column = trim($column); $this->operator = trim($operator); $this->argument = is_array($argument) ? $argument : trim($argument); } /* returns a where clause and adds needed operators to the passed array */ public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { $key = self::getNewKey($this->column); $addendum = ''; /* check if we have to do some parsing*/ if (self::$columns[$this->column]['type'] === 'date') { $args[$key] = strtotime($this->argument); if ($this->operator === '=' || $this->operator === '!=') { $key2 = self::getNewKey($this->column); $args[$key2] = strtotime(' +1 day', $args[$key]); return ($this->operator === '=' ? '' : 'NOT ') . 'm.' . $this->column . " BETWEEN :$key AND :$key2"; } if ($this->operator === '>') { $args[$key] = strtotime('+1 day', $args[$key]); } elseif ($this->operator === '<') { $args[$key] = strtotime('-1 day', $args[$key]); } } else { $args[$key] = $this->argument; if ($this->operator === '~' || $this->operator === '!~') { $args[$key] = str_replace(array('=', '_', '%', '*', '?'), array('==', '=_', '=%', '%', '_'), $args[$key]); $addendum = " ESCAPE '='"; } } $op = $this->operator; if ($this->operator == '~') { $op = 'LIKE'; } elseif ($this->operator == '!~') { $op = 'NOT LIKE'; } return 'm.' . $this->column . ' ' . $op . ' :' . $key . $addendum; } /* parse a query into an array of filters */ public static function parseQuery($query) { $operators = ['<=', '>=', '!=', '!~', '=', '~', '<', '>']; $filters = []; if (empty($query)) return $filters; foreach (explode(self::DELIMITER, $query) as $q) { $q = trim($q); if (empty($q)) continue; // Special case: User pasted UUID, turn into filter if (preg_match('/^\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}$/', $q)) { $filters[] = new StatisticsFilter('machineuuid', '=', $q); continue; } // Special case: User pasted IP, turn into filter if (preg_match('/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', $q)) { $filters[] = new StatisticsFilter('clientip', '=', $q); continue; } /* find position of first operator */ $pos = 10000; $operator = false; foreach ($operators as $op) { $newpos = strpos($q, $op); if ($newpos > -1 && ($newpos < $pos)) { $pos = $newpos; $operator = $op; } } if ($pos == 10000) { error_log("couldn't find operator in segment " . $q); /* TODO */ continue; } $lhs = trim(substr($q, 0, $pos)); $rhs = trim(substr($q, $pos + strlen($operator))); if ($lhs === 'gbram') { $filters[] = new RamGbStatisticsFilter($operator, $rhs); } elseif ($lhs === 'runtime') { $filters[] = new RuntimeStatisticsFilter($operator, $rhs); } elseif ($lhs === 'state') { $filters[] = new StateStatisticsFilter($operator, $rhs); } elseif ($lhs === 'hddgb') { $filters[] = new Id44StatisticsFilter($operator, $rhs); } elseif ($lhs === 'location') { $filters[] = new LocationStatisticsFilter($operator, $rhs); } elseif ($lhs === 'subnet') { $filters[] = new SubnetStatisticsFilter($operator, $rhs); } else { if (array_key_exists($lhs, self::$columns) && self::$columns[$lhs]['column']) { $filters[] = new StatisticsFilter($lhs, $operator, $rhs); } else { Message::addError('invalid-filter-key', $lhs); } } } return $filters; } /** * @param \StatisticsFilterSet $filterSet */ public static function renderFilterBox($show, $filterSet, $query) { $data = array( 'show' => $show, 'query' => $query, 'delimiter' => StatisticsFilter::DELIMITER, 'sortDirection' => $filterSet->getSortDirection(), 'sortColumn' => $filterSet->getSortColumn(), 'columns' => json_encode(StatisticsFilter::$columns), ); if ($show === 'list') { $data['listButtonClass'] = 'active'; $data['statButtonClass'] = ''; } else { $data['listButtonClass'] = ''; $data['statButtonClass'] = 'active'; } $locsFlat = array(); if (Module::isAvailable('locations')) { $allowed = $filterSet->getAllowedLocations(); foreach (Location::getLocations() as $loc) { $locsFlat['L' . $loc['locationid']] = array( 'pad' => $loc['locationpad'], 'name' => $loc['locationname'], 'disabled' => $allowed !== false && !in_array($loc['locationid'], $allowed), ); } } Permission::addGlobalTags($data['perms'], null, ['view.summary', 'view.list']); $data['locations'] = json_encode($locsFlat); Render::addTemplate('filterbox', $data); } private static $query = false; public static function getQuery() { if (self::$query === false) { self::$query = Request::any('filters', false, 'string'); if (self::$query === false) { self::$query = 'lastseen > ' . gmdate('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 day')); } } return self::$query; } /* * Simple filters that map directly to DB columns */ const OP_ORDINAL = ['!