$uuid, 'text' => $text )); Message::addSuccess('notes-saved'); Util::redirect('?do=Statistics&uuid=' . $uuid); } } protected function doRender() { $uuid = Request::get('uuid', false, 'string'); if ($uuid !== false) { $this->showMachine($uuid); return; } $filter = Request::get('filter', false, 'string'); if ($filter !== false) { $argument = Request::get('argument', false, 'string'); $this->showMachineList($filter, $argument); return; } Render::openTag('div', array('class' => 'row')); $this->showSummary(); $this->showMemory(); $this->showId44(); $this->showKvmState(); $this->showLatestMachines(); $this->showSystemModels(); Render::closeTag('div'); } private function capChart(&$json, $cutoff, $minSlice = 0.015) { $total = 0; foreach ($json as $entry) { $total += $entry['value']; } if ($total === 0) return; $cap = ceil($total * $cutoff); $accounted = 0; $id = 0; foreach ($json as $entry) { if (($accounted >= $cap || $entry['value'] / $total < $minSlice) && $id >= 3) break; $id++; $accounted += $entry['value']; } $json = array_slice($json, 0, $id); if ($accounted / $total < 0.99) { $json[] = array( 'color' => '#eee', 'label' => 'invalid', 'value' => ($total - $accounted) ); } } private function showSummary() { $cutoff = time() - 86400 * 30; $online = time() - 610; $known = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS val FROM machine WHERE lastseen > $cutoff"); $on = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS val FROM machine WHERE lastseen > $online"); $used = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS val FROM machine WHERE lastseen > $online AND logintime <> 0"); $hdd = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS val FROM machine WHERE badsectors > 10 AND lastseen > $cutoff"); if ($on['val'] != 0) { $usedpercent = round($used['val'] / $on['val'] * 100); } else { $usedpercent = 0; } $data = array( 'known' => $known['val'], 'online' => $on['val'], 'used' => $used['val'], 'usedpercent' => $usedpercent, 'badhdd' => $hdd['val'] ); // Graph $cutoff = time() - 2*86400; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT dateline, data FROM statistic WHERE typeid = '~stats' AND dateline > $cutoff ORDER BY dateline ASC"); $labels = array(); $points1 = array('data' => array(), 'label' => 'Online', 'fillColor' => '#efe', 'strokeColor' => '#aea', 'pointColor' => '#7e7', 'pointStrokeColor' => '#fff', 'pointHighlightFill' => '#fff', 'pointHighlightStroke' => '#7e7'); $points2 = array('data' => array(), 'label' => 'In use', 'fillColor' => '#fee', 'strokeColor' => '#eaa', 'pointColor' => '#e77', 'pointStrokeColor' => '#fff', 'pointHighlightFill' => '#fff', 'pointHighlightStroke' => '#e77'); $sum = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $x = explode('#', $row['data']); if ($sum === 0) { $labels[] = date('H:i', $row['dateline']); } else { $x[1] = max($x[1], array_pop($points1['data'])); $x[2] = max($x[2], array_pop($points2['data'])); } $points1['data'][] = $x[1]; $points2['data'][] = $x[2]; $sum++; if ($sum === 12) { $sum = 0; } } $data['json'] = json_encode(array('labels' => $labels, 'datasets' => array($points1, $points2))); // Draw Render::addTemplate('summary', $data); } private function showSystemModels() { global $STATS_COLORS; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT systemmodel, Round(AVG(realcores)) AS cores, Count(*) AS `count` FROM machine" . " GROUP BY systemmodel ORDER BY `count` DESC, systemmodel ASC"); $lines = array(); $json = array(); $id = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (empty($row['systemmodel'])) continue; settype($row['count'], 'integer'); $row['id'] = 'systemid' . $id; $row['urlsystemmodel'] = urlencode($row['systemmodel']); $lines[] = $row; $json[] = array( 'color' => $STATS_COLORS[$id % count($STATS_COLORS)], 'label' => 'systemid' . $id, 'value' => $row['count'] ); ++$id; } $this->capChart($json, 0.92); Render::addTemplate('cpumodels', array('rows' => $lines, 'json' => json_encode($json))); } private function showMemory() { global $STATS_COLORS, $SIZE_RAM; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT