{ "lang_mainHeader": "Infoscreen", "lang_locationName": "Name", "lang_locationID": "ID", "lang_locationIsHidden": "Hidden", "lang_locationInUse": "In use / total", "lang_locationSettings": "Settings", "lang_locationConfig": "Config", "lang_pcID": "ID", "lang_pcIP": "IP", "lang_pcX": "X", "lang_pcY": "Y", "lang_pcInUse": "In Use", "lang_day": "Day", "lang_openingTime": "Opening time", "lang_closingTime": "Closing time", "lang_deleteAll": "Delete all", "lang_shortMonday": "Mon", "lang_shortTuesday": "Tue", "lang_shortWednesday": "Wed", "lang_shortThursday": "Thu", "lang_shortFriday": "Fri", "lang_shortSaturday": "Sat", "lang_shortSunday": "Sun", "lang_language": "Language", "lang_languageEn": "en", "lang_languageDe": "de", "lang_languagePt": "pt", "lang_mode": "Mode", "lang_mode1": "Calendar & Room", "lang_mode2": "Calendar", "lang_mode3": "Room", "lang_mode4": "Switching", "lang_ecoMode": "Eco mode (e-ink)", "lang_daysToShow": "Days to show", "lang_daysToShowTooltip": "[1-7] Sets how many days the calendar shows", "lang_scale": "Scale", "lang_scaleTooltip": "[10-90] scales the calendar width in mode 1", "lang_switchTime": "Switchtime", "lang_switchTimeTooltip": "[1-120] Sets the time between switching in mode 4 (in seconds)", "lang_rotation": "Rotation", "lang_rotation0": "0°", "lang_rotation1": "+90°", "lang_rotation2": "+180°", "lang_rotation3": "-90°", "lang_vertical": "Vertical", "lang_calupdate": "Calendar update rate", "lang_calupdateTooltip": "Time the calender querys for updates (in minutes)", "lang_roomupdate": "Room update rate", "lang_roomupdateTooltip": "Time the PCs in the room gets updated (in seconds)", "lang_configupdate": "Config update", "lang_configupdateTooltip": "Time interval the config gets updated (in minutes)", "lang_min": "min", "lang_sec": "sec" }