'00:11:22:33:44:55']]); if (!Taskmanager::isTask($task)) return; Util::redirect('?do=rebootcontrol&show=task&type=checkhost&what=task&taskid=' . $task['id']); } private static function deleteJumphost($hostid) { // Permcheck in caller $host = self::getJumpHost($hostid); Database::exec('DELETE FROM reboot_jumphost WHERE hostid = :hostid LIMIT 1', ['hostid' => $hostid]); Message::addSuccess('jumphost-deleted', $host['host']); } private static function saveJumpHost() { User::assertPermission('jumphost.edit'); $id = Request::post('hostid', Request::REQUIRED, 'string'); $host = Request::post('host', Request::REQUIRED, 'string'); $port = Request::post('port', Request::REQUIRED, 'int'); if ($port < 1 || $port > 65535) { Message::addError('invalid-port', $port); return; } $username = Request::post('username', Request::REQUIRED, 'string'); $sshkey = Request::post('sshkey', Request::REQUIRED, 'string'); $script = preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", Request::post('script', Request::REQUIRED, 'string')); if ($id === 'new') { $ret = Database::exec('INSERT INTO reboot_jumphost (host, port, username, sshkey, script, reachable) VALUE (:host, :port, :username, :sshkey, :script, 0)', compact('host', 'port', 'username', 'sshkey', 'script')); $id = Database::lastInsertId(); } else { $ret = Database::exec('UPDATE reboot_jumphost SET host = :host, port = :port, username = :username, sshkey = :sshkey, script = :script, reachable = 0 WHERE hostid = :id', compact('host', 'port', 'username', 'sshkey', 'script', 'id')); if ($ret === 0) { $ret = Database::queryFirst('SELECT hostid FROM reboot_jumphost WHERE hostid = :id', ['id' => $id]); if ($ret !== false) { $ret = 1; } } } if ($ret > 0) { Message::addSuccess('jumphost-saved', $host); self::execCheckConnection($id); } else { Message::addError('no-such-jumphost', $id); } } private static function saveSubnetAssignment() { User::assertPermission('jumphost.edit'); $id = Request::post('hostid', Request::REQUIRED, 'string'); $host = self::getJumpHost($id); $nets = Request::post('subnet', [], 'array'); if (empty($nets)) { Database::exec('DELETE FROM reboot_jumphost_x_subnet WHERE hostid = :id', ['id' => $id]); } else { $nets = array_keys($nets); Database::exec('DELETE FROM reboot_jumphost_x_subnet WHERE hostid = :id AND subnetid NOT IN (:nets)', ['id' => $id, 'nets' => $nets]); $nets = array_map(function($item) use ($id) { return [$id, $item]; }, $nets); Database::exec('INSERT IGNORE INTO reboot_jumphost_x_subnet (hostid, subnetid) VALUES :nets', ['nets' => $nets]); } Message::addSuccess('jumphost-saved', $host['host']); } /* * Render */ public static function doRender() { $what = Request::get('what', 'list', 'string'); if ($what === 'edit') { self::showJumpHost(); } elseif ($what === 'assign') { self::showAssignSubnets(); } else { self::showJumpHosts(); } } private static function showJumpHosts() { User::assertPermission('jumphost.*'); $hosts = []; $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT hostid, host, port, Count(jxs.subnetid) AS subnetCount, reachable FROM reboot_jumphost jh LEFT JOIN reboot_jumphost_x_subnet jxs USING (hostid) GROUP BY hostid ORDER BY hostid'); foreach ($res as $row) { $hosts[] = $row; } $data = [ 'jumpHosts' => $hosts ]; Permission::addGlobalTags($data['perms'], null, ['jumphost.edit', 'jumphost.assign-subnet']); Render::addTemplate('jumphost-list', $data); } private static function showJumpHost() { User::assertPermission('jumphost.edit'); $id = Request::get('id', Request::REQUIRED, 'string'); if ($id === 'new') { $host = ['hostid' => 'new', 'port' => 22, 'script' => "# Assume bash\n" . "MACS='%MACS%'\n" . "IP='%IP%'\n" . "EW=false\n" . "WOL=false\n" . "command -v etherwake > /dev/null && ( [ \"\$(id -u)\" = 0 ] || [ -u \"\$(which etherwake)\" ] ) && EW=true\n" . "command -v wakeonlan > /dev/null && WOL=true\n" . "if \$EW && ( ! \$WOL || [ \"\$IP\" = '' ] ); then\n" . "\tifaces=\"\$(ls -1 /sys/class/net/)\"\n" . "\t[ -z \"\$ifaces\" ] && ifaces=eth0\n" . "\tfor ifc in \$ifaces; do\n" . "\t\t[ \"\$ifc\" = 'lo' ] && continue\n" . "\t\tfor mac in \$MACS; do\n" . "\t\t\tetherwake -i \"\$ifc\" \"\$mac\"\n" . "\t\tdone\n" . "\tdone\n" . "elif \$WOL; then\n" . "\twakeonlan -i \"\$IP\" \$MACS\n" . "else\n" . "\techo 'No suitable WOL tool found' >&2\n" . "\texit 1\n" . "fi\n"]; } else { $host = self::getJumpHost($id); } Render::addTemplate('jumphost-edit', $host); } private static function showAssignSubnets() { User::assertPermission('jumphost.assign-subnet'); $id = Request::get('id', Request::REQUIRED, 'int'); $host = self::getJumpHost($id); $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT s.subnetid, s.start, s.end, jxs.hostid FROM reboot_subnet s LEFT JOIN reboot_jumphost_x_subnet jxs ON (s.subnetid = jxs.subnetid AND jxs.hostid = :id) ORDER BY start ASC', ['id' => $id]); $list = []; foreach ($res as $row) { $row['cidr'] = IpUtil::rangeToCidr($row['start'], $row['end']); if ($row['hostid'] !== null) { $row['checked'] = 'checked'; } $list[] = $row; } $host['list'] = $list; Render::addTemplate('jumphost-subnets', $host); } public static function doAjax() { } /* * MISC */ private static function getJumpHost($hostid) { $host = Database::queryFirst('SELECT hostid, host, port, username, sshkey, script FROM reboot_jumphost WHERE hostid = :id', ['id' => $hostid]); if ($host === false) { Message::addError('no-such-jumphost', $hostid); Util::redirect('?do=rebootcontrol'); } return $host; } }