compileTask !== null) return $this->compileTask; $this->compileTask = Property::get(IPxeBuilder::PROP_IPXE_COMPILE_TASKID); if ($this->compileTask !== false) { $this->compileTask = Taskmanager::status($this->compileTask); if (!Taskmanager::isTask($this->compileTask) || Taskmanager::isFinished($this->compileTask)) { $this->compileTask = false; } } return $this->compileTask; } protected function doPreprocess() { User::load(); if (!User::isLoggedIn()) { Message::addError(''); Util::redirect('?do=Main'); } if (Request::any('action') === 'getimage') { User::assertPermission("download"); $this->handleGetImage(); } if (User::hasPermission('edit.address')) { Taskmanager::submit('IpxeVersion', ['id' => IPxeBuilder::VERSION_LIST_TASK, 'action' => 'LIST'], true); } $action = Request::post('action'); if ($action === false) { $this->currentAddress = Property::getServerIp(); $this->getLocalAddresses(); } if ($action === 'compile') { User::assertPermission("edit.address"); if ($this->getCompileTask() === false) { $taskId = IPxeBuilder::setIpxeVersion(Request::post('version', false, 'string')); Trigger::ipxe($taskId); } Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=address&sv=1'); } if ($action === 'fetch' || $action === 'reset') { User::assertPermission("edit.address"); if ($this->getCompileTask() === false) { $task = Taskmanager::submit('IpxeVersion', ['action' => strtoupper($action)]); if (Taskmanager::isTask($task)) { Property::set(IPxeBuilder::PROP_VERSION_SELECT_TASKID, $task['id'], 2); } } Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=address&sv=1'); } if ($action === 'ip') { User::assertPermission("edit.address"); // New address is to be set $this->getLocalAddresses(); $this->updateLocalAddress(); } if ($action === 'savebootentry') { User::assertPermission('ipxe.bootentry.edit'); $this->saveBootEntry(); } if ($action === 'deleteBootentry') { User::assertPermission('ipxe.bootentry.edit'); $this->deleteBootEntry(); } if ($action === 'savemenu') { User::assertPermission(''); $this->saveMenu(); } if ($action === 'savelocation') { // Permcheck in function $this->saveLocationMenu(); Util::redirect('?do=locations'); } if ($action === 'savelocalboot') { User::assertPermission('ipxe.localboot.edit'); $this->saveLocalboot(); } if ($action === 'import') { User::assertPermission('ipxe.bootentry.edit'); $this->execImportPxeMenu(); } if ($action === 'deleteMenu') { // Permcheck in function $this->deleteMenu(); } if ($action === 'setDefaultMenu') { User::assertPermission('', 0); $this->setDefaultMenu(); } if (Request::isPost()) { Util::redirect('?do=serversetup'); } User::assertPermission('access-page'); $addr = false; if (User::hasPermission('')) { Dashboard::addSubmenu('?do=serversetup&show=menu', Dictionary::translate('submenu_menu')); } if (User::hasPermission('ipxe.bootentry.view')) { Dashboard::addSubmenu('?do=serversetup&show=bootentry', Dictionary::translate('submenu_bootentry')); } if (User::hasPermission('edit.address')) { Dashboard::addSubmenu('?do=serversetup&show=address', Dictionary::translate('submenu_address')); $addr = true; } if (User::hasPermission('download')) { Dashboard::addSubmenu('?do=serversetup&show=download', Dictionary::translate('submenu_download')); } if (User::hasPermission('ipxe.localboot.*')) { Dashboard::addSubmenu('?do=serversetup&show=localboot', Dictionary::translate('submenu_localboot')); } if (User::hasPermission('ipxe.bootentry.edit')) { Dashboard::addSubmenu('?do=serversetup&show=import', Dictionary::translate('submenu_import')); } if (Request::get('show') === false) { $subs = Dashboard::getSubmenus(); $sv = Request::get('sv') ? '&sv=' . Request::get('sv') : ''; if (empty($subs)) { User::assertPermission('download'); } elseif ($addr && !preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', Property::getServerIp())) { Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=address' . $sv); } else { Util::redirect($subs[0]['url'] . $sv); } } } protected function doRender() { Render::addTemplate("heading"); $show = Request::get('show'); if (in_array($show, ['menu', 'address', 'download'])) { $selectTask = Taskmanager::status(Property::get(IPxeBuilder::PROP_VERSION_SELECT_TASKID)); $buildTask = $this->getCompileTask(); if ($buildTask !