message body.", "lang_host": "Host", "lang_http": "HTTP", "lang_httpMethod": "HTTP method", "lang_httpPostField": "HTTP post payload", "lang_httpPostFormat": "HTTP post payload Content-Type", "lang_httpUri": "URI", "lang_id": "ID", "lang_index": "Index", "lang_irc": "IRC", "lang_ircNickname": "Nickname", "lang_ircServer": "Server", "lang_ircServerPassword": "Server password", "lang_ircTarget": "Target Channel\/Nick", "lang_jsonStringHelp": "Supply a json struct containing placeholders %SUBJECT% and\/or %TEXT% in the \"HTTP post payload\" fied above.", "lang_logAndEvents": "Server log and event filtering", "lang_mail": "Mail", "lang_mailConfig": "Mail config", "lang_mailUsers": "Users to mail", "lang_mailconfigs": "Mail configs", "lang_messageTemplate": "Message template", "lang_messageTemplateHelp": "You can refer to the matched rules above by using their index in percentage-signs, like %0%, %1%, etc. If you use a regex with capture groups, you can refer to them individually by using %n:1%, %n:2% etc. Furthermode, you can format raw numbers by appending \"b\", \"kb\", \"mb\", \"gb\" to interpret the given value as bytes (or kilobytes, megabytes, etc.), \"ts\" if the input value is a unix timestamp, \"d\" to turn a duration in seconds into human readable format, and \"L\" to turn a location id into the according location name.", "lang_noMailConfig": "No mail config", "lang_optionalDescription": "Description (for reference only)", "lang_port": "Port", "lang_postUseSUBJECTandTEXThint": "Use %SUBJECT% and %TEXT% placeholders which will be escaped properly, according to chosen POST format.", "lang_reallyDelete": "Config deletion?", "lang_replyTo": "Reply to", "lang_rules": "Rules", "lang_sampleData": "Sample data", "lang_selectTransports": "Select transports", "lang_senderAddress": "Sender address", "lang_ssl": "TLS", "lang_sslExplicit": "Explicit TLS", "lang_sslImplicit": "Implicit TLS", "lang_sslNone": "No TLS", "lang_subject": "Subject", "lang_title": "Title", "lang_transportGroup": "Transport group", "lang_transports": "Transports", "lang_type": "Type", "lang_typeExample": "Example", "lang_uriUseSUBJECTandTEXThint": "You can use %SUBJECT% and %TEXT% in the URI too. They will be url-encoded.", "lang_when": "When" }