$item]; }, $xxx); Render::addTemplate('status-wol', ['tasks' => $data]); return; } $show = Request::get('what', 'tasklist', 'string'); if ($show === 'tasklist') { self::showTaskList(); } elseif ($show === 'task') { self::showTask(); } } private static function showTask() { // No permission check here - user had to guess the UUID, not very likely, // but this way we can still link to some implicitly triggered job $taskid = Request::get("taskid", Request::REQUIRED, 'string'); $type = Request::get('type', false, 'string'); if ($type === 'checkhost') { // Override $task = Taskmanager::status($taskid); if (!Taskmanager::isTask($task) || !isset($task['data'])) { Message::addError('no-such-task', $taskid); return; } $td =& $task['data']; $ip = array_key_first($td['result']); $data = [ 'taskId' => $task['id'], 'host' => $ip, ]; Render::addTemplate('status-checkconnection', $data); return; } if ($type !== false) { Message::addError('unknown-task-type'); } $job = RebootControl::getActiveTasks(null, $taskid); if ($job === false) { Message::addError('no-such-task', $taskid); return; } if (isset($job['type'])) { $type = $job['type']; } if ($type === RebootControl::TASK_EXEC) { $template = $perm = 'exec'; } elseif ($type === RebootControl::TASK_REBOOTCTL) { $template = 'reboot'; if ($job['action'] === RebootControl::SHUTDOWN) { $perm = 'shutdown'; } else { $perm = 'reboot'; } } elseif ($type == RebootControl::TASK_WOL) { $template = $perm = 'wol'; } else { Message::addError('unknown-task-type', $type); return; } if (!empty($job['locations'])) { $allowedLocs = User::getAllowedLocations("action.$perm"); if (!in_array(0, $allowedLocs) && array_diff($job['locations'], $allowedLocs) !== []) { Message::addError('main.no-permission'); return; } self::expandLocationIds($job['locations']); } // Output if ($type === RebootControl::TASK_REBOOTCTL) { $job['clients'] = RebootUtils::getMachinesByUuid(ArrayUtil::flattenByKey($job['clients'], 'machineuuid')); } elseif ($type === RebootControl::TASK_EXEC) { $details = RebootUtils::getMachinesByUuid(ArrayUtil::flattenByKey($job['clients'], 'machineuuid'), true); foreach ($job['clients'] as &$client) { if (isset($client['machineuuid']) && isset($details[$client['machineuuid']])) { $client += $details[$client['machineuuid']]; } } } elseif ($type === RebootControl::TASK_WOL) { // Nothing (yet) } else { ErrorHandler::traceError('oopsie'); } $job['timestamp_s'] = Util::prettyTime($job['timestamp']); Render::addTemplate('status-' . $template, $job); } private static function showTaskList() { Render::addTemplate('task-header'); // Append list of active reboot/shutdown tasks $allowedLocs = User::getAllowedLocations("action.*"); if (empty($allowedLocs)) { User::assertPermission('action.*'); } $active = RebootControl::getActiveTasks($allowedLocs); if (empty($active)) { Message::addInfo('no-current-tasks'); } else { foreach ($active as &$entry) { self::expandLocationIds($entry['locations']); if (isset($entry['clients'])) { $entry['clients'] = count($entry['clients']); } $entry['timestamp_s'] = Util::prettyTime($entry['timestamp']); } unset($entry); ArrayUtil::sortByColumn($active, 'timestamp', SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC); Render::addTemplate('task-list', ['list' => $active]); } } private static function expandLocationIds(&$lids) { foreach ($lids as &$locid) { if ($locid === 0) { $name = '-'; } else { $name = Location::getName($locid); } $locid = ['id' => $locid, 'name' => $name]; } $lids = array_values($lids); } public static function doAjax() { } }