=', '<=', '>=', '=', '<', '>']; const OP_STRCMP = ['!~', '~', '=', '!=']; const OP_NOMINAL = ['!=', '=']; public static $columns; /** * Do this here instead of const since we need to check for available modules while building array. */ public static function initConstants() { self::$columns = [ 'machineuuid' => [ 'op' => self::OP_NOMINAL, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => true, ], 'macaddr' => [ 'op' => self::OP_NOMINAL, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => true, ], 'firstseen' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'date', 'column' => true, ], 'lastseen' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'date', 'column' => true, ], 'logintime' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'date', 'column' => true, ], 'lastboot' => [ 'op' => Page_Statistics::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'date', 'column' => true ], 'runtime' => [ 'op' => Page_Statistics::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'column' => true ], 'realcores' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'column' => true, ], 'systemmodel' => [ 'op' => self::OP_STRCMP, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => true, ], 'cpumodel' => [ 'op' => self::OP_STRCMP, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => true, ], 'hddgb' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'column' => false, 'map_sort' => 'id44mb' ], 'gbram' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'map_sort' => 'mbram', 'column' => false, ], 'kvmstate' => [ 'op' => self::OP_NOMINAL, 'type' => 'enum', 'column' => true, 'values' => ['ENABLED', 'DISABLED', 'UNSUPPORTED'] ], 'badsectors' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'column' => true ], 'clientip' => [ 'op' => self::OP_NOMINAL, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => true ], 'hostname' => [ 'op' => self::OP_STRCMP, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => true ], 'subnet' => [ 'op' => self::OP_NOMINAL, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => false ], 'currentuser' => [ 'op' => self::OP_NOMINAL, 'type' => 'string', 'column' => true ], 'state' => [ 'op' => self::OP_NOMINAL, 'type' => 'enum', 'column' => true, 'values' => ['occupied', 'on', 'off', 'idle', 'standby'] ], 'live_swapfree' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'column' => true ], 'live_memfree' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'column' => true ], 'live_tmpfree' => [ 'op' => self::OP_ORDINAL, 'type' => 'int', 'column' => true ], ]; if (Module::isAvailable('locations')) { self::$columns['location'] = [ 'op' => self::OP_STRCMP, 'type' => 'enum', 'column' => false, 'values' => array_keys(Location::getLocationsAssoc()), ]; } } } class RamGbStatisticsFilter extends StatisticsFilter { public function __construct($operator, $argument) { parent::__construct('mbram', $operator, $argument); } public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { $lower = floor(StatisticsFilter::findBestValue(StatisticsFilter::SIZE_RAM, (int)$this->argument, false) * 1024 - 100); $upper = ceil(StatisticsFilter::findBestValue(StatisticsFilter::SIZE_RAM, (int)$this->argument, true) * 1024 + 100); if ($this->operator == '=') { return " mbram BETWEEN $lower AND $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator == '<') { return " mbram < $lower"; } elseif ($this->operator == '<=') { return " mbram <= $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator == '>') { return " mbram > $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator == '>=') { return " mbram >= $lower"; } elseif ($this->operator == '!