{ "lang_64bitSupport": "64\u2009Bit guest support", "lang_address": "Address", "lang_clientList": "List of selected machines", "lang_cores": "Cores", "lang_cpuCores": "CPU cores", "lang_cpuModel": "CPU", "lang_details": "Details", "lang_event": "Event", "lang_firstSeen": "First seen", "lang_gbRam": "RAM", "lang_hardwareSummary": "Hardware", "lang_hdds": "Hard disk drives", "lang_hostname": "Hostname", "lang_inUseMachines": "In use", "lang_ip": "IP address", "lang_knownMachines": "Known clients", "lang_kvmState": "State", "lang_kvmStats": "64\u2009Bit guest support", "lang_kvmSupport": "64\u2009Bit guests", "lang_lastBoot": "Last boot", "lang_lastSeen": "Last seen", "lang_logHeadline": "Logging", "lang_macAddr": "MAC address", "lang_machine": "Machine", "lang_machineCount": "Count", "lang_machineIdle": "Machine is powered on and is not used", "lang_machineOccupied": "Machine is powered on and in use", "lang_machineOccupiedBy": "In use by", "lang_machineOff": "Machine is powered down, or is not running bwLehrpool", "lang_machineSummary": "Summary", "lang_maximumAbbrev": "max.", "lang_memoryStats": "Memory", "lang_model": "Model", "lang_modelCount": "Count", "lang_modelName": "Model name", "lang_modelNo": "Model", "lang_modelStats": "PC models", "lang_more": "More", "lang_newMachines": "New machines", "lang_notes": "Notes", "lang_onlineMachines": "Online clients", "lang_partName": "Name", "lang_partSize": "Size", "lang_partType": "Type", "lang_partitionSize": "Size", "lang_pendingSectors": "Sectors pending reallocation", "lang_powerOnTime": "Power on time", "lang_ram": "Memory", "lang_ramSize": "Size", "lang_ramSlots": "Memory slots", "lang_realCores": "Cores", "lang_reallocatedSectors": "Bad sectors", "lang_serialNo": "Serial no", "lang_sockets": "Sockets", "lang_tempPart": "Temp. partition", "lang_tempPartStats": "Temporary partition", "lang_timebarDesc": "Visual representation of the last few days. Red parts mark periods where the client was occupied, green parts where the client was idle. Dimmed parts mark nights (10pm to 8am).", "lang_tmpGb": "HDD temp", "lang_total": "Total", "lang_usageDetails": "Detailed usage", "lang_usageState": "State", "lang_uuid": "UUID", "lang_virtualCores": "Virtual cores", "lang_when": "When", "lang_withBadSectors": "Clients with potentially bad HDDs (more than 10 reallocated sectors)" }