action = Request::any('action', 'show', 'string'); if ($this->action === 'startReboot' || $this->action === 'startShutdown') { $clients = Request::post('clients'); if (!is_array($clients) || empty($clients)) { Message::addError('no-clients-selected'); Util::redirect(); } $locationId = Request::post('locationId', false, 'int'); if ($locationId === false) { Message::addError('locations.invalid-location-id', $locationId); Util::redirect(); } $shutdown = $this->action === "startShutdown"; $minutes = Request::post('minutes', 0, 'int'); $privKey = SSHKey::getPrivateKey(); $list = RebootQueries::getMachinesByUuid($clients); if (count($list) !== count($clients)) { // We could go ahead an see which ones were not found in DB but this should not happen anyways unless the // user manipulated the request Message::addWarning('some-machine-not-found'); } // TODO: Iterate over list and check if a locationid is not in permissions // TODO: we could also check if the locationid is equal or a sublocation of the $locationId from above // (this would be more of a sanity check though, or does the UI allow selecting machines from different locations) $task = RebootControl::execute($list, $shutdown, $minutes, $locationId); Util::redirect("?do=rebootcontrol&taskid=".$task["id"]); } } /** * Menu etc. has already been generated, now it's time to generate page content. */ protected function doRender() { if ($this->action === 'show') { $taskId = Request::get("taskid"); if ($taskId && Taskmanager::isTask($taskId)) { $task = Taskmanager::status($taskId); $data['taskId'] = $taskId; $data['locationId'] = $task['data']['locationId']; $data['locationName'] = Location::getName($task['data']['locationId']); $data['clients'] = $task['data']['clients']; Render::addTemplate('status', $data); } else { //location you want to see, default are "not assigned" clients $requestedLocation = Request::get('location', 0, 'int'); $data['data'] = RebootQueries::getMachineTable($requestedLocation); $data['locations'] = Location::getLocations($requestedLocation, 0, true); $data['pubKey'] = SSHKey::getPublicKey(); Render::addTemplate('_page', $data); } } } function doAjax() { $this->action = Request::post('action', false, 'string'); if ($this->action === 'generateNewKeypair') { Property::set("rebootcontrol-private-key", false); echo SSHKey::getPublicKey(); } else { echo 'Invalid action.'; } } }