=') { return " (mbram < $lower OR mbram > $upper)"; } else { error_log("unimplemented operator in RamGbFilter: $this->operator"); return ' 1'; } } } class RuntimeStatisticsFilter extends StatisticsFilter { public function __construct($operator, $argument) { parent::__construct('lastboot', $operator, $argument); } public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { $upper = time() - (int)$this->argument * 3600; $lower = $upper - 3600; $common = "state IN ('OCCUPIED', 'IDLE', 'STANDBY') AND"; if ($this->operator == '=') { return "$common ({$this->column} BETWEEN $lower AND $upper)"; } elseif ($this->operator == '<') { return "$common {$this->column} > $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator == '<=') { return "$common {$this->column} > $lower"; } elseif ($this->operator == '>') { return "$common {$this->column} < $lower"; } elseif ($this->operator == '>=') { return "$common {$this->column} < $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator == '!=') { return "$common ({$this->column} < $lower OR {$this->column} > $upper)"; } else { error_log("unimplemented operator in RuntimeFilter: $this->operator"); return ' 1'; } } } class Id44StatisticsFilter extends StatisticsFilter { public function __construct($operator, $argument) { parent::__construct('id44mb', $operator, $argument); } public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { if ($this->operator === '=' || $this->operator === '!=') { $lower = floor(StatisticsFilter::findBestValue(StatisticsFilter::SIZE_ID44, $this->argument, false) * 1024 - 100); $upper = ceil(StatisticsFilter::findBestValue(StatisticsFilter::SIZE_ID44, $this->argument, true) * 1024 + 100); } else { $lower = $upper = round($this->argument * 1024); } if ($this->operator === '=') { return " id44mb BETWEEN $lower AND $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator === '!=') { return " id44mb < $lower OR id44mb > $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator === '<=') { return " id44mb <= $upper"; } elseif ($this->operator === '>=') { return " id44mb >= $lower"; } elseif ($this->operator === '<') { return " id44mb < $lower"; } elseif ($this->operator === '>') { return " id44mb > $upper"; } else { error_log("unimplemented operator in Id44Filter: $this->operator"); return ' 1'; } } } class StateStatisticsFilter extends StatisticsFilter { public function __construct($operator, $argument) { parent::__construct(null, $operator, $argument); } public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { $map = [ 'on' => ['IDLE', 'OCCUPIED'], 'off' => ['OFFLINE'], 'idle' => ['IDLE'], 'occupied' => ['OCCUPIED'], 'standby' => ['STANDBY'] ]; $neg = $this->operator == '!=' ? 'NOT ' : ''; if (array_key_exists($this->argument, $map)) { $key = StatisticsFilter::getNewKey($this->column); $args[$key] = $map[$this->argument]; return " m.state $neg IN ( :$key ) "; } else { Message::addError('invalid-filter-argument', 'state', $this->argument); return ' 1'; } } } class LocationStatisticsFilter extends StatisticsFilter { public function __construct($operator, $argument) { parent::__construct('locationid', $operator, $argument); } public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { $recursive = (substr($this->operator, -1) === '~'); $this->operator = str_replace('~', '=', $this->operator); if (is_array($this->argument)) { if ($recursive) Util::traceError('Cannot use ~ operator for location with array'); } else { settype($this->argument, 'int'); } $neg = $this->operator === '=' ? '' : 'NOT'; if ($this->argument === 0) { return "m.locationid IS $neg NULL"; } else { $key = StatisticsFilter::getNewKey($this->column); if ($recursive) { $args[$key] = array_keys(Location::getRecursiveFlat($this->argument)); } else { $args[$key] = $this->argument; } return "m.locationid $neg IN (:$key)"; } } } class SubnetStatisticsFilter extends StatisticsFilter { public function __construct($operator, $argument) { parent::__construct(null, $operator, $argument); } public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { $argument = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.:]/', '', $this->argument); return " clientip LIKE '$argument%'"; } } class IsClientStatisticsFilter extends StatisticsFilter { public function __construct($argument) { parent::__construct(null, null, $argument); } public function whereClause(&$args, &$joins) { if ($this->argument) { $joins[] = ' LEFT JOIN runmode USING (machineuuid)'; return "(runmode.isclient <> 0 OR runmode.isclient IS NULL)"; } $joins[] = ' INNER JOIN runmode USING (machineuuid)'; return "runmode.isclient = 0"; } } StatisticsFilter::initConstants();