== false || Taskmanager::isRunning($selectTask) || Request::get('sv')) { Render::addTemplate('git_task', [ 'selectTask' => Property::get(IPxeBuilder::PROP_VERSION_SELECT_TASKID), 'reload' => Taskmanager::isRunning($selectTask), ]); } if ($buildTask !== false) { $files = []; if ($buildTask['data'] && $buildTask['data']['files']) { foreach ($buildTask['data']['files'] as $k => $v) { $files[] = ['name' => $k, 'namehyphen' => str_replace(['/', '.'], '-', $k)]; } } Render::addTemplate('ipxe_update', ['taskid' => $buildTask['id'], 'files' => $files]); } } switch ($show) { case 'editbootentry': User::assertPermission('ipxe.bootentry.*'); $this->showEditBootEntry(); break; case 'editmenu': User::assertPermission(''); $this->showEditMenu(); break; case 'download': User::assertPermission('download'); $this->showDownload(); break; case 'menu': User::assertPermission(''); $this->showMenuList(); break; case 'bootentry': User::assertPermission('ipxe.bootentry.view'); $this->showBootentryList(); break; case 'address': User::assertPermission('edit.address'); $this->showEditAddress(); break; case 'assignlocation': // Permcheck in function $this->showEditLocation(); break; case 'localboot': User::assertPermission('ipxe.localboot.*'); $this->showLocalbootConfig(); break; case 'import': User::assertPermission('ipxe.bootentry.edit'); $this->showImportMenu(); break; default: Util::redirect('?do=serversetup'); } } private function showDownload() { $list = glob('/srv/openslx/www/boot/download/*', GLOB_NOSORT); usort($list, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp(substr($a, -4), substr($b, -4)) * 100 + strcmp($a, $b); }); $files = []; $strings = [ 'efi' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-efi') => 50], 'pcbios' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-pcbios') => 51], 'usb' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-usb') => 80], 'hd' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-hd') => 81], 'lkrn' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-lkrn') => 82], 'i386' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-i386') => 10], 'x86_64' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-x86_64') => 11], 'ecm' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-usbnic') => 60], 'ncm' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-usbnic') => 61], 'ipxe' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-pcinic') => 62], 'snp' => [Dictionary::translate('dl-snp') => 63], ]; foreach ($list as $file) { if ($file[0] === '.') continue; if (is_file($file)) { $base = basename($file); $features = []; foreach (preg_split('/[\-.\/]+/', $base, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $p) { if (array_key_exists($p, $strings)) { $features += $strings[$p]; } } asort($features); $files[] = [ 'name' => $base, 'size' => Util::readableFileSize(filesize($file)), 'modified' => Util::prettyTime(filemtime($file)), 'class' => substr($base, -4) === '.usb' ? 'slx-bold' : '', 'features' => implode(', ', array_keys($features)), ]; } } Render::addTemplate('download', ['files' => $files]); } /** * @return array{EFI: array, PCBIOS: array} */ private function makeSelectArray(array $list, array $defaults): array { $ret = ['EFI' => [], 'PCBIOS' => []]; foreach (['PCBIOS', 'EFI'] as $m) { foreach (array_keys($list[$m]) as $k) { $ret[$m][] = [ 'key' => $k, 'selected' => ($k === $defaults[$m] ? 'selected' : ''), ]; } } return $ret; } private function showLocalbootConfig() { // Default setting $default = Localboot::getDefault(); $optionList = $this->makeSelectArray(Localboot::BOOT_METHODS, $default); // Exceptions $models = []; $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT m.systemmodel, cnt, sl.pcbios AS PCBIOS, sl.efi AS EFI FROM ( SELECT m2.systemmodel, Count(*) AS cnt FROM machine m2 GROUP BY systemmodel ) m LEFT JOIN serversetup_localboot sl USING (systemmodel) ORDER BY systemmodel'); foreach ($res as $row) { $row['modelesc'] = urlencode($row['systemmodel']); $row['options'] = $this->makeSelectArray(Localboot::BOOT_METHODS, $row); $models[] = $row; } // Output $data = [ 'default' => $default, 'options' => $optionList, 