mbram, Count(*) AS `count` FROM machine GROUP BY mbram"); $lines = array(); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $gb = ceil($row['mbram'] / 1024); for ($i = 1; $i < count($SIZE_RAM); ++$i) { if ($SIZE_RAM[$i] < $gb) continue; if ($SIZE_RAM[$i] - $gb >= $gb - $SIZE_RAM[$i-1]) --$i; $gb = $SIZE_RAM[$i]; break; } if (isset($lines[$gb])) { $lines[$gb] += $row['count']; } else { $lines[$gb] = $row['count']; } } asort($lines); $data = array('rows' => array()); $json = array(); $id = 0; foreach (array_reverse($lines, true) as $k => $v) { $data['rows'][] = array('gb' => $k, 'count' => $v, 'class' => $this->ramColorClass($k * 1024)); $json[] = array( 'color' => $STATS_COLORS[$id % count($STATS_COLORS)], 'label' => (string)$k, 'value' => $v ); ++$id; } $this->capChart($json, 0.92); $data['json'] = json_encode($json); Render::addTemplate('memory', $data); } private function showKvmState() { $colors = array('UNKNOWN' => '#666', 'UNSUPPORTED' => '#ea5', 'DISABLED' => '#e55', 'ENABLED' => '#6d6'); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT kvmstate, Count(*) AS `count` FROM machine GROUP BY kvmstate ORDER BY `count` DESC"); $lines = array(); $json = array(); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $lines[] = $row; $json[] = array( 'color' => isset($colors[$row['kvmstate']]) ? $colors[$row['kvmstate']] : '#000', 'label' => $row['kvmstate'], 'value' => $row['count'] ); } Render::addTemplate('kvmstate', array('rows' => $lines, 'json' => json_encode($json))); } private function showId44() { global $STATS_COLORS, $SIZE_ID44; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT id44mb, Count(*) AS `count` FROM machine GROUP BY id44mb"); $lines = array(); $total = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $total += $row['count']; $gb = ceil($row['id44mb'] / 1024); for ($i = 1; $i < count($SIZE_ID44); ++$i) { if ($SIZE_ID44[$i] < $gb) continue; if ($SIZE_ID44[$i] - $gb >= $gb - $SIZE_ID44[$i-1]) --$i; $gb = $SIZE_ID44[$i]; break; } if (isset($lines[$gb])) { $lines[$gb] += $row['count']; } else { $lines[$gb] = $row['count']; } } asort($lines); $data = array('rows' => array()); $json = array(); $id = 0; foreach (array_reverse($lines, true) as $k => $v) { $data['rows'][] = array('gb' => $k, 'count' => $v, 'class' => $this->hddColorClass($k)); if ($k === 0) { $color = '#e55'; } else { $color = $STATS_COLORS[$id++ % count($STATS_COLORS)]; } $json[] = array( 'color' => $color, 'label' => (string)$k, 'value' => $v ); } $this->capChart($json, 0.95); $data['json'] = json_encode($json); Render::addTemplate('id44', $data); } private function showLatestMachines() { $data = array('cutoff' => ceil(time() / 3600) * 3600 - 86400 * 7); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT machineuuid, clientip, hostname, firstseen, mbram, kvmstate, id44mb FROM machine" . " WHERE firstseen > :cutoff ORDER BY firstseen DESC LIMIT 32", $data); $rows = array(); $count = 0; while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (empty($row['hostname'])) { $row['hostname'] = $row['clientip']; } $row['firstseen'] = date('d.m. H:i', $row['firstseen']); $row['gbram'] = round(round($row['mbram'] / 500) / 2, 1); // Trial and error until we got "expected" rounding.. $row['gbtmp'] = round($row['id44mb'] / 1024); $row['ramclass'] = $this->ramColorClass($row['mbram']); $row['kvmclass'] = $this->kvmColorClass($row['kvmstate']); $row['hddclass'] = $this->hddColorClass($row['gbtmp']); $row['kvmicon'] = $row['kvmstate'] === 'ENABLED' ? '✓' : '✗'; if (++$count > 5) { $row['style'] = 'display:none'; } $rows[] = $row; } Render::addTemplate('newclients', array('rows' => $rows, 'openbutton' => $count > 5)); } private function showMachineList($filter, $argument) { global $SIZE_RAM, $SIZE_ID44; $join = ''; $filters = array('cpumodel', 'realcores', 'kvmstate', 'clientip', 'macaddr', 'machineuuid', 'systemmodel'); if (in_array($filter, $filters)) { // Simple filters mapping into db $where = " $filter = :argument"; $args = array('argument' => $argument); } elseif ($filter === 'gbram') { // Memory by rounded GB $lower = floor($this->findBestValue($SIZE_RAM, $argument, false) * 1024 - 100); $upper = ceil($this->findBestValue($SIZE_RAM, $argument, true) * 1024 + 100); $where = " mbram BETWEEN $lower AND $upper"; $args = array(); } elseif ($filter === 'hddgb') { // HDD by rounded GB $lower = floor($this->findBestValue($SIZE_ID44, $argument, false) * 1024 - 100); $upper = ceil($this->findBestValue($SIZE_ID44, $argument, true) * 1024 + 100); $where = " id44mb BETWEEN $lower AND $upper"; $args = array(); } elseif ($filter === 'subnet') { $argument = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.:]/', '', $argument); $where = " clientip LIKE '$argument%'"; $args = array(); } elseif ($filter === 'badsectors') { $where = " badsectors >= :argument "; $args = array('argument' => $argument); } elseif ($filter === 'state') { if ( $argument === 'on') { $where = " lastseen + 600 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() "; } elseif ($argument === 'off') { $where = " lastseen + 600 < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() "; } elseif ($argument === 'idle') { $where = " lastseen + 600 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND logintime = 0 "; } elseif ($argument === 'occupied') { $where = " lastseen + 600 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND logintime <> 0 "; } else { Message::addError('invalid-filter'); return; } } elseif ($filter === 'location') { settype($argument, 'int'); if ($argument === 0) { $where = "machine.locationid IS NULL AND s.locationid IS NULL"; $join = "LEFT JOIN subnet s ON (INET_ATON(machine.clientip) BETWEEN s.startaddr AND s.endaddr)"; } else { $where = "subnet.locationid = :lid OR machine.locationid = :lid"; $join = " INNER JOIN subnet ON (INET_ATON(clientip) BETWEEN startaddr AND endaddr) "; $args = array('lid' => $argument); } } else { Message::addError('invalid-filter'); return; } $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT machineuuid, macaddr, clientip, firstseen, lastseen," . " logintime, lastboot, realcores, mbram, kvmstate, cpumodel, id44mb, hostname, notes IS NOT NULL AS hasnotes, badsectors FROM machine" . " $join WHERE $where ORDER BY lastseen DESC, clientip ASC", $args); $rows = array(); $NOW = time(); while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($NOW - $row['lastseen'] > 610) { $row['state_off'] = true; } elseif ($row['logintime'] == 0) { $row['state_idle'] = true; } else { $row['state_occupied'] = true; } //$row['firstseen'] = date('d.m.Y H:i', $row['firstseen']); $row['lastseen'] = date('d.m. H:i', $row['lastseen']); //$row['lastboot'] = date('d.m. H:i', $row['lastboot']); $row['gbram'] = round(round($row['mbram'] / 500) / 2, 1); // Trial and error until we got "expected" rounding.. $row['gbtmp'] = round($row['id44mb'] / 1024); $octets = explode('.', $row['clientip']); if (count($octets) === 4) { $row['subnet'] = "$octets[0].$octets[1].$octets[2]."; $row['lastoctet'] = $octets[3]; } $row['ramclass'] = $this->ramColorClass($row['mbram']); $row['kvmclass'] = $this->kvmColorClass($row['kvmstate']); $row['hddclass'] = $this->hddColorClass($row['gbtmp']); if (empty($row['hostname'])) $row['hostname'] = $row['clientip']; $rows[] = $row; } Render::addTemplate('clientlist', array('rows' => $rows, 'filter' => $filter, 'argument' => $argument)); } private function ramColorClass($mb) { if ($mb < 1500) return 'danger'; if ($mb < 2500) return 'warning'; return ''; } private function kvmColorClass($state) { if ($state === 'DISABLED') return 'danger'; if ($state === 'UNKNOWN' || $state === 'UNSUPPORTED') return 'warning'; return ''; } private function hddColorClass($gb) { if ($gb < 7) return 'danger'; if ($gb < 25) return 'warning'; return ''; } private function findBestValue($array, $value, $up) { $best = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); ++$i) { if (abs($array[$i] - $value) < abs($array[$best] - $value)) { $best = $i; } } if (!