$stamp) return 0; // In progress... Property::set(self::PROPERTY_KEY_FETCHTIME, $stamp, 10); Database::exec('LOCK TABLES callback WRITE, minilinux_source WRITE, minilinux_branch WRITE, minilinux_version WRITE'); Database::exec('UPDATE minilinux_source SET taskid = UUID()'); $cutoff = time() - 3600; Database::exec("UPDATE minilinux_version INNER JOIN minilinux_branch USING (branchid) INNER JOIN minilinux_source USING (sourceid) SET orphan = orphan + 1 WHERE minilinux_source.lastupdate < $cutoff AND orphan < 100"); $list = Database::queryAll('SELECT sourceid, url, taskid FROM minilinux_source'); foreach ($list as $source) { Taskmanager::submit('DownloadText', array( 'id' => $source['taskid'], 'url' => $source['url'], ), true); TaskmanagerCallback::addCallback($source['taskid'], 'mlGotList', $source['sourceid']); } Database::exec('UNLOCK TABLES'); return count($list); } /** * Called when downloading metadata from a specific update source is finished * * @param array $task task structure * @param string $sourceid see minilinux_source table */ public static function listDownloadCallback(array $task, string $sourceid): void { if (!Taskmanager::isFinished($task)) return; $taskId = $task['id']; $data = json_decode($task['data']['content'] ?? '', true); if (!is_array($data) || empty($data['systems'])) { EventLog::warning('Cannot download Linux version meta data for ' . $sourceid, ($task['data']['error'] ?? '') . "\n\nContent:\n" . ($task['data']['content'] ?? '')); $lastupdate = 'lastupdate'; } else { if (is_array($data['systems'])) { self::addBranches($sourceid, $data['systems']); } $lastupdate = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'; } Database::exec("UPDATE minilinux_source SET lastupdate = $lastupdate, taskid = NULL WHERE sourceid = :sourceid AND taskid = :taskid", ['sourceid' => $sourceid, 'taskid' => $taskId]); // Clean up -- delete orphaned versions that are not installed Database::exec('DELETE FROM minilinux_version WHERE orphan > 4 AND installed = :missing', ['missing' => self::INSTALL_MISSING]); // FKC makes sure we only delete orphaned ones Database::exec('DELETE IGNORE FROM minilinux_branch WHERE 1', [], true); } private static function addBranches($sourceid, $systems) { // Make a before-snapshot, so we can generate events for new versions for each branch $newestPerBranch = []; $versions = Database::queryAll("SELECT branchid, versionid, dateline FROM minilinux_version ORDER BY branchid ASC, dateline ASC"); foreach ($versions as $ver) { $newestPerBranch[$ver['branchid']] = $ver; } // foreach ($systems as $system) { if (!self::isValidIdPart($system['id'])) continue; $branchid = $sourceid . '/' . $system['id']; $title = mb_substr(empty($system['title']) ? $branchid : $system['title'], 0, 150); $description = $system['description'] ?? ''; $color = $system['color'] ?? ''; if (!empty($system['versions']) && is_array($system['versions'])) { Database::exec('INSERT INTO minilinux_branch (branchid, sourceid, title, color, description) VALUES (:branchid, :sourceid, :title, :color, :description) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title = VALUES(title), color = VALUES(color), description = VALUES(description)', [ 'branchid' => $branchid, 'sourceid' => $sourceid, 'title' => $title, 'color' => $color, 'description' => $description, ]); self::addVersions($branchid, $system['versions']); } else { // Empty branch - only update metadata if branch exists locally Database::exec('UPDATE minilinux_branch SET title = :title, color = :color, description = :description WHERE sourceid = :sourceid AND branchid = :branchid', [ 'branchid' => $branchid, 'sourceid' => $sourceid, 'title' => $title, 'color' => $color, 'description' => $description, ]); } } // Now, compare again $versions = Database::queryAll("SELECT branchid, versionid, title, description, dateline FROM minilinux_version ORDER BY branchid ASC, dateline ASC"); foreach ($versions as $ver) { if (!isset($newestPerBranch[$ver['branchid']])) continue; if ($newestPerBranch[$ver['branchid']]['dateline'] < $ver['dateline']) { // New version found :-) EventLog::applyFilterRules('#netboot-new-version', $ver); } } } private static function addVersions($branchid, $versions) { foreach ($versions as $version) { self::addVersion($branchid, $version); } } private static function addVersion($branchid, $version) { if (!self::isValidIdPart($version['version'])) { error_log("Ignoring version {$version['version']} from $branchid: Invalid characters in ID"); return; } if (empty($version['files']) && empty($version['cmdline'])) { error_log("Ignoring version {$version['version']} from $branchid: Neither file list nor command line"); return; } $versionid = $branchid . '/' . $version['version']; $title = $version['title'] ?? ''; $description = $version['description'] ?? ''; $dateline = empty($version['releasedate']) ? time() : (int)$version['releasedate']; unset($version['version'], $version['title'], $version['releasedate']); // Sanitize files array if (!isset($version['files']) || !is_array($version['files'])) { unset($version['files']); } else { foreach (array_keys($version['files']) as $key) { $file =& $version['files'][$key]; if (empty($file['name'])) { error_log("Ignoring version {$version['version']} from $branchid: Entry in file list has missing file name"); return; } if ($file['name'] === 'menu.txt' || $file['name'] === 'menu-debug.txt') { unset($version['files'][$key]); continue; } if (empty($file['gpg'])) { error_log("Ignoring version {$version['version']} from $branchid: {$file['name']} has no GPG signature"); return; } if (preg_match(',/\.\.|\.\./|/|\x00,', $file['name']) > 0) { // Invalid chars error_log("Ignoring version {$version['version']} from $branchid: {$file['name']} contains invalid characters"); return; } if (isset($file['md5'])) { $file['md5'] = strtolower($file['md5']); } } unset($file); $version['files'] = array_values($version['files']); } $data = json_encode($version); Database::exec('INSERT INTO minilinux_version (versionid, branchid, title, description, dateline, data, orphan) VALUES (:versionid, :branchid, :title, :description, :dateline, :data, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title = VALUES(title), description = VALUES(description), dateline = VALUES(dateline), data = VALUES(data), orphan = 0', [ 'versionid' => $versionid, 'branchid' => $branchid, 'title' => mb_substr($title, 0, 150), 'description' => $description, 'dateline' => $dateline, 'data' => $data, ]); } private static function isValidIdPart(string $str): bool { return preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/', $str) > 0; } /* * Download of specific version */ public static function validateDownloadTask(string $versionid, ?string $taskid): ?string { if ($taskid === null) return null; $task = Taskmanager::status($taskid); if (Taskmanager::isTask($task) && !Taskmanager::isFailed($task) && (is_dir(CONFIG_HTTP_DIR . '/' . $versionid) || !Taskmanager::isFinished($task))) return $task['id']; Database::exec('UPDATE minilinux_version SET taskid = NULL WHERE versionid = :versionid AND taskid = :taskid', ['versionid' => $versionid, 'taskid' => $taskid]); return null; } /** * Download the files for the given version id */ public static function downloadVersion(string $versionid): ?string { $ver = Database::queryFirst('SELECT s.url, s.pubkey, v.versionid, v.taskid, v.data FROM minilinux_version v INNER JOIN minilinux_branch b USING (branchid) INNER JOIN minilinux_source s USING (sourceid) WHERE versionid = :versionid', ['versionid' => $versionid]); if ($ver === false) return null; $taskid = self::validateDownloadTask($versionid, $ver['taskid']); if ($taskid !== null) return $taskid; $data = json_decode($ver['data'], true); if (!is_array($data)) { EventLog::warning("Cannot download Linux '$versionid': Corrupted meta data.", $ver['data']); return null; } if (empty($data['files'])) return null; $list = []; $legacyDir = preg_replace(',^[^/]*/,', '', $versionid); foreach ($data['files'] as $file) { if (empty($file['name'])) continue; $list[] = [ 'id' => self::fileToId($versionid, $file['name']), 'url' => empty($file['url']) ? ($ver['url'] . '/' . $legacyDir . '/' . $file['name']) : ($ver['url'] . '/' . $file['url']), 'fileName' => $file['name'], 'gpg' => $file['gpg'], ]; } $uuid = Util::randomUuid(); Database::exec('LOCK TABLES minilinux_version WRITE'); $aff = Database::exec('UPDATE minilinux_version SET taskid = :taskid WHERE versionid = :versionid AND taskid IS NULL', ['taskid' => $uuid, 'versionid' => $versionid]); $task = false; if ($aff > 0) { $task = Taskmanager::submit('DownloadFiles', [ 'id' => $uuid, 'baseDir' => CONFIG_HTTP_DIR . '/' . $versionid, 'gpgPubKey' => $ver['pubkey'], 'files' => $list, ]); if (Taskmanager::isFailed($task)) { $task = false; } else { $task = (string)$task['id']; } } Database::exec('UNLOCK TABLES'); if ($task !== false) { // Callback for db column TaskmanagerCallback::addCallback($task, 'mlGotLinux', $versionid); self::checkStage4($data); } // Race - someone else wrote a taskid to DB, just call self again to get that one if ($aff === 0) return self::downloadVersion($versionid); return $task; } public static function fileToId(string $versionid, string $fileName): string { return 'x' . substr(md5($fileName . $versionid), 0, 8); } /* * Check status, availability of updates */ /** * Generate messages regarding setup und update availability. * @return bool true if severe problems were found, false otherwise */ public static function generateUpdateNotice(): bool { // Messages in here are with module name, as required by the // main-warning hook. $default = Property::get(self::PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BOOT); if ($default === false) { Message::addError('minilinux.no-default-set', true); return true; } $installed = self::updateCurrentBootSetting(); $effective = Property::get(self::PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BOOT_EFFECTIVE); $slashes = substr_count($default, '/'); if ($slashes === 1) { // BrĂ´nche, always latest version $latest = Database::queryFirst('SELECT versionid FROM minilinux_version WHERE branchid = :branchid ORDER BY dateline DESC', ['branchid' => $default]); if ($latest === false) { Message::addError('minilinux.default-is-invalid', true); return true; } elseif ($latest['versionid'] !== $effective) { Message::addInfo('minilinux.default-update-available', true, $default, $latest['versionid']); } } elseif ($slashes === 2) { // Specific version selected if ($effective === self::INVALID) { Message::addError('minilinux.default-is-invalid', true); return true; } } if (!$installed) { Message::addError('minilinux.default-not-installed', true, $default); return true; } return false; } /** * Update the effective current default version to boot. * If the version does not exist, it is set to INVALID. * Function returns whether the currently selected version is * actually installed locally. * @return bool true if installed locally, false otherwise */ public static function updateCurrentBootSetting(): bool { $default = Property::get(self::PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BOOT); if ($default === false) return false; $slashes = substr_count($default, '/'); if ($slashes === 2) { // Specific version $ver = Database::queryFirst('SELECT versionid, installed FROM minilinux_version WHERE versionid = :versionid', ['versionid' => $default]); } elseif ($slashes === 1) { // Latest from branch $ver = Database::queryFirst('SELECT versionid, installed FROM minilinux_version WHERE branchid = :branchid AND installed = :ok ORDER BY dateline DESC', ['branchid' => $default, 'ok' => self::INSTALL_OK]); } else { // Unknown return false; } // Determine state if ($ver === false) { // Doesn't exist Property::set(self::PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BOOT_EFFECTIVE, self::INVALID); return false; } Property::set(self::PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BOOT_EFFECTIVE, $ver['versionid']); return $ver['installed'] != self::INSTALL_MISSING; } public static function linuxDownloadCallback($task, $versionid) { self::setInstalledState($versionid, $task['statusCode'] === 'TASK_FINISHED' ? self::INSTALL_OK : self::INSTALL_BROKEN); } public static function setInstalledState($versionid, int $installed): void { Database::exec('UPDATE minilinux_version SET installed = :installed WHERE versionid = :versionid', [ 'versionid' => $versionid, 'installed' => $installed, ]); if ($installed === self::INSTALL_OK) { $res = Database::queryFirst('SELECT Count(*) AS cnt FROM minilinux_version WHERE installed = :ok', ['ok' => self::INSTALL_OK]); if ($res['cnt'] == 1) { self::setDefaultVersion($versionid); } } } public static function queryAllVersionsByBranch(): array { $list = []; $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT branchid, versionid, title, Length(description) AS desclen, dateline, orphan, taskid, installed FROM minilinux_version ORDER BY branchid, dateline, versionid'); foreach ($res as $row) { $list[$row['branchid']][$row['versionid']] = $row; } return $list; } public static function setDefaultVersion($versionId) { Property::set(MiniLinux::PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BOOT, $versionId); self::updateCurrentBootSetting(); // Legacy PXELINUX boot menu (TODO: Remove this when we get rid of PXELINUX support) $task = Taskmanager::submit('Symlink', [ 'target' => $versionId, 'linkname' => CONFIG_HTTP_DIR . '/default', ]); if ($task !== false) { Taskmanager::release($task); } } /** * Check whether an optionally required stage4 is available. * Return true if there is no stage4, otherwise check filesystem, * or try to request from local dnbd3-server. * * @param array $data decoded data column from minilinux_version * @param string[] $errors in array of error messages if not available * @return bool true if stage4 is available or none required */ public static function checkStage4(array $data, &$errors = false): bool { $errors = []; $image = false; $rid = 0; foreach (['agnostic', 'efi', 'bios'] as $type) { if (!isset($data[$type]) || !isset($data[$type]['commandLine'])) continue; if (!preg_match('/\bslx\.stage4\.path=(\S+)/', $data[$type]['commandLine'], $out)) continue; $image = $out[1]; if (preg_match('/\bslx\.stage4\.rid=(\d+)/', $data[$type]['commandLine'], $out)) { $rid = (int)$out[1]; } break; } if ($image === false) return true; // No