'exceptions' => $models, ]; Render::addTemplate('localboot', $data); } private function showImportMenu() { Render::addTemplate('page-import'); } private function showBootentryList() { $allowEdit = User::hasPermission('ipxe.bootentry.edit'); $bootentryTable = Database::queryAll("SELECT be.entryid, be.hotkey, be.title, be.builtin, be.module, Count(sme.menuid) AS refs, GROUP_CONCAT(sm.title SEPARATOR ', ') as menuname FROM serversetup_bootentry be LEFT JOIN serversetup_menuentry sme USING (entryid) LEFT JOIN serversetup_menu sm USING (menuid) WHERE be.module <> '.special' GROUP BY be.entryid, be.title"); if (empty($bootentryTable)) { if (Property::getServerIp() === 'invalid') { Message::addError('no-ip-set'); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=address'); } IPxe::importLegacyMenu(true); $num = IPxe::importSubnetPxeMenus('/srv/openslx/tftp/pxelinux.cfg'); if ($num > 0) { EventLog::info('Imported old PXELinux menu, with ' . $num . ' additional IP-range based menus.'); } else { EventLog::info('Imported old PXELinux menu.'); } Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=bootentry'); } Module::isAvailable('js_stupidtable'); Render::addTemplate('bootentry-list', array( 'bootentryTable' => $bootentryTable, 'allowEdit' => $allowEdit, )); } private function showMenuList() { $allowedEdit = User::getAllowedLocations(''); // TODO Permission::addGlobalTags($perms, null, ['', 'edit.address', 'download']); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT m.menuid, m.title, m.isdefault, GROUP_CONCAT(l.locationid) AS locations, GROUP_CONCAT(ll.locationname SEPARATOR ', ') AS locnames FROM serversetup_menu m LEFT JOIN serversetup_menu_location l USING (menuid) LEFT JOIN location ll USING (locationid) GROUP BY menuid, title ORDER BY title"); $menuTable = []; foreach ($res as $row) { if (empty($row['locations'])) { $locations = []; $row['allowEdit'] = in_array(0, $allowedEdit); } else { $locations = explode(',', $row['locations']); $row['allowEdit'] = in_array(0, $allowedEdit) || empty(array_diff($locations, $allowedEdit)); } $row['locationCount'] = empty($locations) ? '' : count($locations); $menuTable[] = $row; } Render::addTemplate('menu-list', array( 'menuTable' => $menuTable, 'showSetDefault' => User::hasPermission('', 0) )); } private function hasMenuPermission(int $menuid, string $permission): bool { $allowedEditLocations = User::getAllowedLocations($permission); $allowEdit = in_array(0, $allowedEditLocations); if (!$allowEdit) { // Get locations $locations = Database::queryColumnArray('SELECT locationid FROM serversetup_menu_location WHERE menuid = :menuid', compact('menuid')); if (!empty($locations)) { $allowEdit = count(array_diff($locations, $allowedEditLocations)) === 0; } } return $allowEdit; } private function showEditMenu() { $id = Request::get('id', false, 'int'); // if = edit, else = add new if ($id !== 0) { $menu = Database::queryFirst("SELECT menuid, timeoutms, title, defaultentryid, isdefault FROM serversetup_menu m WHERE menuid = :id", compact('id')); } else { $menu = []; $menu['menuid'] = 0; $menu['timeoutms'] = 0; $menu['title'] = ''; $menu['defaultentryid'] = null; $menu['isdefault'] = false; } if ($menu === false) { Message::addError('invalid-menu-id', $id); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=menu'); } $highlight = Request::get('highlight', false, 'string'); if ($id !== 0 && !$this->hasMenuPermission($id, '')) { $menu['readonly'] = 'readonly'; $menu['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $menu['plainpass'] = ''; } if (!User::hasPermission('', 0)) { $menu['globalMenuWarning'] = true; } $menu['timeout'] = round($menu['timeoutms'] / 1000); $menu['entries'] = []; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT me.menuentryid, me.entryid, me.refmenuid, me.hotkey, me.title, me.hidden, me.sortval, me.plainpass, be.title AS parenttitle FROM serversetup_menuentry me LEFT JOIN serversetup_bootentry be USING (entryid) WHERE menuid = :id ORDER BY sortval ASC", compact('id')); foreach ($res as $row) { if ($row['entryid'] === null && $row['refmenuid'] !