$v) { $query .= $k . '=' . $v . '&'; } $query = substr($query, 0, -1); echo << 'exit 1', 'COMBOOT' => 'chain /tftp/chain.c32 hd0', 'SANBOOT' => 'sanboot --no-describe', ]; $serverIp = Property::getServerIp(); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (substr($ip, 0, 7) === '::ffff:') { $ip = substr($ip, 7); } $menu = IPxeMenu::forClient($ip, $uuid); // Get preferred localboot method, depending on system model $localboot = false; $model = false; if ($uuid !== false && Module::get('statistics') !== false) { // If we have the machine table, we rather try to look up the system model from there, using the UUID $row = Database::queryFirst('SELECT systemmodel FROM machine WHERE machineuuid = :uuid', ['uuid' => $uuid]); if ($row !== false && !empty($row['systemmodel'])) { $model = $row['systemmodel']; } } if ($model === false) { // Otherwise use what iPXE sent us function modfilt($str) { if (empty($str) || preg_match('/product\s+name|be\s+filled|unknown|default\s+string/i', $str)) return false; return trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $str)); } $manuf = modfilt($manuf); $product = modfilt($product); if (!empty($product)) { $model = $product; if (!empty($manuf)) { $model .= " ($manuf)"; } } } // Query if ($model !== false) { $row = Database::queryFirst("SELECT bootmethod FROM serversetup_localboot WHERE systemmodel = :model LIMIT 1", ['model' => $model]); if ($row !== false) { $localboot = $row['bootmethod']; } } if ($localboot === false || !isset($BOOT_METHODS[$localboot])) { $localboot = Property::get('serversetup.localboot', false); if ($localboot === false) { if ($platform === 'EFI') { // It seems most (all) EFI platforms won't enumerate any drives in ipxe. // No idea if this can be fixed in ipxe code in the future. $localboot = 'EXIT'; } else { $localboot = 'SANBOOT'; } } } if (isset($BOOT_METHODS[$localboot])) { // Move preferred method first $BOOT_METHODS[] = $BOOT_METHODS[$localboot]; unset($BOOT_METHODS[$localboot]); $BOOT_METHODS = array_reverse($BOOT_METHODS); } // TODO: Feature check for our own iPXE extensions, stay compatible to stock iPXE $output = <<getMenuDefinition('target', $platform); $output .= <<getItemsCode($platform); // TODO: Work out memtest stuff. Needs to be put on server (install/update script) -- PCBIOS only? Chain EFI -> BIOS? /* :i5 chain -a /tftp/memtest.0 passes=1 onepass || goto membad prompt Memory OK. Press a key. goto init :i8 set x:int32 0 :again console --left 60 --top 130 --right 67 --bottom 96 --picture bg-load --keep --quick || console --left 55 --top 88 --right 63 --bottom 64 --picture bg-menu --keep --quick || inc x iseq \${x} 20 || goto again prompt DONE. Press dein Knie. goto slx_menu :membad iseq \${errno} 0x1 || goto memaborted params param scrot \${vram} imgfetch -a || prompt Memory is bad. Press a key. goto init :memaborted params param scrot \${vram} imgfetch -a || prompt Memory test aborted. Press a key. goto init */ $output .= <<