$up && $best === 0) { return $array[0]; } if ($up && $best + 1 === count($array)) { return $array[$best]; } if ($up) { return ($array[$best] + $array[$best + 1]) / 2; } return ($array[$best] + $array[$best - 1]) / 2; } private function fillSessionInfo(&$row) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT dateline, username, data FROM statistic" . " WHERE clientip = :ip AND typeid = '.vmchooser-session-name'" . " AND dateline BETWEEN :start AND :end", array( 'ip' => $row['clientip'], 'start' => $row['logintime'] - 60, 'end' => $row['logintime'] + 300 )); $session = false; while ($r = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($session === false || abs($session['dateline'] - $row['logintime']) > abs($r['dateline'] - $row['logintime'])) { $session = $r; } } if ($session !== false) { $row['session'] = $session['data']; $row['username'] = $session['username']; } } private function showMachine($uuid) { $client = Database::queryFirst("SELECT machineuuid, locationid, macaddr, clientip, firstseen, lastseen, logintime, lastboot," . " mbram, kvmstate, cpumodel, id44mb, data, hostname, notes FROM machine WHERE machineuuid = :uuid", array('uuid' => $uuid)); // Mangle fields $NOW = time(); if ($NOW - $client['lastseen'] > 610) { $client['state_off'] = true; } elseif ($client['logintime'] == 0) { $client['state_idle'] = true; } else { $client['state_occupied'] = true; $this->fillSessionInfo($client); } $client['firstseen_s'] = date('d.m.Y H:i', $client['firstseen']); $client['lastseen_s'] = date('d.m.Y H:i', $client['lastseen']); $uptime = $NOW - $client['lastboot']; $client['lastboot_s'] = date('d.m.Y H:i', $client['lastboot']) . ' (Up ' . floor($uptime / 86400) . 'd ' . gmdate('H:i', $uptime) . ')'; $client['logintime_s'] = date('d.m.Y H:i', $client['logintime']); $client['gbram'] = round(round($client['mbram'] / 500) / 2, 1); $client['gbtmp'] = round($client['id44mb'] / 1024); $client['ramclass'] = $this->ramColorClass($client['mbram']); $client['kvmclass'] = $this->kvmColorClass($client['kvmstate']); $client['hddclass'] = $this->hddColorClass($client['gbtmp']); // Parse the giant blob of data $hdds = array(); if (preg_match_all('/##### ([^#]+) #+$(.*?)^#####/ims', $client['data'] . '########', $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($out as $section) { if ($section[1] === 'CPU') { $this->parseCpu($client, $section[2]); } if ($section[1] === 'dmidecode') { $this->parseDmiDecode($client, $section[2]); } if ($section[1] === 'Partition tables') { $this->parseHdd($hdds, $section[2]); } if ($section[1] === 'PCI ID') { $client['lspci1'] = $client['lspci2'] = array(); $this->parsePci($client['lspci1'], $client['lspci2'], $section[2]); } if (isset($hdds['hdds']) && $section[1] === 'smartctl') { // This currently required that the partition table section comes first... $this->parseSmartctl($hdds['hdds'], $section[2]); } } } unset($client['data']); // Get locations if (Module::isAvailable('locations')) { if (is_null($client['locationid'])) { $client['locationid'] = Location::getFromIp($client['clientip']); } $locs = Location::getLocationsAssoc(); $next = (int)$client['locationid']; $output = array(); while (isset($locs[$next])) { array_unshift($output, $locs[$next]); $next = $locs[$next]['parentlocationid']; } $client['locations'] = $output; } // Throw output at user Render::addTemplate('machine-main', $client); // Sessions $NOW = time(); $cutoff = $NOW - 86400 * 7; //if ($cutoff < $client['firstseen']) $cutoff = $client['firstseen']; $scale = 100 / ($NOW - $cutoff); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT dateline, typeid, data FROM statistic" . " WHERE dateline > :cutoff AND typeid IN ('~session-length', '~offline-length') AND machineuuid = :uuid ORDER BY dateline ASC", array( 'cutoff' => $cutoff - 86400 * 14, 'uuid' => $uuid )); $spans['rows'] = array(); $spans['graph'] = ''; $last = false; $first = true; while ($row = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($first && $row['dateline'] > $cutoff && $client['lastboot'] > $cutoff) { // Special case: offline before $spans['graph'] .= '