== null) { $row['entryid'] = 'menu:' . $row['refmenuid']; } if ($row['entryid'] == $highlight) { $row['highlight'] = 'active'; } $menu['entries'][] = $row; } $menu['keys'] = array_map(function ($item) { return ['key' => $item]; }, MenuEntry::getKeyList()); $menu['entrylist'] = array_merge( Database::queryAll("SELECT entryid, title, hotkey, module, data FROM serversetup_bootentry ORDER BY title ASC"), // Add all menus, so we can link Database::queryAll("SELECT Concat('menu:', menuid) AS entryid, title, 1 AS no_edit FROM serversetup_menu ORDER BY title ASC") ); foreach ($menu['entrylist'] as &$bootentry) { if (!isset($bootentry['data']) || !isset($bootentry['module'])) continue; if ($bootentry['module'][0] !== '.') { // Hook from other module $bootentry['moduleName'] = Dictionary::translateFileModule($bootentry['module'], 'module', 'module_name'); if (!$bootentry['moduleName']) { $bootentry['moduleName'] = $bootentry['module']; } $bootentry['ishook'] = true; $data = json_decode($bootentry['data'], true); unset($bootentry['data']); $bootentry['id'] = $data['id']; $bootentry['otherFields'] = []; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($k === 'id') continue; $bootentry['otherFields'][] = [ 'key' => Dictionary::translateFileModule($bootentry['module'], 'module', 'ipxe-' . $k), 'value' => is_bool($v) ? Util::boolToString($v) : $v, ]; } continue; } $entry = BootEntry::fromJson($bootentry['module'], $bootentry['data']); if ($entry === null) { error_log('WARNING: Ignoring NULL menu entry: ' . $bootentry['data']); continue; } $bootentry['data'] = $entry->toArray(); // Transform stuff suitable for mustache if (!array_key_exists('arch', $bootentry['data'])) continue; // Naming and agnostic if ($bootentry['data']['arch'] === BootEntry::BIOS) { $bootentry['data']['arch'] = Dictionary::translateFile('template-tags','lang_biosOnly'); unset($bootentry['data']['EFI']); } elseif ($bootentry['data']['arch'] === BootEntry::EFI) { $bootentry['data']['arch'] = Dictionary::translateFile('template-tags','lang_efiOnly'); unset($bootentry['data']['PCBIOS']); } elseif ($bootentry['data']['arch'] === BootEntry::AGNOSTIC) { $bootentry['data']['arch'] = Dictionary::translateFile('template-tags','lang_archAgnostic'); unset($bootentry['data']['EFI']); } else { $bootentry['data']['arch'] = Dictionary::translateFile('template-tags','lang_archBoth'); } foreach ($bootentry['data'] as &$e) { if (isset($e['initRd'])) { $e['initRd'] = implode(',', $e['initRd']); } } } foreach ($menu['entries'] as &$entry) { $entry['isdefault'] = ($entry['menuentryid'] == $menu['defaultentryid']); // TODO: plainpass only when permissions } Permission::addGlobalTags($menu['perms'], 0, ['']); Render::addTemplate('menu-edit', $menu); } private function showEditBootEntry() { $params = ['hooks' => []]; foreach (Hook::load('ipxe-bootentry') as $hook) { $var = $hook->run(); if ($var instanceof BootEntryHook) { $var->moduleId = $hook->moduleId; $params['hooks'][] = $var; } } $id = Request::get('id', false, 'string'); if ($id === false) { $params['exec_checked'] = 'checked'; $params['entryid'] = 'u-' . dechex(mt_rand(0x1000, 0xffff)) . '-' . dechex(time()); } else { // Query existing entry $row = Database::queryFirst('SELECT entryid, title, builtin, module, data FROM serversetup_bootentry WHERE entryid = :id LIMIT 1', ['id' => $id]); if ($row === false) { Message::addError('invalid-boot-entry', $id); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup'); } if ($row['module'] === '.special') { Message::addError('cannot-edit-special', $id); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup'); } if ($row['module'][0] === '.') { // either script or exec entry $entry = BootEntry::fromJson($row['module'], $row['data']); if ($entry === null) { Message::addError('unknown-bootentry-type', $id); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=bootentry'); } $entry->addFormFields($params); } else { // Hook from another module if (Module::get($row['module']) === false) { Message::addError('unknown-hook-module', $row['module']); } else { foreach ($params['hooks'] as $he) { /** @var BootEntryHook $he */ if ($he->moduleId === $row['module']) { $he->setSelected($row['data']); $he->checked = 'checked'; if (!