strtotime('-30 days')); if ($locationId === 0) { $where = 'machine.locationid IS NULL'; } else { $where = 'machine.locationid = :locationid'; $queryArgs['locationid'] = $locationId; } $leftJoin = ''; $sessionField = 'machine.currentsession'; if (Module::get('dozmod') !== false) { // SELECT lectureid, displayname FROM sat.lecture WHERE lectureid = :lectureid $leftJoin = 'LEFT JOIN sat.lecture ON (lecture.lectureid = machine.currentsession)'; $sessionField = 'IFNULL(lecture.displayname, machine.currentsession) AS currentsession'; } $res = Database::simpleQuery(" SELECT machine.machineuuid, machine.hostname, machine.clientip, machine.lastboot, machine.lastseen, machine.logintime, machine.state, $sessionField, machine.currentuser, machine.locationid FROM machine $leftJoin WHERE $where AND machine.lastseen > :cutoff", $queryArgs); $ret = $res->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $NOW = time(); foreach ($ret as &$row) { if ($row['state'] === 'IDLE' || $row['state'] === 'OCCUPIED') { $row['status'] = 1; } else { $row['status'] = 0; } if ($row['state'] !== 'OCCUPIED') { $row['currentuser'] = ''; $row['currentsession'] = ''; } } return $ret; } /** * Get machines by list of UUIDs * @param string[] $list list of system UUIDs * @return array list of machines with machineuuid, clientip and locationid */ public static function getMachinesByUuid($list) { if (empty($list)) return array(); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT machineuuid, clientip, locationid FROM machine WHERE machineuuid IN (:list)", compact('list')); return $res->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } }