fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($dbresult['hidden'] == false) { $filteredArray[] = (int)$dbresult['locationid']; } } } return $filteredArray; } // ########## ########## /** * Gets the room info of the given rooms. * * @param $idList Array list of ids. * @param bool $coords Defines if coords should be included or not. * @return string Roominfo JSON */ function getRoomInfo($idList, $coords = false) { $coordinates = (string)$coords; $dbresult = array(); if (!empty($idList)) { // Build SQL Query for multiple ids. $query = "SELECT l.locationid, m.machineuuid, m.position, m.logintime, m.lastseen, m.lastboot FROM location_info AS l LEFT JOIN `machine` AS m ON l.locationid = m.locationid WHERE l.hidden = 0 AND l.locationid IN ("; $query .= implode(",", $idList); $query .= ")"; // Execute query. $dbquery = Database::simpleQuery($query); // Fetch db data. while ($dbdata = $dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { // Set the id if the locationid changed. if (!isset($dbresult[$dbdata['locationid']])) { $dbresult[$dbdata['locationid']] = array('id' => $dbdata['locationid'], 'computer' => array()); } // Left join, no data if (empty($dbdata['machineuuid'])) continue; // Compact the pc data in one array. $pc['id'] = $dbdata['machineuuid']; if ($coordinates == '1' || $coordinates == 'true') { $position = json_decode($dbdata['position'], true); $pc['x'] = $position['gridCol']; $pc['y'] = $position['gridRow']; if (isset($position['overlays'])) { $pc['overlay'] = $position['overlays']; } else { $pc['overlay'] = array(); } } $pc['pcState'] = LocationInfo::getPcState($dbdata); // Add the array to the computer list. $dbresult[$dbdata['locationid']]['computer'][] = $pc; } } // The array keys are only used for the isset -> Return only the values. return json_encode(array_values($dbresult), true); } // ########## ########### // ########## ########## /** * Gets the Opening time of the given locations. * * @param $idList Array list of locations * @return string Opening times JSON */ function getOpeningTime($idList) { $locations = Location::getLocationsAssoc(); $allIds = $idList; foreach ($idList as $id) { if (isset($locations[$id]) && isset($locations[$id]['parents'])) { $allIds = array_merge($allIds, $locations[$id]['parents']); } } if (empty($allIds)) return '[]'; $openingTimes = array(); $qs = '?' . str_repeat(',?', count($allIds) - 1); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, openingtime FROM location_info WHERE locationid IN ($qs)", array_values($allIds)); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $openingTimes[(int)$row['locationid']] = $row['openingtime']; } $returnValue = array(); foreach ($idList as $locationid) { $id = $locationid; while ($id !== 0) { if (!empty($openingTimes[$id])) { $cal = json_decode($openingTimes[$id], true); if (is_array($cal)) { $cal = formatOpeningtime($cal); } if (!empty($cal)) { $returnValue[] = array( 'id' => $locationid, 'openingtime' => $cal, ); break; } } $id = $locations[$id]['parentlocationid']; } } return json_encode($returnValue); } /** * Format the openingtime in the frontend needed format. * One key per week day, wich contains an array of { * 'HourOpen' => hh, 'MinutesOpen' => mm, * 'HourClose' => hh, 'MinutesClose' => mm } * * @param array $openingtime The opening time in the db saved format. * @return mixed The opening time in the frontend needed format. */ function formatOpeningtime($openingtime) { $weekarray = array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"); foreach ($weekarray as $d) { $array = array(); foreach ($openingtime as $opt) { foreach ($opt['days'] as $val) { if ($val == $d) { $arr = array(); $openTime = explode(':', $opt['openingtime']); $arr['HourOpen'] = $openTime[0]; $arr['MinutesOpen'] = $openTime[1]; $closeTime = explode(':', $opt['closingtime']); $arr['HourClose'] = $closeTime[0]; $arr['MinutesClose'] = $closeTime[1]; $array[] = $arr; } } if (!empty($array)) { $result[$d] = $array; } } } return $result; } // ########## ########## /** * Gets the config of the location. * * @param $locationID ID of the location */ function getConfig($locationID) { $dbresult = Database::queryFirst("SELECT l.locationname, li.config, li.serverroomid, s.servertype, s.serverurl FROM `location_info` AS li RIGHT JOIN `location` AS l ON l.locationid=li.locationid LEFT JOIN `setting_location_info` AS s ON s.serverid=li.serverid WHERE