$he->isValidId($he->getSelected())) { Message::addError('invalid-custom-entry-id', $row['module'], $row['data']); } break; } } } } $params['title'] = $row['title']; if (!Request::get('copy')) { $params['oldentryid'] = $params['entryid'] = $row['entryid']; $params['builtin'] = $row['builtin']; } $params['menus'] = Database::queryAll('SELECT m.menuid, m.title FROM serversetup_menu m INNER JOIN serversetup_menuentry me ON (me.menuid = m.menuid) WHERE me.entryid = :entryid', ['entryid' => $row['entryid']]); } if (!isset($params['entries']) || !is_array($params['entries'])) { $params['entries'] = []; } $f = []; foreach ($params['entries'] as $e) { if (isset($e['mode'])) { $f[] = $e['mode']; } } if (!in_array('PCBIOS', $f)) { $params['entries'][] = (new ExecData)->toFormFields('PCBIOS'); } if (!in_array('EFI', $f)) { $params['entries'][] = (new ExecData)->toFormFields('EFI'); } $params['disabled'] = User::hasPermission('ipxe.bootentry.edit') ? '' : 'disabled'; Render::addTemplate('ipxe-new-boot-entry', $params); } private function showEditAddress() { $status = IPxeBuilder::getVersionTaskResult(); $versions = false; if ($status === null) { $error = 'Taskmanager down'; } elseif (!empty($status['versions'])) { $versions = $status['versions']; foreach ($versions as &$version) { if ($version['hash'] === Property::get(IPxeBuilder::PROP_IPXE_HASH)) { $version['hash_selected'] = 'selected'; } $version['date_s'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $version['date']); $version['hash_s'] = substr($version['hash'], 0, 7); } $error = false; } else { $error = $status['error'] ?? 'Unknown error'; } Render::addTemplate('ipaddress', array( 'ips' => $this->addrListTask['data']['addresses'] ?? [], 'chooseHintClass' => $this->hasIpSet ? '' : 'alert alert-danger', 'disabled' => ($this->getCompileTask() === false) ? '' : 'disabled', 'versions' => $versions, 'error' => $error, 'lastBuild' => Property::get(IPxeBuilder::PROP_IPXE_BUILDSTRING), )); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private function getLocalAddresses(): void { $this->addrListTask = Taskmanager::submit('LocalAddressesList', array()); if ($this->addrListTask === false) { $this->addrListTask['data']['addresses'] = false; return; } if (!Taskmanager::isFinished($this->addrListTask)) { // TODO: Async if just displaying $this->addrListTask = Taskmanager::waitComplete($this->addrListTask['id'], 4000); } if (Taskmanager::isFailed($this->addrListTask) || !isset($this->addrListTask['data']['addresses'])) { $this->addrListTask['data']['addresses'] = false; return; } $sortIp = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->addrListTask['data']['addresses']) as $key) { $item =& $this->addrListTask['data']['addresses'][$key]; if (!isset($item['ip']) || !preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', $item['ip']) || substr($item['ip'], 0, 4) === '127.') { unset($this->addrListTask['data']['addresses'][$key]); continue; } if ($this->currentAddress === $item['ip']) { $item['default'] = true; $this->hasIpSet = true; } $sortIp[] = $item['ip']; } unset($item); array_multisort($sortIp, SORT_STRING, $this->addrListTask['data']['addresses']); } private function deleteBootEntry() { $id = Request::post('deleteid', false, 'string'); if ($id === false) { Message::addError('main.parameter-missing', 'deleteid'); return; } $res = Database::exec("DELETE FROM serversetup_bootentry WHERE entryid = :entryid AND builtin = 0", array("entryid" => $id)); if ($res > 0) { Message::addSuccess('bootentry-deleted'); } Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=bootentry'); } private function setDefaultMenu() { $id = Request::post('menuid', false, 'int'); if ($id === false) { Message::addError('main.parameter-missing', 'menuid'); return; } Database::exec('UPDATE serversetup_menu SET isdefault = (menuid = :menuid)', ['menuid' => $id]); Message::addSuccess('menu-set-default'); } private function deleteMenu() { $id = Request::post('deleteid', false, 'int'); if ($id === false) { Message::addError('main.parameter-missing', 'deleteid'); return; } if (!