{ "lang_64bitSupport": "64\u2009Bit guest support", "lang_add": "Add", "lang_add_filter": "Add Filter", "lang_address": "Address", "lang_biosDate": "Release date", "lang_biosFixes": "BIOS fixes", "lang_biosUpdate": "BIOS update", "lang_biosUpdateLink": "Go to vendor's site", "lang_biosVersion": "BIOS version", "lang_clientList": "List of selected machines", "lang_configVars": "Config Variables", "lang_cores": "Cores", "lang_cpuCores": "CPU cores", "lang_cpuModel": "CPU", "lang_currentUser": "Current\/last user", "lang_details": "Details", "lang_devices": "Devices", "lang_duration": "Duration", "lang_event": "Event", "lang_eventType": "Type", "lang_firstSeen": "First seen", "lang_free": "free", "lang_gbRam": "RAM", "lang_hardwareSummary": "Hardware", "lang_hasNotes": "Notes have been added to this client", "lang_hdds": "Hard disk drives", "lang_hostname": "Hostname", "lang_inUseMachines": "In use", "lang_ip": "IP address", "lang_knownMachines": "Known clients", "lang_kvmState": "State", "lang_kvmStats": "64\u2009Bit guest support", "lang_kvmSupport": "64\u2009Bit guests", "lang_labelFilter": "Active filters (AND logic)", "lang_lastBoot": "Last boot", "lang_lastLogin": "Last login", "lang_lastSeen": "Last seen", "lang_listDropdown": "As text", "lang_location": "Location", "lang_logHeadline": "Logging", "lang_macAddr": "MAC address", "lang_machine": "Machine", "lang_machineCount": "Count", "lang_machineIdle": "Machine is powered on and is not used", "lang_machineOccupied": "Machine is powered on and in use", "lang_machineOccupiedBy": "In use by", "lang_machineOff": "Machine is powered down, or is not running bwLehrpool", "lang_machineStandby": "In standby mode", "lang_machineSummary": "Summary", "lang_maximumAbbrev": "max.", "lang_mediaIntegrityErrors": "Media Integrity Errors", "lang_memFree": "RAM free (MB)", "lang_memoryStats": "Memory", "lang_mobomodel": "Mainboard", "lang_model": "Model", "lang_modelCount": "Count", "lang_modelName": "Model name", "lang_modelNo": "Model", "lang_modelStats": "PC models", "lang_moduleHeading": "Client Statistics", "lang_more": "More", "lang_newMachines": "New machines", "lang_noEdid": "No EDID", "lang_noProjectorsDefined": "No projector overrides defined", "lang_notes": "Notes", "lang_numConfigVars": "Number of configuration variables overridden for this client", "lang_onlineMachines": "Online clients", "lang_partName": "Name", "lang_partSize": "Size", "lang_partType": "Type", "lang_partitionSize": "Size", "lang_pcmodel": "System model", "lang_pendingSectors": "Sectors pending reallocation", "lang_powerOnTime": "Power on time", "lang_projector": "Projector", "lang_projectors": "Projectors", "lang_ram": "Memory", "lang_ramSize": "Size", "lang_ramSlots": "Memory slots", "lang_realCores": "Cores", "lang_reallocatedSectors": "Bad sectors", "lang_reboot": "Reboot", "lang_rebootConfirm": "Reboot selected machines?", "lang_rebootKexecCheck": "Quick reboot to bwLehrpool (kexec)", "lang_remoteActions": "Remote actions", "lang_remoteExec": "Execute command", "lang_replace": "Replace", "lang_replaceInstructions": "If some PCs\/clients have been physically replaced, you can re-assign log entries, session data, position information etc. from the old machine to the new one. This requires that the new machine gets assigned the same IP address as the old one and, if the room planner is used -- that it is placed in the same spot as the old one. The list below shows all machine pairs where 1) the last boot of one machine lies before the first boot of the other one 2) both machines had the same IP address last time they booted. The replacement action will reassign all log events, room plan location and special run mode from the old machine to the new machine.", "lang_replaceMachinesHeading": "Replace machines", "lang_replaceNew": "Old machine", "lang_replaceOld": "New machine", "lang_roomplan": "Location", "lang_runMode": "Mode of operation", "lang_runmodeMachines": "With special mode of operation", "lang_runtimeHours": "Runtime (hours)", "lang_screens": "Screens", "lang_serialNo": "Serial no", "lang_showList": "List", "lang_showVisualization": "Visualization", "lang_shutdown": "Shutdown", "lang_shutdownConfirm": "Shutdown selected machines?", "lang_sockets": "Sockets", "lang_subnet": "Subnet", "lang_sureDeletePermanent": "Are your sure you want to delete the selected machine(s) from the database? This cannot be undone.\r\n\r\nNote: Deleting machines from the database does not prevent booting up bwLehrpool again, which would recreate their respective database entries.", "lang_sureReplaceNoUndo": "Are you sure you want to replace the selected machine pairs? This action cannot be undone.", "lang_swap": "swap", "lang_swapFree": "swap free (MB)", "lang_tempPart": "Temp. partition", "lang_tempPartStats": "Temporary partition", "lang_thoseAreProjectors": "These model names will always be treated as beamers, even if the device's EDID data says otherwise.", "lang_timebarDesc": "Visual representation of the last few days. Red parts mark periods where the client was occupied, green parts where the client was idle. Dimmed parts mark nights (10pm to 8am).", "lang_tmpFree": "ID44 free (MB)", "lang_tmpGb": "Temp HDD", "lang_total": "Total", "lang_usageDetails": "Detailed usage", "lang_usageState": "State", "lang_uuid": "UUID", "lang_virtualCores": "Virtual cores", "lang_wakeOnLan": "WakeOnLan", "lang_when": "When", "lang_withBadSectors": "Clients with potentially bad HDDs (more than 10 reallocated sectors)" }