/* * Generic helpers. */ /** * Initialize timepicker on given element. */ function setTimepicker($e) { $e.timepicker({ minuteStep: 15, appendWidgetTo: 'body', showSeconds: false, showMeridian: false, defaultTime: false }); } function getTime(str) { if (!str) return false; str = str.split(':'); if (str.length !== 2) return false; var h = parseInt(str[0].replace(/^0/, '')); var m = parseInt(str[1].replace(/^0/, '')); if (h < 0 || h > 23) return false; if (m < 0 || m > 59) return false; return h * 60 + m; } const allDays = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']; /* * Opening times related... */ var slxIdCounter = 0; /** * Adds a new opening time to the table in expert mode. */ function newOpeningTime(vals) { var $row = $('#expert-template').find('div.row').clone(); if (vals['days'] && Array.isArray(vals['days'])) { for (var i = 0; i < allDays.length; ++i) { $row.find('.i-' + allDays[i]).prop('checked', vals['days'].indexOf(allDays[i]) !== -1); } } $row.find('input').each(function() { var $inp = $(this); if ($inp.length === 0) return; slxIdCounter++; $inp.prop('id', 'id-inp-' + slxIdCounter); $inp.siblings('label').prop('for', 'id-inp-' + slxIdCounter); }); $row.find('.i-openingtime').val(vals['openingtime']); $row.find('.i-closingtime').val(vals['closingtime']); $('#expert-table').append($row); return $row; } /** * Convert fields from simple mode view to entries in expert mode. * @returns {Array} */ function simpleToExpert() { var retval = []; if ($('#week-open').val() || $('#week-close').val()) { retval.push({ 'days': ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday'], 'openingtime': $('#week-open').val(), 'closingtime': $('#week-close').val(), 'tag': '#week' }); } if ($('#saturday-open').val() || $('#saturday-close').val()) { retval.push({ 'days': ['Saturday'], 'openingtime': $('#saturday-open').val(), 'closingtime': $('#saturday-close').val(), 'tag': '#saturday' }); } if ($('#sunday-open').val() || $('#sunday-close').val()) { retval.push({ 'days': ['Sunday'], 'openingtime': $('#sunday-open').val(), 'closingtime': $('#sunday-close').val(), 'tag': '#sunday' }); } return retval; }