/* Copyright (c) 2014 Djuri Baars Copyright (c) 2011 Sean Cusack MIT-LICENSE: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ (function($){ // Default settings var DEBUG = false; var VISUAL_DEBUG = DEBUG; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.obstacle = ".ui-draggable-collision-obstacle"; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.restraint = ".ui-draggable-collision-restraint"; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.collider = ".ui-draggable-dragging"; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.colliderData = null; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.obstacleData = null; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.directionData = null; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.relative = "body"; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.preventCollision = false; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.preventProtrusion = false; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.collisionVisualDebug = false; $.ui.draggable.prototype.options.multipleCollisionInteractions = []; // Plugin setup $.ui.plugin.add( "draggable", "obstacle", { create: function(event,ui){ handleInit .call( this, event, ui ); }, start: function(event,ui){ handleStart .call( this, event, ui ); } , drag: function(event,ui){ return handleCollide.call( this, event, ui ); } , stop: function(event,ui){ handleCollide.call( this, event, ui ); handleStop .call( this, event, ui ); } }); // NOTE: the "handleCollide" function must do all collision and protrusion detection at once, in order for the // simultaneous prevention cases to work properly, so basically, if you ask for both, the obstacle events // will occur first (and do both), and then these will trigger, see that they have an obstacle, and not // do anything a second time $.ui.plugin.add( "draggable", "restraint", { create: function(event,ui){ handleInit .call( this, event, ui ); }, start: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle ) // if there are obstacles, we already handled both { handleStart .call( this, event, ui ); } } , drag: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle ) // if there are obstacles, we already handled both { return handleCollide.call( this, event, ui ); } } , stop: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle ) // if there are obstacles, we already handled both { handleCollide.call( this, event, ui ); handleStop .call( this, event, ui ); } } }); // Likewise, if we already have an obstacle or restraint, we've done it all, so don't repeat $.ui.plugin.add( "draggable", "multipleCollisionInteractions", { create: function(event,ui){ handleInit .call( this, event, ui ); }, start: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle && ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.restraint ) { handleStart .call( this, event, ui ); } } , drag: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle && ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.restraint ) { return handleCollide.call( this, event, ui ); } } , stop: function(event,ui){ if( ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.obstacle && ! $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.restraint ) { handleCollide.call( this, event, ui ); handleStop .call( this, event, ui ); } } }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Private Classes // //////////// // EVENTS // //////////// function CollisionEvent( eventType, collider, obstacle, collisionType, collision ) { jQuery.Event.call( this, eventType ); this.collider = collider; this.obstacle = obstacle; this.collisionType = collisionType; this.collision = collision; } CollisionEvent.prototype = new $.Event( "" ); function CollisionCheckEvent( eventType, collider, obstacle, collisionType ) { jQuery.Event.call( this, eventType ); this.collider = collider; this.obstacle = obstacle; this.collisionType = collisionType; } CollisionCheckEvent.prototype = new $.Event( "" ); ////////////////////// // COORDINATE CLASS // ////////////////////// function Coords( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) { this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; } Coords.prototype.width = function() { return (this.x2-this.x1); }; Coords.prototype.height = function() { return (this.y2+this.y1); }; Coords.prototype.centerx = function() { return (this.x1+this.x2)/2; }; Coords.prototype.centery = function() { return (this.y1+this.y2)/2; }; Coords.prototype.area = function() { return this.width()*this.height(); }; Coords.prototype.hash = function() { return "["+[this.x1,this.y1,this.x2,this.y2].join(",")+"]"; }; Coords.prototype.distance = function(c) { return this.distanceTo( c.centerx(), c.centery() ); }; Coords.prototype.distanceTo = function(x,y) { var dx = this.centerx()-x; var dy = this.centerx()-y; return Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); }; ///////////////////////////////// // COORDINATE HELPER FUNCTIONS // ///////////////////////////////// // create a box with the same total area, centered at center of gravity function centerGravity( coordsList ) { if( coordsList.length <= 0 ) return null; var wsumx = 0; var wsumy = 0; var suma = 0; for( var i = 0; i < coordsList.length; i++ ) { suma += coordsList[i].area(); wsumx += coordsList[i].centerx() * coordsList[i].area(); wsumy += coordsList[i].centery() * coordsList[i].area(); } var d = Math.sqrt( suma ); // dimension of square (both w and h) return new Coords( (wsumx/suma) - d/2, (wsumy/suma) - d/2, (wsumx/suma) + d/2, (wsumy/suma) + d/2 ); } // convert a jq object into a Coords object, handling all the nice-n-messy offsets and margins and crud function jq2Coords( jq, dx, dy ) { var x1,y1, x2, y2; if( !dx ) dx=0; if( !dy ) dy=0; if( jq.parent().length > 0 ) { x1 = dx + jq.offset().left - (parseInt(jq.css("margin-left"))||0); y1 = dy + jq.offset().top - (parseInt(jq.css("margin-top" ))||0); x2 = x1 + jq.outerWidth( true); y2 = y1 + jq.outerHeight(true); } else { x1 = dx + parseInt(jq.css("left" )) || 0; y1 = dy + parseInt(jq.css("top" )) || 0; x2 = x1 + parseInt(jq.css("width" )) || 0; y2 = y1 + parseInt(jq.css("height")) || 0; x2 += (parseInt(jq.css("margin-left"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-left"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("padding-left"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("padding-right"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-right"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("margin-right"))||0); y2 += (parseInt(jq.css("margin-top"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-top"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("padding-top"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("padding-bottom"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("border-bottom"))||0) + (parseInt(jq.css("margin-bottom"))||0); } return new Coords( x1, y1, x2, y2 ); } function jqList2CenterGravity( jqList, dx, dy ) { return centerGravity( jqList.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return jq2Coords($(e),dx,dy); } ) ); } ///////////////////// // COLLISION CLASS // ///////////////////// function Collision( jq, cdata, odata, type, dx, dy, ddata, recentCenterOfGravity, mousex, mousey ) { if(!recentCenterOfGravity) recentCenterOfGravity=jqList2CenterGravity($(this.collider), dx, dy); if(!dx) dx = 0; if(!dy) dy = 0; this.collision = $(jq ); this.collider = $(jq.data(cdata)); this.obstacle = $(jq.data(odata)); this.direction = jq.data(ddata); this.type = type; this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; this.centerOfMass = recentCenterOfGravity; this.collisionCoords = jq2Coords( this.collision ); this.colliderCoords = jq2Coords( this.collider, dx, dy ); this.obstacleCoords = jq2Coords( this.obstacle ); if(!mousex) mousex = this.colliderCoords.centerx(); if(!mousey) mousex = this.colliderCoords.centery(); this.mousex = mousex; this.mousey = mousey; } // amount "embedded" into obstacle in x-direction // might be negative or zero if it doesn't make sense // this is used with the delta calculation - if its <= 0, it'll get skipped // dirx is -1 or +1, depending on which way we are orienting things (which way we want to move it) // NOTE: originally, we were taking the collision area into account, but it's easier to recalc embed value Collision.prototype.embedx = function( dirx ) { if( this.type == "collision" ) { if( dirx < 0 ) /* want to move left */ return this.colliderCoords.x2 - this.obstacleCoords.x1; if( dirx > 0 ) /* want to move right */ return this.obstacleCoords.x2 - this.colliderCoords.x1; } else if( this.type == "protrusion" ) { // if we're embedded in a top/bottom edge, don't move left or right, silly: if( ( this.direction == "N" ) || ( this.direction == "S" ) ) return 0; if( dirx < 0 ) /* want to move left */ return this.colliderCoords.x2 - this.obstacleCoords.x2; if( dirx > 0 ) /* want to move right */ return this.obstacleCoords.x1 - this.colliderCoords.x1; } return 0; }; // and ditto for y-direction Collision.prototype.embedy = function( diry ) { if( this.type == "collision" ) { if( diry < 0 ) /* want to move up */ return this.colliderCoords.y2 - this.obstacleCoords.y1; if( diry > 0 ) /* want to move down */ return this.obstacleCoords.y2 - this.colliderCoords.y1; } else if( this.type == "protrusion" ) { // if we're embedded in a left/right edge, don't move up or down, silly: if( ( this.direction == "E" ) || ( this.direction == "W" ) ) return 0; if( diry < 0 ) /* want to move up */ return this.colliderCoords.y2 - this.obstacleCoords.y2; if( diry > 0 ) /* want to move down */ return this.obstacleCoords.y1 - this.colliderCoords.y1; } return 0; }; // distance from collision to recent center of mass, i.e. it used to be in one place, and we're dragging it // to another, so the "overlap" of some collider happens a certain "distance" from the center of where stuff // used to be... Collision.prototype.distance = function() { var cx1 = this.centerOfMass.centerx(); var cy1 = this.centerOfMass.centery(); var cx2 = this.collisionCoords.centerx(); var cy2 = this.collisionCoords.centery(); return Math.sqrt( (cx2-cx1)*(cx2-cx1) + (cy2-cy1)*(cy2-cy1) ); }; Collision.prototype.hash = function(){ return this.type+"["+this.colliderCoords.hash()+","+this.obstacleCoords.hash()+"]"; }; //////////////////////////////// // COLLISION HELPER FUNCTIONS // //////////////////////////////// // sort so that collisions closest to recent center of mass come first -- we need to resolve them in order function collisionComparison(c1,c2) { var cd1 = c1.distance(); var cd2 = c2.distance(); return ( ( cd1 < cd2 ) ? -1 : ( cd1 > cd2 ) ? +1 : 0 ); } /////////////////////// // INTERACTION CLASS // /////////////////////// function Interaction( draggable, options ) { this.draggable = $(draggable); this.obstacleSelector = options.obstacle || ".ui-draggable-collision-obstacle" ; this.restraintSelector = options.restraint || ".ui-draggable-collision-restraint" ; this.obstacle = $(options.obstacle || ".ui-draggable-collision-obstacle" ); this.restraint = $(options.restraint || ".ui-draggable-collision-restraint" ); var collider = options.collider || ".ui-draggable-dragging" ; this.collider = draggable.find( collider ).andSelf().filter( collider ); this.colliderData = options.colliderData || null; this.obstacleData = options.obstacleData || null; this.directionData = options.directionData || null; this.relative = options.relative || "body"; this.preventCollision = options.preventCollision || false; this.preventProtrusion = options.preventProtrusion || false; this.collisions = $(); this.protrusions = $(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Main handler functions // function uiTrigger( _this, widget, eventName, event, ui ) { $.ui.plugin.call( widget, eventName, event, ui ); _this.trigger( event, ui ); } function handleInit( event, ui, type ) { var w = $(this).data("ui-draggable"); var o = w.options; } function handleStart(event,ui) { VISUAL_DEBUG = $(this).data("ui-draggable").options.collisionVisualDebug; $(this).data( "jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position", ui.originalPosition ); } function handleStop (event,ui) { $(this).removeData("jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position"); if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) $(".testdebug").remove(); VISUAL_DEBUG = DEBUG; } // This is the monolithic workhorse of the plugin: // * At the beginning and end, it sends out all the pre/post-collision/protrusion events // * In the middle, it both calculates collisions, and prevents them if requested // * When it's either tried its best, or found a fit, or wasn't required to avoid obstacles, it sends out