error = false; } /** * Load all known backend types. This is done * by including *.inc.php from inc/coursebackend/. */ public static function loadDb() { if (self::$backendTypes !== false) return; self::$backendTypes = array(); foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/coursebackend/coursebackend_*.inc.php', GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) { require_once $file; preg_match('#coursebackend_([^/\.]+)\.inc\.php$#i', $file, $out); if (!class_exists('coursebackend_' . $out[1])) { trigger_error("Backend type source unit $file doesn't seem to define class CourseBackend_{$out[1]}", E_USER_ERROR); } self::$backendTypes[$out[1]] = true; } } /** * Get all known config module types. * * @return array list of modules */ public static function getList() { self::loadDb(); return array_keys(self::$backendTypes); } /** * Get fresh instance of ConfigModule subclass for given module type. * * @param string $moduleType name of module type * @return \CourseBackend module instance */ public static function getInstance($moduleType) { self::loadDb(); if (!isset(self::$backendTypes[$moduleType])) { error_log('Unknown module type: ' . $moduleType); return false; } if (!is_object(self::$backendTypes[$moduleType])) { $class = "coursebackend_$moduleType"; self::$backendTypes[$moduleType] = new $class; } return self::$backendTypes[$moduleType]; } /** * @return string return display name of backend */ public abstract function getDisplayName(); /** * @returns \BackendProperty[] list of properties that need to be set */ public abstract function getCredentials(); /** * @return boolean true if the connection works, false otherwise */ public abstract function checkConnection(); /** * uses json to setCredentials, the json must follow the form given in * getCredentials * * @param array $data assoc array with data required by backend * @returns bool if the credentials were in the correct format */ public abstract function setCredentialsInternal($data); /** * @return int desired caching time of results, in seconds. 0 = no caching */ public abstract function getCacheTime(); /** * @return int age after which timetables are no longer refreshed should be * greater then CacheTime */ public abstract function getRefreshTime(); /** * Internal version of fetch, to be overridden by subclasses. * * @param $roomIds array with local ID as key and serverId as value * @return array a recursive array that uses the roomID as key * and has the schedule array as value. A shedule array contains an array in this format: * ["start"=>'JJJJ-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',"end"=>'JJJJ-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',"title"=>string] */ protected abstract function fetchSchedulesInternal($roomId); /** * Method for fetching the schedule of the given rooms on a server. * * @param array $roomId array of room ID to fetch * @return array|bool array containing the timetables as value and roomid as key as result, or false on error */ public final function fetchSchedule($requestedLocationIds) { if (!is_array($requestedLocationIds)) { $this->error = 'No array of roomids was given to fetchSchedule'; return false; } if (empty($requestedLocationIds)) return array(); $NOW = time(); $dbquery1 = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, calendar, serverroomid, lastcalendarupdate FROM location_info WHERE locationid IN (:locations)", array('locations' => array_values($requestedLocationIds))); $returnValue = []; $remoteIds = []; while ($row = $dbquery1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //Check if in cache if lastUpdate is null then it is interpreted as 1970 if ($row['lastcalendarupdate'] + $this->getCacheTime() > $NOW) { $returnValue[$row['locationid']] = json_decode($row['calendar']); } else { $remoteIds[$row['locationid']] = $row['serverroomid']; } } // No need for additional round trips to backend if (empty($remoteIds)) { return $returnValue; } // Check if we should refresh other rooms recently requested by front ends if ($this->getRefreshTime() > $this->getCacheTime()) { $dbquery4 = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT locationid, serverroomid FROM location_info WHERE serverid = :serverid AND serverroomid NOT IN (:skiplist) AND lastcalendarupdate BETWEEN :lowerage AND :upperage LIMIT " . self::MAX_ADDIDIONAL_LOCATIONS, array( 'serverid' => $this->serverId, 'skiplist' => array_values($remoteIds), 'lowerage' => $NOW - $this->getRefreshTime(), 'upperage' => $NOW - $this->getCacheTime(), )); while ($row = $dbquery4->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $remoteIds[$row['locationid']] = $row['serverroomid']; } } $backendResponse = $this->fetchSchedulesInternal($remoteIds); if ($backendResponse === false) { return false; } if ($this->getCacheTime() > 0) { // Caching requested by backend, write to DB foreach ($backendResponse as $serverRoomId => $calendar) { $value = json_encode($calendar); Database::simpleQuery("UPDATE location_info SET calendar = :ttable, lastcalendarupdate = :now WHERE serverid = :serverid AND serverroomid = :serverroomid", array( 'serverid' => $this->serverId, 'serverroomid' => $serverRoomId, 'ttable' => $value, 'now' => $NOW )); } } // Add rooms that were requested to the final return value foreach ($remoteIds as $location => $serverRoomId) { if (isset($backendResponse[$serverRoomId]) && in_array($location, $requestedLocationIds)) { // Only add if we can map it back to our location id AND it was not an unsolicited coalesced refresh $returnValue[$location] = $backendResponse[$serverRoomId]; } } return $returnValue; } public final function setCredentials($serverId, $data) { foreach ($this->getCredentials() as $prop) { if (!isset($data[$prop->property])) { $data[$prop->property] = $prop->default; } if (in_array($prop->type, ['string', 'bool', 'int'])) { settype($data[$prop->property], $prop->type); } else { settype($data[$prop->property], 'string'); } } if ($this->setCredentialsInternal($data)) { $this->serverId = $serverId; return true; } return false; } /** * @return false if there was no error string with error message if there was one */ public final function getError() { return $this->error; } /** * Query path in array-representation of XML document. * e.g. 'path/syntax/foo/wanteditem' * This works for intermediate nodes (that have more children) * and leaf nodes. The result is always an array on success, or * false if not found. */ protected function getAttributes($array, $path) { if (!is_array($path)) { // Convert 'path/syntax/foo/wanteditem' to array for further processing and recursive calls $path = explode('/', $path); } do { // Get next element from array, loop to ignore empty elements (so double slashes in the path are allowed) $element = array_shift($path); } while (empty($element) && !empty($path)); if (!isset($array[$element])) { // Current path element does not exist - error return false; } if (empty($path)) { // Path is now empty which means we're at 'wanteditem' from out example above if (!is_array($array[$element]) || !isset($array[$element][0])) { // If it's a leaf node of the array, wrap it in plain array, so the function will // always return an array on success return array($array[$element]); } // 'wanteditem' is not a unique leaf node, return as is // This means it's either a plain array, in case there are multiple 'wanteditem' elements on the same level // or it's an associative array if 'wanteditem' has any sub-nodes return $array[$element]; } // Recurse if (!is_array($array[$element])) { // We're in the middle of the requested path, but the current element is already a leaf node with no // children - error return false; } if (isset($array[$element][0])) { // The currently handled element of the path exists multiple times on the current level, so it is // wrapped in a plain array - recurse into each one of them and merge the results $return = []; foreach ($array[$element] as $item) { $test = $this->getAttributes($item, $path); If (gettype($test) == "array") { $return = array_merge($return, $test); } } return $return; } // Unique non-leaf node - simple recursion return $this->getAttributes($array[$element], $path); } /** * @param string $response xml document to convert * @return bool|array array representation of the xml if possible, false otherwise */ protected function toArray($response) { $cleanresponse = preg_replace('/(<\/?)(\w+):([^>]*>)/', '$1$2$3', $response); try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($cleanresponse); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error = 'Could not parse reply as XML, got ' . get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(); return false; } $array = json_decode(json_encode((array)$xml), true); return $array; } } /** * Class BackendProperty describes a property a backend requires to define its functionality */ class BackendProperty { public $property; public $type; public $default; public function __construct($property, $type, $default = '') { $this->property = $property; $this->type = $type; $this->default = $default; } }