$userid)); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $userPermission = trim($row["permissionid"], "*"); if (substr($permissionid, 0, strlen($userPermission)) === $userPermission && (is_null($locationid) || in_array($row["locationid"], $locations))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get all locations where the user has the given permission. * * @param string $userid userid to check * @param string $permissionid permissionid to check * @return array array of locationids where the user has the given permission */ public static function getAllowedLocations($userid, $permissionid) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT permissionid, COALESCE(locationid, 0) AS locationid FROM user_x_role INNER JOIN role_x_permission ON user_x_role.roleid = role_x_permission.roleid INNER JOIN role_x_location ON role_x_permission.roleid = role_x_location.roleid WHERE user_x_role.userid = :userid", array("userid" => $userid)); $allowedLocations = array(); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $userPermission = trim($row["permissionid"], "*"); if (!is_null($row["locationid"]) && substr($permissionid, 0, strlen($userPermission)) === $userPermission) { $allowedLocations[$row["locationid"]] = 1; } } $allowedLocations = array_keys($allowedLocations); $locations = Location::getTree(); if (in_array("0", $allowedLocations)) { $allowedLocations = array_map("intval", Location::extractIds($locations)); } else { $allowedLocations = self::getSublocations($locations, $allowedLocations); } return $allowedLocations; } /** * Extend an array of locations by adding all sublocations. * * @param array $tree tree of all locations (structured like Location::getTree()) * @param array $locations the array of locationids to extend * @return array extended array of locationids */ public static function getSublocations($tree, $locations) { $result = array_flip($locations); foreach ($tree as $location) { if (array_key_exists("children", $location)) { if (in_array($location["locationid"], $locations)) { $result += array_flip(Location::extractIds($location["children"])); } else { $result += array_flip(self::getSublocations($location["children"], $locations)); } } } return array_keys($result); } /** * Get all permissions of all active modules that have permissions in their permissions/permissions.json file. * * @return array permission tree as a multidimensional array */ public static function getPermissions() { $permissions = array(); foreach (glob("modules/*/permissions/permissions.json", GLOB_NOSORT) as $file) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); if (!is_array($data)) continue; preg_match('#^modules/([^/]+)/#', $file, $out); foreach( $data as $p ) { $description = Dictionary::translateFileModule($out[1], "permissions", $p); self::putInPermissionTree($out[1].".".$p, $description, $permissions); } } ksort($permissions); global $MENU_CAT_OVERRIDE; $sortingOrder = $MENU_CAT_OVERRIDE; foreach ($permissions as $module => $v) $sortingOrder[Module::get($module)->getCategory()][] = $module; $permissions = array_replace(array_flip(call_user_func_array('array_merge', $sortingOrder)), $permissions); foreach ($permissions as $module => $v) if (is_int($v)) unset($permissions[$module]); return $permissions; } /** * Place a permission into the given permission tree. * * @param string $permission the permission to place in the tree * @param string $description the description of the permission * @param array $tree the permission tree to modify */ private static function putInPermissionTree($permission, $description, &$tree) { $subPermissions = explode('.', $permission); foreach ($subPermissions as $subPermission) { if ($subPermission) { if (!array_key_exists($subPermission, $tree)) { $tree[$subPermission] = array(); } $tree =& $tree[$subPermission]; } } $tree = $description; } }