$this->hasMenuPermission($id, '')) { Message::addError('', $id); return; } Database::exec("DELETE FROM serversetup_menu WHERE menuid = :menuid", array("menuid" => $id)); Message::addSuccess('menu-deleted'); } private function saveMenu() { $id = Request::post('menuid', false, 'int'); if ($id === false) { Message::addError('main.parameter-missing', 'menuid'); return; } $insertParams = [ 'title' => IPxe::sanitizeIpxeString(Request::post('title', '', 'string')), 'timeoutms' => abs(Request::post('timeout', 0, 'int') * 1000), ]; if ($id === 0) { $num = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS cnt FROM serversetup_menu"); $insertParams['def'] = ($num['cnt'] == 0) ? 1 : 0; Database::exec("INSERT INTO serversetup_menu (title, timeoutms, isdefault) VALUES (:title, :timeoutms, :def)", $insertParams); $menu['menuid'] = $id = Database::lastInsertId(); } else { $menu = Database::queryFirst("SELECT m.menuid FROM serversetup_menu m WHERE menuid = :id", compact('id')); if ($menu === false) { Message::addError('invalid-menu-id', $id); return; } $insertParams['menuid'] = $id; Database::exec('UPDATE serversetup_menu SET title = :title, timeoutms = :timeoutms WHERE menuid = :menuid', $insertParams); } $keepIds = []; $entries = Request::post('entry', false, 'array'); $wantedDefaultEntryId = Request::post('defaultentry', null, 'string'); $defaultEntryId = null; if ($entries) { foreach ($entries as $key => $entry) { if (!isset($entry['sortval'])) { error_log("Incomplete entry $key with: " . print_r($entry, true)); continue; } // Fallback defaults $entry += [ 'entryid' => null, 'title' => '', 'hidden' => 0, 'plainpass' => '', ]; $params = [ 'entryid' => null, 'refmenuid' => null, 'title' => IPxe::sanitizeIpxeString($entry['title']), 'sortval' => (int)$entry['sortval'], 'menuid' => $menu['menuid'], ]; $spacer = empty($entry['entryid']); if ($spacer) { // Spacer $params += [ 'hotkey' => '', 'hidden' => 0, // Doesn't make any sense 'plainpass' => '', // Doesn't make any sense ]; } else { $params += [ 'hotkey' => MenuEntry::filterKeyName($entry['hotkey']), 'hidden' => (int)$entry['hidden'], // TODO (needs hotkey to make sense) 'plainpass' => $entry['plainpass'], ]; if (preg_match('/^menu:(\d+)$/', $entry['entryid'], $out)) { $params['refmenuid'] = $out[1]; } else { $params['entryid'] = $entry['entryid']; } } if (is_numeric($key)) { // Update, use known key if (!$spacer && ((string)$key === $wantedDefaultEntryId || $defaultEntryId === null)) { // if still null, use whatever as fallback, in case user didn't select any $defaultEntryId = $key; } $keepIds[] = $key; $params['menuentryid'] = $key; $params['md5pass'] = IPxe::makeMd5Pass($entry['plainpass'], $key); $ret = Database::exec('UPDATE serversetup_menuentry SET entryid = :entryid, refmenuid = :refmenuid, hotkey = :hotkey, title = :title, hidden = :hidden, sortval = :sortval, plainpass = :plainpass, md5pass = :md5pass WHERE menuid = :menuid AND menuentryid = :menuentryid', $params, true); } else { $ret = Database::exec("INSERT INTO serversetup_menuentry (menuid, entryid, refmenuid, hotkey, title, hidden, sortval, plainpass, md5pass) VALUES (:menuid, :entryid, :refmenuid, :hotkey, :title, :hidden, :sortval, :plainpass, '')", $params, true); if ($ret) { $newKey = Database::lastInsertId(); // Check now that we have generated our key if (!$spacer && ((string)$key === $wantedDefaultEntryId || $defaultEntryId === null)) { // if still null, use whatever as fallback, in case user didn't select any $defaultEntryId = $newKey; } $keepIds[] = $newKey; if (!empty($entry['plainpass'])) { Database::exec('UPDATE serversetup_menuentry SET md5pass = :md5pass WHERE menuentryid = :id', [ 'md5pass' => IPxe::makeMd5Pass($entry['plainpass'], $newKey), 'id' => $newKey, ]); } } } if ($ret === false) { Message::addWarning('error-saving-entry', $entry['title'], Database::lastError()); } } Database::exec('DELETE FROM serversetup_menuentry WHERE menuid = :menuid AND menuentryid NOT IN (:keep)', ['menuid' => $menu['menuid'], 'keep' => $keepIds]); // Set default entry Database::exec('UPDATE serversetup_menu SET defaultentryid = :default WHERE menuid = :menuid', ['menuid' => $menu['menuid'], 'default' => $defaultEntryId]); } else { Database::exec('DELETE FROM serversetup_menuentry WHERE menuid = :menuid', ['menuid' => $menu['menuid']]); Database::exec('UPDATE serversetup_menu SET defaultentryid = NULL WHERE menuid = :menuid', ['menuid' => $menu['menuid']]); } Message::addSuccess('menu-saved'); if (Request::post('next') === 'reload') { Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=editmenu&id=' . $menu['menuid']); } } private function updateLocalAddress() { $newAddress = Request::post('ip', 'none', 'string'); $valid = false; foreach ($this->addrListTask['data']['addresses'] ?? [] as $item) { if ($item['ip'] !