'; } $first = false; if ($row['dateline'] + $row['data'] < $cutoff || $row['data'] > 864000) continue; if ($last !== false && abs($last['dateline'] - $row['dateline']) < 30 && abs($last['data'] - $row['data']) < 30) continue; if ($last !== false && $last['dateline'] + $last['data'] > $row['dateline']) { $point = $last['dateline'] + $last['data']; $row['data'] -= ($point - $row['dateline']); $row['dateline'] = $point; } if ($row['dateline'] < $cutoff) { $row['data'] -= ($cutoff - $row['dateline']); $row['dateline'] = $cutoff; } $row['from'] = date('d.m. H:i', $row['dateline']); $row['duration'] = floor($row['data'] / 86400) . 'd ' . gmdate('H:i', $row['data']); if ($row['typeid'] === '~offline-length') { $row['glyph'] = 'off'; $color = '#444'; } else { $row['glyph'] = 'user'; $color = '#e77'; } $spans['graph'] .= '
'; $spans['rows'][] = $row; $last = $row; } if ($first && $client['lastboot'] > $cutoff) { // Special case: offline before $spans['graph'] .= '
'; } if (isset($client['state_occupied'])) { $spans['graph'] .= '
'; } elseif (isset($client['state_off'])) { $spans['graph'] .= '
'; } $t = explode('-', date('Y-n-j-G', $cutoff)); if ($t[3] >= 8 && $t[3] <= 22) { $start = mktime(22, 0, 0, $t[1], $t[2], $t[0]); } else { $start = mktime(22, 0, 0, $t[1], $t[2] - 1, $t[0]); } for ($i = $start; $i < $NOW; $i += 86400) { $spans['graph'] .= '
'; } if (count($spans['rows']) > 10) { $spans['hasrows2'] = true; $spans['rows2'] = array_slice($spans['rows'], ceil(count($spans['rows']) / 2)); $spans['rows'] = array_slice($spans['rows'], 0, ceil(count($spans['rows']) / 2)); } Render::addTemplate('machine-usage', $spans); // Any hdds? if (!empty($hdds['hdds'])) { Render::addTemplate('machine-hdds', $hdds); } // Client log $lres = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT logid, dateline, logtypeid, clientip, description, extra FROM clientlog" . " WHERE clientip = :clientip ORDER BY logid DESC LIMIT 25", array('clientip' => $client['clientip'])); $today = date('d.m.Y'); $yesterday = date('d.m.Y', time() - 86400); $count = 0; $log = array(); while ($row = $lres->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (substr($row['description'], -5) === 'on :0' && strpos($row['description'], 'root logged') === false) continue; $day = date('d.m.Y', $row['dateline']); if ($day === $today) { $day = Dictionary::translate('lang_today'); } elseif ($day === $yesterday) { $day = Dictionary::translate('lang_yesterday'); } $row['date'] = $day . date(' H:i', $row['dateline']); $row['icon'] = $this->eventToIconName($row['logtypeid']); $log[] = $row; if (++$count === 10) break; } Render::addTemplate('syslog', array( 'clientip' => $client['clientip'], 'list' => $log )); // Notes Render::addTemplate('machine-notes', $client); } private function eventToIconName($event) { switch ($event) { case 'session-open': return 'glyphicon-log-in'; case 'session-close': return 'glyphicon-log-out'; case 'partition-swap': return 'glyphicon-info-sign'; case 'partition-temp': case 'smartctl-realloc': return 'glyphicon-exclamation-sign'; default: return 'glyphicon-minus'; } } private function parseCpu(&$row, $data) { if (0 >= preg_match_all('/^(.+):\s+(\d+)$/im', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) return; foreach ($out as $entry) { $row[str_replace(' ', '', $entry[1])] = $entry[2]; } } private function parseDmiDecode(&$row, $data) { $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data); $section = false; $ramOk = false; $ramForm = $ramType = $ramSpeed = $ramClockSpeed = false; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (empty($line)) continue; if ($line{0} !== "\t" && $line{0} !== ' ') { $section = $line; $ramOk = false; if (($ramForm || $ramType) && ($ramSpeed || $ramClockSpeed)) { if (isset($row['ramtype']) && !$ramClockSpeed) continue; $row['ramtype'] = $ramType . ' ' . $ramForm; if ($ramClockSpeed) $row['ramtype'] .= ', ' . $ramClockSpeed; elseif ($ramSpeed) $row['ramtype'] .