stage4 if ($rid === 0) { // Get latest local revision foreach (glob(CONFIG_VMSTORE_DIR . '/' . $image . '.r*', GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) { if (preg_match('/\.r(\d+)$/', $file, $out)) { $cmp = (int)$out[1]; if ($cmp > $rid) { $rid = $cmp; } } } } if ($rid > 0 && file_exists(CONFIG_VMSTORE_DIR . '/' . $image . '.r' . $rid) && !file_exists(CONFIG_VMSTORE_DIR . '/' . $image . '.r' . $rid . '.map')) { // Accept if image exists locally and no map file (map file would mean incomplete) return true; } // Not found locally -- try to replicate $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($sock === false) { $errors[] = 'Error creatring socket to connect to dnbd3-server'; return false; } socket_set_option($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, array('sec' => 1, 'usec' => 0)); socket_set_option($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array('sec' => 5, 'usec' => 0)); if (@socket_connect($sock, '', 5003) === false) { $errors[] = 'Could not connect to local dnbd3-server'; socket_close($sock); return false; } // proto-version(16), image name\0, rid(16), flags(8) $payload = pack('vA*xvC', 3, $image, $rid, 0); // magic(16), cmd(16), payload-len(32), offset(64), handle(64) XXX 32Bit compat $packet = pack('A*vVVVVV', 'sr', 2, strlen($payload), 0, 0, 1234, 0) . $payload; if (!socket_send($sock, $packet, strlen($packet), 0)) { $errors[] = 'Cannot send request to dnbd3-server'; socket_close($sock); return false; } $len = socket_recv($sock, $reply, 16, MSG_WAITALL); if ($len === 0) { $errors[] = 'Local dnbd3-server cannot replicate required stage4 from master-server'; socket_close($sock); return false; } if ($len !== 16) { $errors[] = 'Incomplete reply received from local dnbd3-server. Stage4 might not replicate!'; socket_close($sock); return false; } socket_close($sock); // Try to decode header $reply = unpack('A2magic/vcmd/Vsize/Vhandlelow/Vhandlehigh', $reply); if ($reply['magic'] !== 'sr') { $errors[] = 'Reply has wrong magic'; } if ($reply['cmd'] !== 2) { $errors[] = 'Reply is not CMD_IMAGE_REPLY'; } return empty($errors); } /** * Determine by which menus/locations each MiniLinux version is being used. */ public static function getBootMenuUsage(): array { if (!Module::isAvailable('serversetup') || !class_exists('BootEntryHook')) return []; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT be.entryid, be.data, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT me.menuid) AS menus, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ml.locationid) AS locations FROM serversetup_bootentry be LEFT JOIN serversetup_menuentry me USING (entryid) LEFT JOIN serversetup_menu_location ml USING (menuid) WHERE module = 'minilinux' GROUP BY be.data"); $return = []; $usedMenuIds = []; foreach ($res as $row) { $data = json_decode($row['data'], true); if (!isset($data['id'])) continue; $id = self::resolveEntryId($data['id']); $new = [ 'entryids' => [$row['entryid']], 'menus' => explode(',', $row['menus'] ?? ''), 'locations' => explode(',', $row['locations'] ?? ''), ]; $usedMenuIds = array_merge($usedMenuIds, $new['menus']); if (isset($return[$id])) { $return[$id] = array_merge_recursive($return[$id], $new); } else { $return[$id] = $new; } } // Build id => title map for menus $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT menuid, title FROM serversetup_menu m WHERE menuid IN (:menuid)", ['menuid' => array_unique($usedMenuIds)]); $menus = []; foreach ($res as $row) { $menus[$row['menuid']] = $row['title']; } // Build output array foreach ($return as &$item) { $item['locations'] = array_map(function ($i) { return ['locationid' => $i, 'locationname' => Location::getName($i)]; }, array_unique(array_filter($item['locations'], 'is_numeric'))); $item['menus'] = array_map(function ($i) use ($menus) { return ['menuid' => $i, 'menuname' => $menus[$i]]; }, array_unique(array_filter($item['menus'], 'is_numeric'))); $item['locationCount'] = count($item['locations']); $item['menuCount'] = count($item['menus']); $item['entryCount'] = count($item['entryids']); } return $return; } /** * Take a configured versionid from a bootentry (serversetup module) and translate * it, in case it's "default" or just a branch name. */ private static function resolveEntryId(string $id): string { if ($id === 'default') { // Special case $id = Property::get(MiniLinux::PROPERTY_DEFAULT_BOOT_EFFECTIVE); } if (substr_count($id, '/') < 2) { // Maybe this is a branchid, which means latest from according branch (installed only) $res = Database::queryFirst('SELECT versionid FROM minilinux_version WHERE branchid = :id AND installed = :ok ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1', ['id' => $id, 'ok' => self::INSTALL_OK]); if ($res !== false) { $id = $res['versionid']; } } return $id; } }