== $newAddress) continue; $valid = true; break; } if ($valid) { Property::setServerIp($newAddress); Util::redirect('?do=ServerSetup'); } else { Message::addError('invalid-ip', $newAddress); } Util::redirect(); } private function handleGetImage() { $file = "/opt/openslx/ipxe/openslx-bootstick.raw"; if (!is_readable($file)) { Message::addError('image-not-found'); return; } Header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); Header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="openslx-bootstick-' . Property::getServerIp() . '-raw.img"'); readfile($file); exit; } private function saveBootEntry() { $oldEntryId = Request::post('entryid', false, 'string'); $newId = Request::post('newid', false, 'string'); if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\-_]{1,16}$/', $newId)) { Message::addError('main.parameter-empty', 'newid'); return; } $data = Request::post('entry', false); if (!is_array($data)) { Message::addError('missing-bootentry-data'); return; } $type = Request::post('type', false, 'string'); if ($type[0] === '.') { // Exec or script if ($type === '.exec') { $entry = BootEntry::newStandardBootEntry($data); } elseif ($type === '.script') { $entry = BootEntry::newCustomBootEntry($data); } else { $entry = null; } if ($entry === null) { Message::addError('main.empty-field'); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=bootentry'); } $entryData = json_encode($entry->toArray()); } else { // Module hook $hook = Hook::loadSingle($type, 'ipxe-bootentry'); if ($hook === null) { Message::addError('unknown-bootentry-type', $type); return; } /** @var BootEntryHook $module */ $module = $hook->run(); $id = Request::post('selection-' . $type, false, 'string'); if (!$module->isValidId($id)) { Message::addError('invalid-custom-entry-id', $type, $id); return; } $entryData = ['id' => $id]; foreach ($module->extraFields() as $field) { if ($field->name === 'id') continue; $entryData[$field->name] = $field->fromPost($type); } $entryData = json_encode($entryData); } $params = [ 'entryid' => $newId, 'title' => Request::post('title', '', 'string'), 'module' => $type, 'data' => $entryData, ]; // New or update? if (empty($oldEntryId)) { // New entry Database::exec("INSERT INTO serversetup_bootentry (entryid, title, hotkey, builtin, module, data) VALUES (:entryid, :title, '', 0, :module, :data)", $params); Message::addSuccess('boot-entry-created', $newId); } else { // Edit existing entry $params['oldid'] = $oldEntryId; // Ignore .special, must never update $aff = Database::exec("UPDATE serversetup_bootentry SET entryid = If(builtin = 0, :entryid, entryid), title = :title, module = :module, data = :data WHERE entryid = :oldid AND module <> '.special'", $params); if ($aff > 0) { Message::addSuccess('boot-entry-updated', $newId); } else { Message::addWarning('nothing-changed-or-protected', $newId); } } if (Request::post('next') === 'reload') { Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=editbootentry&id=' . $newId); } Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=bootentry'); } private function showEditLocation() { $locationId = Request::get('locationid', false, 'int'); $loc = Location::get($locationId); if ($loc === false) { Message::addError('locations.invalid-location-id', $locationId); return; } User::assertPermission('', $locationId); // List of menu entries $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT me.menuentryid, If(Length(me.title) = 0, be.title, me.title) FROM serversetup_menuentry me INNER JOIN serversetup_bootentry be USING (entryid)'); $menuEntries = $res->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR); // List of menus $data = [ 'locationid' => $locationId, 'locationName' => $loc['locationname'], ]; $menu = IPxeMenu::forLocation($loc['parentlocationid']); $data['defaultMenu'] = $menu; $res = Database::simpleQuery('SELECT