= ', ' . $ramSpeed; $ramForm = false; $ramType = false; $ramClockSpeed = false; } continue; } if ($section === 'System Information' || $section === 'Base Board Information') { if (empty($row['pcmodel']) && preg_match('/^\s*Product Name: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) { $row['pcmodel'] = $out[1]; } if (empty($row['manufacturer']) && preg_match('/^\s*Manufacturer: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) { $row['manufacturer'] = $out[1]; } } else if ($section === 'Physical Memory Array') { if (!$ramOk && preg_match('/Use: System Memory/i', $line)) { $ramOk = true; } if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Number Of Devices: +(\S.+?) *$/i', $line, $out)) { $row['ramslotcount'] = $out[1]; } if ($ramOk && preg_match('/^\s*Maximum Capacity: +(\S.+?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) { $row['maxram'] = preg_replace('/([MGT])B/', '$1iB', $out[1]); } } else if ($section === 'Memory Device') { if (preg_match('/^\s*Size:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) { $row['extram'] = true; if (preg_match('/(\d+)\s*(\w)i?B/i', $out[1], $out)) { $out[2] = strtoupper($out[2]); if ($out[2] === 'K' || ($out[2] === 'M' && $out[1] < 500)) { $ramForm = $ramType = $ramSpeed = $ramClockSpeed = false; continue; } if ($out[2] === 'M' && $out[1] >= 1024) { $out[2] = 'G'; $out[1] = floor(($out[1] + 100) / 1024); } $row['ramslot'][]['size'] = $out[1] . ' ' . strtoupper($out[2]) . 'iB'; } else if (!isset($row['ramslot']) || (count($row['ramslot']) < 8 && (!isset($row['ramslotcount']) || $row['ramslotcount'] <= 8))) { $row['ramslot'][]['size'] = '_____'; } } if (preg_match('/^\s*Form Factor:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') { $ramForm = $out[1]; } if (preg_match('/^\s*Type:\s*(.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out) && $out[1] !== 'Unknown') { $ramType = $out[1]; } if (preg_match('/^\s*Speed:\s*(\d.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) { $ramSpeed = $out[1]; } if (preg_match('/^\s*Configured Clock Speed:\s*(\d.*?)\s*$/i', $line, $out)) { $ramClockSpeed = $out[1]; } } } if (empty($row['ramslotcount'])) $row['ramslotcount'] = count($row['ramslot']); } private function parseHdd(&$row, $data) { $hdds = array(); // Could have more than one disk - linear scan $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data); $dev = false; $i = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^Disk (\S+):.* (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) { // disk total size and name unset($hdd); $unit = 0; $hdd = array( 'devid' => 'devid-' . ++$i, 'dev' => $out[1], 'size' => round($out[2] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)), 'used' => 0, 'partitions' => array(), 'json' => array(), ); $hdds[] = &$hdd; } elseif (preg_match('/^Units =.*= (\d+) bytes/i', $line, $out)) { // Unit for start and end $unit = $out[1] / (1024 * 1024); // Convert so that multiplying by unit yields MiB } else if (isset($hdd) && $unit !== 0 && preg_match(',^/dev/(\S+)\s+.*\s(\d+)[\+\-]?\s+(\d+)[\+\-]?\s+\d+[\+\-]?\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.*)$,i', $line, $out)) { // Some partition $type = strtolower($out[4]); if ($type === '5' || $type === 'f' || $type === '85') continue; $partsize = round(($out[3] - $out[2]) * $unit); $hdd['partitions'][] = array( 'id' => $out[1], 'name' => $out[1], 'size' => round($partsize / 1024, $partsize < 1024 ? 1 : 0), 'type' => ($type === '44' ? 'OpenSLX' : $out[5]), ); $hdd['json'][] = array( 'label' => $out[1], 'value' => $partsize, 'color' => ($type === '44' ? '#4d4' : ($type === '82' ? '#48f' : '#e55')), ); $hdd['used'] += $partsize; } } unset($hdd); $i = 0; foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) { $hdd['used'] = round($hdd['used'] / 1024); $free = $hdd['size'] - $hdd['used']; if ($free > 5) { $hdd['partitions'][] = array( 'id' => 'free-id-' . $i, 'name' => Dictionary::translate('unused'), 'size' => $free, 'type' => '-', ); $hdd['json'][] = array( 'label' => 'free-id-' . $i, 'value' => $free * 1024, 'color' => '#aaa', ); ++$i; } $hdd['json'] = json_encode($hdd['json']); } unset($hdd); $row['hdds'] = &$hdds; } private function parsePci(&$pci1, &$pci2, $data) { preg_match_all('/[a-f0-9\:\.]{7}\s+"(Class\s*)?(?