/** * Pop-Up to select a machine * * AUTHOR: Christian Klinger * */ /* Map: uuid -> obj */ var machineCache = {}; var selectMachinInitialized = false; var placedMachines = []; var $modal, $selectizeSearch; var currentCallback = false; function makeCombinedFieldSingle(item) { item.combined = (item.machineuuid + " " + item.hostname + " " + item.clientip + " " + item.macaddr + " " + item.macaddr.replace(/-/g, ':')).toLocaleLowerCase(); item.sortField = (item.fixedlocationid === null ? 'a' : 'z') + item.hostname; } function makeCombinedField(machineArray) { machineArray.forEach(function (v,i,a){ makeCombinedFieldSingle(machineArray[i]); }); return machineArray; } function renderMachineEntry(item, escape) { machineCache[item.machineuuid] = item; // console.log('rendering ' + item.machineuuid); // console.log('used uuids is '); // console.log(placedMachines); var extraClass = ''; var extraText = ''; if (item.otherroom) { extraText = ' (in ' + item.otherroom + ')'; extraClass = 'used'; } else if (item.fixedlocationid !== null) { extraText = ' (already placed)'; extraClass = 'used'; } return '
' //+ ' ' + '
' + '
' + escape(item.hostname) + extraText + '
' + ' ' + '' + '' + '' + '
UUID: ' + escape(item.machineuuid) + '
MAC: ' + escape(item.macaddr) + '
IP: ' + escape(item.clientip) + '
' + '
' + '
'; } function renderMachineSelected(item, escape) { return '
' + escape(item.hostname) + '
'; } var queryCache = {}; function filterCache(key, query) { return queryCache[key].filter(function (el) { return -1 !== el.combined.indexOf(query); }); } function loadMachines(query, callback) { console.log('queryMachines(' + query + ')'); if (query.length < 2) { callback(); return; } query = query.toLocaleLowerCase(); // See if we have a previous query in our cache that is a superset for this one for (var k in queryCache) { if (query.indexOf(k) !== -1) { callback(filterCache(k, query)); return; } } $.ajax({ url: '?do=roomplanner&action=getmachines&query=' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&locationid=' + locationId, type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', error: function() { console.log('error while doing ajax call'); callback(); }, success: function(json) { console.log('success ajax call'); var machines = makeCombinedField(json.machines); // Server cuts off at 100, so only cache if it contains less entries, as // the new, more specific query could return previously removed results. if (machines.length < 100) { queryCache[query] = machines; } callback(machines); } }); } function clearSearchBox() { $selectizeSearch[0].selectize.setValue([], true); $selectizeSearch[0].selectize.clearCache(); } function clearSubnetBox() { $selectizeSubnet[0].selectize.setValue([], true); $selectizeSubnet[0].selectize.clearCache(); } function initSelectize() { if(!selectMachinInitialized) { console.log("initializing selectize"); /* init modal */ $modal = $('#selectMachineModal'); /* for the search */ $selectizeSearch = $('#machineSearchBox').selectize({ plugins : ["remove_button"], valueField: 'machineuuid', searchField: "combined", openOnFocus: false, create: false, render : { option : renderMachineEntry, item: renderMachineSelected}, load: loadMachines, maxItems: 1, sortField: 'sortField', sortDirection: 'asc', onChange: clearSubnetBox }); /* for the subnet box */ $selectizeSubnet = $('#subnetBox').selectize({ options: subnetMachines, plugins : ["remove_button"], valueField: 'machineuuid', searchField: "combined", openOnFocus: true, create: false, render : { option : renderMachineEntry, item: renderMachineSelected}, maxItems: 1, sortField: 'sortField', sortDirection: 'asc', onChange: clearSearchBox }); $('#selectMachineButton').on('click', onBtnSelect); selectMachinInitialized = true; } } function onBtnSelect() { /* check which one has a value */ console.assert($selectizeSubnet.length === 1); console.assert($selectizeSearch.length === 1); var bySubnet = machineCache[$selectizeSubnet[0].selectize.getValue()]; var bySearch = machineCache[$selectizeSearch[0].selectize.getValue()]; var value = !bySubnet ? bySearch : bySubnet; value.fixedlocationid = -1; makeCombinedFieldSingle(value); var result = {muuid: value.machineuuid, ip: value.clientip, mac_address : value.macaddr, hostname: value.hostname}; currentCallback(result); currentCallback = null; $modal.modal('hide'); clearSubnetBox(); clearSearchBox(); } function onPcDelete(muuid) { var value = machineCache[muuid]; if (!value) { subnetMachines.forEach(function (v, i, a) { if (subnetMachines[i] && subnetMachines[i].machineuuid === muuid) { value = subnetMachines[i]; } }); if (!value) return; } value.fixedlocationid = null; makeCombinedFieldSingle(value); } /* to be called from berryous' code */ function selectMachine(usedUuids, callback) { initSelectize(); currentCallback = callback; placedMachines = usedUuids; $modal.modal('show'); $modal.one('hidden.bs.modal', function () { if (currentCallback) { currentCallback(false); } }); }