m.defaultentryid AS menu_default, m.menuid, m.title, ml.locationid, ml.defaultentryid, GROUP_CONCAT(me.menuentryid) AS entries FROM serversetup_menu m LEFT JOIN serversetup_menu_location ml ON (m.menuid = ml.menuid AND ml.locationid = :locationid) INNER JOIN serversetup_menuentry me ON (m.menuid = me.menuid AND me.entryid IS NOT NULL) GROUP BY m.menuid, m.title ORDER BY m.title ASC', ['locationid' => $locationId]); $menus = []; $hasDefault = false; foreach ($res as $row) { $eids = explode(',', $row['entries']); $row['default_entry_title'] = $menuEntries[$row['menu_default']] ?? ''; $row['entries'] = []; foreach ($eids as $eid) { $row['entries'][] = [ 'id' => $eid, 'title' => $menuEntries[$eid], 'selected' => ($eid == $row['defaultentryid'] ? 'selected' : ''), ]; } if ($row['locationid'] !== null) { $hasDefault = true; $row['menu_selected'] = 'checked'; } $menus[] = $row; } if (!$hasDefault) { $data['default_selected'] = 'checked'; } $data['list'] = $menus; Render::addTemplate('menu-assign-location', $data); } private function saveLocationMenu() { $locationId = Request::post('locationid', false, 'int'); $loc = Location::get($locationId); if ($loc === false) { Message::addError('locations.invalid-location-id', $locationId); return; } User::assertPermission('', $locationId); $menuId = Request::post('menuid', false, 'int'); if ($menuId === 0) { Database::exec('DELETE FROM serversetup_menu_location WHERE locationid = :locationid', ['locationid' => $locationId]); Message::addSuccess('location-use-default', $loc['locationname']); return; } $defaultEntryId = Request::post('defaultentryid-' . $menuId, 0, 'int'); if ($defaultEntryId === 0) { $defaultEntryId = null; } Database::exec('INSERT INTO serversetup_menu_location (menuid, locationid, defaultentryid) VALUES (:menuid, :locationid, :defaultentryid) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE menuid = :menuid, defaultentryid = :defaultentryid', [ 'menuid' => $menuId, 'locationid' => $locationId, 'defaultentryid' => $defaultEntryId ]); Message::addSuccess('location-menu-assigned', $loc['locationname']); } private function saveLocalboot() { $pcbios = Request::post('default-pcbios', 'SANBOOT', 'string'); $efi = Request::post('default-efi', 'EXIT', 'string'); if (!array_key_exists($pcbios, Localboot::BOOT_METHODS['PCBIOS'])) { Message::addError('localboot-invalid-method', $pcbios); return; } if (!array_key_exists($efi, Localboot::BOOT_METHODS['EFI'])) { Message::addError('localboot-invalid-method', $efi); return; } Localboot::setDefault($pcbios, $efi); $overrides = Request::post('override', [], 'array'); Database::exec('TRUNCATE TABLE serversetup_localboot'); foreach ($overrides as $model => $modes) { if (empty($modes)) // No override continue; $params = ['model' => urldecode($model), 'EFI' => null, 'PCBIOS' => null]; foreach (['EFI', 'PCBIOS'] as $m) { if (empty($modes[$m])) continue; if (!array_key_exists($modes[$m], Localboot::BOOT_METHODS[$m])) { Message::addWarning('localboot-invalid-method', $modes[$m]); continue; } $params[$m] = $modes[$m]; } if ($params['EFI'] === null && $params['PCBIOS'] === null) continue; Database::exec('INSERT INTO serversetup_localboot (systemmodel, pcbios, efi) VALUES (:model, :PCBIOS, :EFI)', $params); } Message::addSuccess('localboot-saved'); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=localboot'); } private function execImportPxeMenu() { $content = Request::post('pxemenu', false, 'string'); if (empty($content)) { Message::addError('main.parameter-empty', 'pxemenu'); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=import'); } $menu = PxeLinux::parsePxeLinux($content, false); if ($menu === null) { Message::addWarning('import-no-entries'); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=import'); } if (Request::post('entries-only', 0, 'int') !== 0) { $foo = []; IPxe::importPxeMenuEntries($menu, $foo); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=bootentry'); } else { $id = IPxe::insertMenu($menu, 'Imported Menu', null, 0, [], []); if ($id === null) { Message::addError('import-error'); Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=import'); } else { Util::redirect('?do=serversetup&show=editmenu&id=' . $id); } } } }