{ "lang_bootMenuWarning": "The boot menu is outdated or has not been generated.", "lang_configure": "Configure", "lang_intro": "This is the bwLehrpool configuration interface.", "lang_introGuest": "This is the administration interface of the local bwLehrpool intallation. Please authenticate yourself to adjust settings.", "lang_language": "Language", "lang_loggedInPrefix": "Logged in as", "lang_loggedInSuffix": " ", "lang_login": "Login", "lang_logout": "Logout", "lang_minilinuxMissing": "Important files from the mini Linux installation are missing.", "lang_needsSetup": "Setup incomplete", "lang_noExistingAccount": "No account has been created yet. Sign up to become the administrator.", "lang_numerOfImagesMarkedForDeletion": "Images marked for deletion", "lang_register": "Register", "lang_systemConfiguration": "System Configuration", "lang_systemConfigurationNotChosen": "A system configuration has not been chosen yet.", "lang_toggleNavigation": "toggle navigation", "lang_translations": "Translations", "lang_vmLocationNotSet": "A location for the virtual machine is not set yet.", "lang_warning": "Warning", "lang_welcome": "Welcome" }