[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?[a-f0-9]{4})"\s+"(?[a-f0-9]{4})"/is', $data, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER); $NOW = time(); $pci = array(); foreach ($out as $entry) { if (!isset($pci[$entry['class']])) { $class = 'c.' . $entry['class']; $res = $this->getPciId('CLASS', $class); if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) { $pci[$entry['class']]['lookupClass'] = 'do-lookup'; $pci[$entry['class']]['class'] = $class; } else { $pci[$entry['class']]['class'] = $res['value']; } } $new = array( 'ven' => $entry['ven'], 'dev' => $entry['ven'] . ':' . $entry['dev'], ); $res = $this->getPciId('VENDOR', $new['ven']); if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) { $new['lookupVen'] = 'do-lookup'; } else { $new['ven'] = $res['value']; } $res = $this->getPciId('DEVICE', $new['ven'] . ':' . $new['dev']); if ($res === false || $res['dateline'] < $NOW) { $new['lookupDev'] = 'do-lookup'; } else { $new['dev'] = $res['value']; } $pci[$entry['class']]['entries'][] = $new; } ksort($pci); foreach ($pci as $class => $entry) { if ($class === '0300' || $class === '0200' || $class === '0403') { $pci1[] = $entry; } else { $pci2[] = $entry; } } } private function parseSmartctl(&$hdds, $data) { $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", $data); $i = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { if (preg_match('/^NEXTHDD=(.+)$/', $line, $out)) { unset($dev); foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) { if ($hdd['dev'] === $out[1]) $dev =& $hdd; } continue; } if (!isset($dev)) continue; if (preg_match('/^([A-Z][^:]+):\s*(.*)$/', $line, $out)) { $dev['s_' . preg_replace('/\s|-|_/', '', $out[1])] = $out[2]; } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*\d+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+(\d+)(\s|$)/', $line, $out)) { $dev['s_' . preg_replace('/\s|-|_/', '', $out[1])] = $out[2]; } } // Format strings foreach ($hdds as &$hdd) { if (isset($hdd['s_PowerOnHours'])) { $hdd['PowerOnTime'] = ''; $val = (int)$hdd['s_PowerOnHours']; if ($val > 8760) { $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 8760) . 'Y, '; $val %= 8760; } if ($val > 720) { $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 720) . 'M, '; $val %= 720; } if ($val > 24) { $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= floor($val / 24) . 'd, '; $val %= 24; } $hdd['PowerOnTime'] .= $val . 'h'; } } } protected function doAjax() { $param = Request::any('lookup', false, 'string'); if ($param === false) die('No lookup given'); $add = ''; if (preg_match('/^([a-f0-9]{4}):([a-f0-9]{4})$/', $param, $out)) { $cat = 'DEVICE'; $host = $out[2] . '.' . $out[1]; $add = ' (' . $param . ')'; } elseif (preg_match('/^([a-f0-9]{4})$/', $param, $out)) { $cat = 'VENDOR'; $host = $out[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/^c\.([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})$/', $param, $out)) { $cat = 'CLASS'; $host = $out[2] . '.' . $out[1] . '.c'; } else { die('Invalid format requested'); } $cached = $this->getPciId($cat, $param); if ($cached !== false && $cached['dateline'] > time()) { echo $cached['value'], $add; exit; } $res = dns_get_record($host . '.pci.id.ucw.cz', DNS_TXT); if (is_array($res)) { foreach ($res as $entry) { if (isset($entry['txt']) && substr($entry['txt'], 0, 2) === 'i=') { $string = substr($entry['txt'], 2); $this->setPciId($cat, $param, $string); echo $string, $add; exit; } } } if ($cached !== false) { echo $cached['value'], $add; exit; } die('Not found'); } private function getPciId($cat, $id) { return Database::queryFirst("SELECT value, dateline FROM pciid WHERE category = :cat AND id = :id LIMIT 1", array('cat' => $cat, 'id' => $id)); } private function setPciId($cat, $id, $value) { Database::exec("INSERT INTO pciid (category, id, value, dateline) VALUES (:cat, :id, :value, :timeout)" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = VALUES(value), dateline = VALUES(dateline)", array( 'cat' => $cat, 'id' => $id, 'value' => $value, 'timeout' => time() + mt_rand(10, 30) * 86400 ), true); } }