{ "lang_defaultPanel": "Default panel", "lang_addServer": "Server", "lang_summaryPanel": "Summary panel", "lang_areYouSure": "Are you sure?", "lang_autoScale": "Auto Days", "lang_autoscaleTooltip": "Calculates the optimum amount of days to show from the display width", "lang_backend": "Backend", "lang_backends": "Backends", "lang_calendar": "Calendar", "lang_calupdateTooltip": "Time the calender querys for updates (in minutes)", "lang_checkConnection": "Check connection", "lang_closingTime": "Closing time", "lang_config": "Config", "lang_configupdateTooltip": "Time interval the config gets updated (in minutes)", "lang_createPanel": "Create panel", "lang_credentials": "Login", "lang_day": "Day", "lang_daysToShow": "Days", "lang_daysToShowTooltip": "Defines the amount of days to show in the calendar", "lang_deleteConfirmation": "Are you sure?", "lang_display": "Display", "lang_displayName": "Name", "lang_displayNameTooltip": "Display name for this panel", "lang_ecoMode": "E-Ink mode", "lang_ecoTooltip": "Symbolic based pc state pictures are used instead of the colour based ones", "lang_editPanel": "Edit panel", "lang_entryName": "Name", "lang_error": "Error", "lang_expertMode": "Expert mode", "lang_fourLocsHint": "You can pick up to four locations that will be shown in this panel.", "lang_general": "General", "lang_language": "Language", "lang_languageTooltip": "The language the frontend uses", "lang_locationName": "Name", "lang_locationSettings": "Settings", "lang_locations": "Locations", "lang_locationsTable": "Rooms \/ Locations", "lang_mode": "Mode", "lang_mode1": "Calendar & Room", "lang_mode2": "Calendar", "lang_mode3": "Room", "lang_mode4": "Switching", "lang_modeTooltip": "The display modes the frontend supports", "lang_monTilFr": "Monday - Friday", "lang_nameTooltip": "Defines the name of the server", "lang_noLocationsWarning": "Please select at least one location this panel should display", "lang_noServer": "", "lang_openingTime": "Opening time", "lang_openingtimes": "Opening times", "lang_panel": "Panel", "lang_panelType": "Type", "lang_panels": "Panels", "lang_panelsTable": "Manage panels", "lang_pleaseSelect": "Please select...", "lang_recursiveServerSet": "Also set for all child locations", "lang_recursiveSetTooltip": "If checked, all direct and indirect child locations will be configured to use the backend server selected above", "lang_remoteSchedule": "Time table retrieval", "lang_room": "Room", "lang_roomId": "Room ID", "lang_roomIdTooltip": "The ID of the room the server needs, for querying the calendar data", "lang_roomupdateTooltip": "Time the PCs in the room gets updated (in seconds)", "lang_rotation": "Rotation", "lang_rotation0": "0\u00b0", "lang_rotation1": "90\u00b0 \u27f2", "lang_rotation2": "180\u00b0", "lang_rotation3": "90\u00b0 \u27f3", "lang_rotationTooltip": "Rotates the room", "lang_saturday": "Saturday", "lang_scale": "Calendar width", "lang_scaleTooltip": "[10-90] Defines the calendar width (in percent)", "lang_sec": "sec", "lang_server": "Server", "lang_serverTable": "Manage backend servers", "lang_serverTooltip": "Defines from which server the room queries the calendar data", "lang_serverType": "Type", "lang_shortFriday": "Fri", "lang_shortMonday": "Mon", "lang_shortSaturday": "Sat", "lang_shortSunday": "Sun", "lang_shortThursday": "Thu", "lang_shortTuesday": "Tue", "lang_shortWednesday": "Wed", "lang_sunday": "Sunday", "lang_switchTime": "Switchtime", "lang_switchTimeTooltip": "[1-120] Sets the time between switching (in seconds)", "lang_typeTooltip": "Defines on which type of server you want to connect to", "lang_updateRates": "Update rates", "lang_vertical": "Vertical mode", "lang_verticalTooltip": "Defines whether the room and calendar are shown above each other" }