l.locationid=:locationID", array('locationID' => $locationID)); $config = array(); if ($dbresult['locationname'] == null) { $config = array(); } else { if ($dbresult['config'] == null) { defaultConfig($config); } else { $config = json_decode($dbresult['config'], true); } $config['room'] = $dbresult['locationname']; $date = getdate(); $config['time'] = $date['year'] . "-" . $date['mon'] . "-" . $date['mday'] . " " . $date['hours'] . ":" . $date['minutes'] . ":" . $date['seconds']; } echo json_encode($config, true); } /** * Creates and returns a default config for room that didn't saved a config yet. * * @return Return a default config. */ function defaultConfig(&$config) { $config['language'] = 'en'; $config['mode'] = 1; $config['vertical'] = false; $config['eco'] = false; $config['scaledaysauto'] = true; $config['daystoshow'] = 7; $config['rotation'] = 0; $config['scale'] = 50; $config['switchtime'] = 20; $config['calupdate'] = 30; $config['roomupdate'] = 5; $config['configupdate'] = 180; return $config; } /** * Gets the pc states of the given locations. * * @param $idList Array list of the location ids. * @return string PC state JSON */ function getPcStates($idList) { $pcStates = array(); $roominfoList = json_decode(getRoomInfo($idList), true); foreach ($roominfoList as $roomInfo) { $result['id'] = $roomInfo['id']; $idle = 0; $occupied = 0; $off = 0; $broken = 0; foreach ($roomInfo['computer'] as $computer) { if ($computer['pcState'] == "IDLE") { $idle++; } elseif ($computer['pcState'] == "OCCUPIED") { $occupied++; } elseif ($computer['pcState'] == "OFF") { $off++; } elseif ($computer['pcState'] == "BROKEN") { $broken++; } } $result['idle'] = $idle; $result['occupied'] = $occupied; $result['off'] = $off; $result['broken'] = $broken; $pcStates[] = $result; } return json_encode($pcStates); } /** * Gets the room tree of the given locations. * * @param int[] $idList Array list of the locations. * @return string Room tree JSON. */ function getRoomTree($idList) { $locations = Location::getTree(); $ret = findRooms($locations, $idList); return json_encode($ret); } function findRooms($locations, $idList) { $ret = array(); foreach ($locations as $location) { if (in_array($location['locationid'], $idList)) { $ret[] = $location; } elseif (!empty($location['children'])) { $ret = array_merge($ret, findRooms($location['children'], $idList)); } } return $ret; } // ########## ########### /** * Gets the calendar of the given ids. * * @param $idList Array list with the location ids. * @return string Calendar JSON. */ function getCalendar($idList) { $serverList = array(); if (!empty($idList)) { // Build SQL query for multiple ids. $qs = '?' . str_repeat(',?', count($idList) - 1); $query = "SELECT l.locationid, l.serverid, l.serverroomid, s.serverurl, s.servertype, s.credentials FROM `location_info` AS l INNER JOIN setting_location_info AS s ON (s.serverid = l.serverid) WHERE l.hidden = 0 AND l.locationid IN ($qs) ORDER BY s.servertype ASC"; $dbquery = Database::simpleQuery($query, array_values($idList)); while ($dbresult = $dbquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (!isset($serverList[$dbresult['serverid']])) { $serverList[$dbresult['serverid']] = array( 'credentials' => json_decode($dbresult['credentials'], true), 'url' => $dbresult['serverurl'], 'type' => $dbresult['servertype'], 'idlist' => array() ); } $serverList[$dbresult['serverid']]['idlist'][] = $dbresult['locationid']; } } $resultArray = array(); foreach ($serverList as $serverid => $server) { $serverInstance = CourseBackend::getInstance($server['type']); if ($serverInstance === false) { EventLog::warning('Cannot fetch schedule for locationid ' . $server['locationid'] . ': Backend type ' . $server['type'] . ' unknown. Disabling location.'); Database::exec("UPDATE location_info SET serverid = 0 WHERE locationid = :lid", array('lid' => $server['locationid'])); continue; } $credentialsOk = $serverInstance->setCredentials($server['credentials'], $server['url'], $serverid); if ($credentialsOk) { $calendarFromBackend = $serverInstance->fetchSchedule($server['idlist']); } else { $calendarFromBackend = array(); } LocationInfo::setServerError($serverid, $serverInstance->getError()); if (is_array($calendarFromBackend)) { foreach ($calendarFromBackend as $key => $value) { $resultArray[] = array( 'id' => $key, 'calendar' => $value, ); } } } return json_encode($resultArray); } // ########## ##########