{ "lang_addRole": "Grant Roles", "lang_addRoleHeading": "Add new role", "lang_copyRoleHeading": "Copy role", "lang_description": "Description", "lang_editRoleHeading": "Edit role", "lang_locationAwareDesc": "Permissions with this symbol can be restricted to certain locations. All other permissions are independent of the locations selected for this role.", "lang_locations": "Locations", "lang_moduleName": "Permission Manager", "lang_name": "Name", "lang_newRole": "New Role", "lang_numAssignedUsers": "Users with this role", "lang_permission": "Permission", "lang_permissionDeniedBody": "You are missing one or more permissions to access this page or functionality.", "lang_permissionDeniedHeader": "Access denied", "lang_permissions": "Permissions", "lang_removeRole": "Revoke Roles", "lang_roleDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this role? Users currently assigned to this role will lose the according permissions.", "lang_roles": "Roles", "lang_searchPlaceholder": "Search for roles...", "lang_selected": "selected", "lang_selectizePlaceholder": "Filter for roles...", "lang_users": "Users", "lang_view": "View" }