actual collision events // // Inside the first big loop is the actual "prevention" logic // * It calculates the "intended position" of everything, checks all the collision logic, and if it needs to, // then calculates a delta movement to see if that fits, and the loop continues until it either works, // or an arbitrary iteration limit is reached, just in case it gets in a loop // * The delta function is described in more detail below // // During all the "trying a new position" and "determining collisions" calculations, it's not using purely the // current position of the colliders -- it can't because the draggable is now in a new "intended position", // and with it, all its children, including any collider children // * So, it keeps track of a dx and dy from known position, and populates a "jquery-collision-coordinates" data value // that the jquery-collision plugin takes into account during the calculations // * Also, the Coords() values get populated with these offsets at various times, so that they reflect "intended position" // // Note also that the collider, obstacle, and direction data fields are temporarily overridden (because we need them here, // and the user may not have asked for them), and then erased and placed where the user wants them, right before // sending out the collision events // // Note also that the collisions and protrusions requested are "relative" to "body". If the use asked for // something relative, it has to get translated right before sending out the events... function handleCollide( event, ui ) { // Note that $(this) is the draggable that's moving - it has a ui.position that moves according to where // the draggable is "about to move". However, our "collidable" objects might not be the same as $(this) - // they might be child elements. So we need to keep track of recent and present position so we can apply the // "intended" dx and dy to all the moving elements: var rp = $(this).data("jquery-ui-draggable-collision-recent-position"); if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "handleCollision ******************************************************************" ); } if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) $(".testdebug").remove(); var ctyp = "collision"; var prec = "precollision"; var postc = "postcollision"; var ptyp = "protrusion"; var prep = "preprotrusion"; var postp = "postprotrusion"; // NOTE: widget is used for uiTrigger, otherwise event-binders don't get a "ui" variable var widget = $(this).data("ui-draggable"); var o = widget.options; // List of Interactions -- first one is the main set of args from the .draggable() setup call, rest are multipleCollisionInteractions:[...] var ilist = []; if( o.obstacle || o.restraint ) ilist.push( new Interaction( $(this), o ) ); if( o.multipleCollisionInteractions && o.multipleCollisionInteractions['length'] ) { var mci = o.multipleCollisionInteractions; for( var i=0; i").offset( { left: cn[0], top: cn[1] } ) .width( cn[2]-cn[0]+$(this).width( ) ) // because it had the draggable's size chopped out :-P .height( cn[3]-cn[1]+$(this).height() ); // because it had the draggable's size chopped out :-P if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) $cont.clone() .css("background","transparent") .css("border","1px solid blue") .css("margin","-1px").css("padding","0px") .addClass("testdebug") .appendTo(); } var deltaCache = {}; var iter = 0; while( iter < maxiter ) { iter++; // Calc offset from recent move, so we can move the objects that are "coming along for the ride" before calculating their // collisions. Otherwise the ui variable only keeps track of the main draggable, not its contents, which may contain // the actual things that collide dx = ui.position.left - rp.left; dy = ui.position.top - rp.top; // Empty the collision containers outside the interaction loop: ocl = []; cocl = []; pocl = []; for( var i=0; i", colliderData: d1, obstacleData: d2, directionData: d3, relative: "body" } ); if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "collisions", oc ); } // Add the interaction settings to their data, so we can pick it apart later: oc.data( di, ilist[i] ); // And add the collisions to the interaction: ilist[i].collisions = ilist[i].collisions.add(oc); // And if there are any, make the appropriate Collision() objects and add them to the list if( oc.length > 0 ) { cocl = oc.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return new Collision($(e), d1, d2, "collision" , dx, dy, d3, cog, event.pageX, event.pageY ); } ); ocl = ocl.concat( cocl ); if(VISUAL_DEBUG) $("c"+iter+"").appendTo(oc.addClass("testdebug").css("position","absolute").css("padding","0px") .css("border","1px solid black").css("margin","-1").appendTo("body")); } // Calculate protrusions likewise: oc = $($c[ci]).collision( $r, { mode: "protrusion", as: "
