$name) { $name = trim($name); if (empty($name)) continue; $parent = isset($parents[$idx]) ? (int)$parents[$idx] : 0; if (!User::hasPermission("location.add", $parent)) { Message::addError('no-permission-location', isset($locs[$parent]) ? $locs[$parent]['locationname'] : $parent); continue; } if ($parent !== 0) { $ok = false; foreach ($locs as $loc) { if ($loc['locationid'] == $parent) { $ok = true; } } if (!$ok) { Message::addWarning('main.value-invalid', 'parentlocationid', $parent); continue; } } Database::exec("INSERT INTO location (parentlocationid, locationname)" . " VALUES (:parent, :name)", array( 'parent' => $parent, 'name' => $name )); $count++; } Message::addSuccess('added-x-entries', $count); Util::redirect('?do=Locations'); } public static function showLocationList() { // Warn admin about overlapping subnet definitions $overlapSelf = $overlapOther = true; LocationUtil::getOverlappingSubnets($overlapSelf, $overlapOther); // Find machines assigned to a room with a UUID mismatch $mismatchMachines = LocationUtil::getMachinesWithLocationMismatch(0, true); $locationList = Location::getLocationsAssoc(); unset($locationList[0]); // Statistics: Count machines for each subnet $unassigned = false; $unassignedIdle = $unassignedLoad = $unassignedOverrides = 0; $allowedLocationIds = User::getAllowedLocations("location.view"); $plugins = []; foreach (Hook::load('locations-column') as $hook) { $c = @include($hook->file); if ($c instanceof AbstractLocationColumn) { $plugins[sprintf('%04d.%s', $c->priority(), $hook->moduleId)] = $c; } elseif (is_array($c)) { foreach ($c as $i => $cc) { if ($cc instanceof AbstractLocationColumn) { $plugins[sprintf('%04d.%d.%s', $cc->priority(), $i, $hook->moduleId)] = $cc; } } } } ksort($plugins); foreach ($locationList as $lid => &$loc) { $loc['plugins'] = []; foreach ($plugins as $pk => $plugin) { $loc['plugins'][$pk] = [ 'url' => $plugin->getEditUrl($lid), 'html' => $plugin->getColumnHtml($lid), ]; } if (!in_array($lid, $allowedLocationIds)) { $locationList[$lid]['show-only'] = true; } } unset($loc); foreach ($plugins as $pk => $plugin) { if ($plugin->propagateColumn()) { self::propagateFields($locationList, $plugin->propagateDefaultHtml(), $pk); } } foreach ($locationList as &$loc) { $loc['plugins'] = array_values($loc['plugins']); } unset($loc); $addAllowedLocs = User::getAllowedLocations("location.add"); $addAllowedList = Location::getLocations(0, 0, true); foreach ($addAllowedList as &$loc) { if (!in_array($loc["locationid"], $addAllowedLocs)) { $loc["disabled"] = "disabled"; } } unset($loc); // Output $data = [ 'colspan' => (2 + count($plugins)), 'plugins' => array_values($plugins), 'list' => array_values($locationList), 'overlapSelf' => $overlapSelf, 'overlapOther' => $overlapOther, 'mismatchMachines' => $mismatchMachines, 'addAllowedList' => array_values($addAllowedList), ]; Permission::addGlobalTags($data['perms'], NULL, ['subnets.edit', 'location.add']); Render::addTemplate('locations', $data); Module::isAvailable('js_ip'); // For CIDR magic } private static function propagateFields(array &$locationList, string $defaultValue, string $plugin) { $depth = array(); foreach ($locationList as &$loc) { $d = $loc['depth']; if (empty($loc['plugins'][$plugin]['html'])) { // Has no explicit config assignment if ($d === 0) { $loc['plugins'][$plugin]['html'] = $defaultValue; } else { $loc['plugins'][$plugin]['html'] = $depth[$d - 1]; } $loc['plugins'][$plugin]['class'] = 'gray'; } elseif (empty($loc['plugins'][$plugin]['class'])) { $loc['plugins'][$plugin]['class'] = 'slx-bold'; } $depth[$d] = $loc['plugins'][$plugin]['html']; unset($depth[$d + 1]); } } }