", colliderData: d1, obstacleData: d2, directionData: d3, relative: "body" } ); if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "protrusions", oc ); } // Add the interaction settings to their data, so we can pick it apart later: oc.data( di, ilist[i] ); // And add the protrusions to the interaction: ilist[i].protrusions = ilist[i].protrusions.add( oc ); // And if there are any, make the appropriate Collision() objects and add them to the list if( oc.length > 0 ) { pocl = oc.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return new Collision($(e), d1, d2, "protrusion", dx, dy, d3, cog, event.pageX, event.pageY ); } ); ocl = ocl.concat( pocl ); if(VISUAL_DEBUG) $("p"+iter+"").appendTo(oc.addClass("testdebug").css("position","absolute").css("padding","0px") .css("border","1px solid magenta").css("margin","-1").appendTo("body")); } } // Now remove coordinate offsets before sending events, otherwise event results might futz with em: $c.each( function(){ $(this).removeData( "jquery-collision-coordinates" ); } ); } if( widget.containment ) { // Add offset to coordinates before figuring out collisions, because we're basing it on "where its about to go", not "where it is": // (Don't do this for anything but colliders! Applying to obstacles or restrictions or containment screws things up!!) $(this).each( function(){ $(this).data( "jquery-collision-coordinates", jq2Coords($(this),dx,dy) ); } ); // Check protrusion from container as well // NOTE: since draggable plugin has already applied containment, if we accidentally move it outside, it won't fix it for us var $cc = $(this).collision( $cont, { mode: "protrusion", as: "
", colliderData: d1, obstacleData: d2, directionData: d3, relative: "body" } ); ccl = $cc.toArray().map( function(e,i,a){ return new Collision($(e), d1, d2, "protrusion", dx, dy, d3, jqList2CenterGravity($c), event.pageX, event.pageY ); } ); if(VISUAL_DEBUG) $("x"+iter+"").appendTo($cc.addClass("testdebug").css("position","absolute") .css("padding","0px").css("border","1px solid blue").css("margin","-1").appendTo("body")); // Now remove coordinate offsets before sending events, otherwise event results might futz with em: $(this).each( function(){ $(this).removeData( "jquery-collision-coordinates" ); } ); } if( DEBUG ) console.log("checking if we have any collisions at all..."); // If there's no collisions, INCLUDING the container, stop now, don't keep doing stuff if( ( cocl.length <= 0 ) && ( pocl.length <= 0 ) && ( ccl.length <= 0 ) ) break; var doneAdjusting = true; // Go through each interaction -- if any of them break the prevention rule, we aren't done adjusting yet for( var i=0; i 0 ) ) { if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "not trying to prevent anything, but jumped our containment", ilist[i] ); } doneAdjusting = false; } if( DEBUG ) console.log("checking if we want to block something we have collided with..."); // More specifically, if aren't any collisions that we actually want to prevent, stop -- though we have to think of this in the opposite sense: // if we DO either // want to prevent collisions yet have a collision or containment failure, OR // want to prevent protrusions yet have a protrusion or a containment failure, // then DON'T STOP if( ( ilist[i].preventCollision && ( ( ilist[i].collisions .length > 0 ) || ( ccl.length > 0 ) ) ) || ( ilist[i].preventProtrusion && ( ( ilist[i].protrusions.length > 0 ) || ( ccl.length > 0 ) ) ) ) { if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "trying to prevent something that we're still hitting", ilist[i] ); } doneAdjusting = false; } } if( doneAdjusting ) { if( DEBUG ) { console.log( "done adjusting" ); } break; } if( DEBUG ) console.log("calculating delta with ocl,ccl=",ocl,ccl); // Calculate a delta to move, based on collisions+protrusions and containment var d = delta( ocl.concat(), ccl, deltaCache ); if( DEBUG ) console.log("dx=",d.dx,"dy=",d.dy); // If there's nothing to do, stop -- it shouldn't happen if we had collisions, but... if( d.dx == 0 && d.dy == 0 ) break; // Apply the movement, and let the loop run again, to see if our proposed delta movement was any good ui.position.left += d.dx; ui.position.top += d.dy; } dx = ui.position.left - rp.left; dy = ui.position.top - rp.top; /* deactivated for now - doesn't seem to be needed - may revisit later: // if our new center of gravity is further from the mouse position than the last one, revert var origd = jqList2CenterGravity($c,origdx,origdy).distanceTo( event.pageX, event.pageY ); var newd = jqList2CenterGravity($c, dx, dy).distanceTo( event.pageX, event.pageY ); if( newd > origd ) { console.log("center of gravity issue: ",origd,newd); } // add this to revert */ // If we failed to find a fit, revert to the previous position if( ( iter > maxiter ) || // if we ran out of iterations, tough, revert ( ccl.length > 0 ) || // if we ran outside out containment, also revert ( o.preventProtrusion && ( pocl.length > 0 ) ) || // if we have a protrusion and are trying to prevent protrusions, revert ( o.preventCollision && ( cocl.length > 0 ) ) ) // if we have a collision and are trying to prevent collisions, revert { if( DEBUG ) console.log("reverting, i=",iter,"maxiter=",maxiter,"cocl=",cocl,"cocl.len=",cocl.length,"pocl=", pocl,"pocl.len=",pocl.length,"ccl=",ccl,"ccl.len=",ccl.length, //"newd=",newd,"origd=",origd, "origdx=",origdx,"origdy=",origdy,"dx=",dx,"dy=",dy); ui.position.left = origleft; ui.position.top = origtop; } // NOW we can go through and actually send out the events -- we couldn't before, because we might have hit // collisions multiple times during the course of trying to prevent them for( var ci=0; ci 0 ) { // note _pop_ not _shift_. we want to grab furthest collision from center of mass first... // this one is likely the one causing the most problems, because something is embedded deeply into // some obstacle: var thisc = c.pop(); var co = thisc.obstacleCoords; var cc = thisc.colliderCoords; var cv = thisc.collisionCoords; var ct = thisc.type; var cd = thisc.direction; var key = thisc.hash(); var dirx = ( thisc.type=="protrusion" ? ( cc.centerx() > co.centerx() ? -1 : +1 ) : ( cc.centerx() > co.centerx() ? +1 : -1 ) ); var diry = ( thisc.type=="protrusion" ? ( cc.centery() > co.centery() ? -1 : +1 ) : ( cc.centery() > co.centery() ? +1 : -1 ) ); var dx = thisc.embedx( dirx ); var dy = thisc.embedy( diry ); if( DEBUG ) console.log("cv,cc,co,ct,dx,dy,thisc.dx,thisc.dy,dirx,diry,co.centerx,co.centery,cc.centerx,cc.centery,key=", cv.hash(),cc.hash(),co.hash(),ct,dx,dy,thisc.dx,thisc.dy,dirx,diry,co.centerx(),co.centery(),cc.centerx(),cc.centery(),key); var tryToAdjustDX = ( dx < dy ); if( key in cache && cache[key] == "tried reverse" ) { if( DEBUG ) console.log("but already tried reverse too..."); continue; } else if( key in cache && cache[key] == "tried normal" ) { if( DEBUG ) console.log("but already tried this..."); tryToAdjustDX=!tryToAdjustDX; cache[key]="tried reverse"; } else { cache[key]="tried normal"; } if( tryToAdjustDX ) { if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) { $(""+thisc.direction+"d"+cache.deltanum+".dx="+dx+"*"+dirx+"").css("color","black").addClass("testdebug") .css("position","absolute") .css("white-space","nowrap").offset( { left: thisc.mousex, top: thisc.mousey + 20*(cache.deltanum-1) } ).appendTo("body"); cache.deltanum++; }; if( dx <= 0 ) { c.push(thisc); continue; } return { "dx":dx*dirx, "dy":0 }; } else { if( VISUAL_DEBUG ) { $(""+thisc.direction+"d"+cache.deltanum+".dy="+dy+"*"+diry+"").css("color","black").addClass("testdebug") .css("position","absolute") .css("white-space","nowrap").offset( { left: thisc.mousex, top: thisc.mousey + 20*(cache.deltanum-1) } ).appendTo("body"); cache.deltanum++; }; if( dy <= 0 ) { c.push(thisc); continue; } return { "dx":0, "dy":dy*diry }; } } return { "dx":0, "dy":0 }; }; })(jQuery);