addMachineWhere('locationid', 'IN', $locs); } $q->addMachineWhere('lastseen', '>', strtotime('-60 days')); $q->addLocalColumn('Memory Slot Occupied'); $q->addGlobalColumn('Memory Slot Count'); $q->addGlobalColumn('Memory Maximum Capacity'); $q->addMachineColumn('clientip'); $q->addMachineColumn('hostname'); $q->addMachineColumn('state'); $q->addLocalColumn('Memory Installed Capacity')->addCondition('<', 8 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024); $list = []; foreach ($q->query() as $row) { if (self::isNonClientRunmode($row['machineuuid'])) continue; if (HardwareParser::convertSize($row['Memory Installed Capacity'], 'M', false) >= HardwareParser::convertSize($row['Memory Maximum Capacity'], 'M', false)) { $row['size_class'] = 'danger'; } if ($row['Memory Slot Occupied'] >= $row['Memory Slot Count']) { $row['count_class'] = 'warning'; } $row['icon'] = StatisticsStyling::machineStateToIcon($row['state']); $list[] = $row; } if (empty($list)) return; ArrayUtil::sortByColumn($list, 'hostname'); Render::addTemplate('hints-ram-upgrade', ['list' => $list]); } /** * Show machines where RAM modules are running slower * than their design speed. */ private static function showMemorySlow(array $locs) { $q = new HardwareQuery(HardwareInfo::RAM_MODULE); if (!empty($locs)) { $q->addMachineWhere('locationid', 'IN', $locs); } $q->addMachineWhere('lastseen', '>', strtotime('-60 days')); //$q->addLocalColumn('Locator'); //$q->addLocalColumn('Bank Locator'); $q->addGlobalColumn('Form Factor'); $q->addGlobalColumn('Type'); $q->addGlobalColumn('Size'); $q->addGlobalColumn('Manufacturer'); $q->addLocalColumn('Serial Number'); $q->addMachineColumn('clientip'); $q->addMachineColumn('hostname'); $q->addMachineColumn('state'); $col = $q->addGlobalColumn('Speed'); $col->addCondition('>', $q->addLocalColumn('Configured Memory Speed')); $list = []; foreach ($q->query(['machineuuid', 'Size', 'Manufacturer', 'Speed', 'Configured Memory Speed']) as $row) { // Sometimes configured speed reports as 2666 while rated speed is 2667 // Cast as these have a MT/s suffic, triggering a PHP notice about malformed numbers if ((int)$row['Configured Memory Speed'] + 33 >= (int)$row['Speed']) continue; $row['icon'] = StatisticsStyling::machineStateToIcon($row['state']); $list[] = $row; } if (empty($list)) return; ArrayUtil::sortByColumn($list, 'hostname'); Render::addTemplate('hints-ram-underclocked', ['list' => $list]); } /** * Show machines that have unpartitioned space available, * and no ID44 or ID45. */ private static function showUnusedSpace(array $locs) { $id44 = $id45 = []; // ID44 $q = new HardwareQuery(HardwareInfo::HDD); if (!empty($locs)) { $q->addMachineWhere('locationid', 'IN', $locs); } $q->addMachineWhere('lastseen', '>', strtotime('-60 days')); $q->addMachineColumn('clientip'); $q->addMachineColumn('hostname'); $q->addLocalColumn('unused')->addCondition('>', 2000000000); // 2 GB $q->addMachineWhere('id44mb', '<', 20000); // 20 GB $q->addMachineColumn('state'); foreach ($q->query() as $row) { $row['unused_s'] = Util::readableFileSize($row['unused']); $row['id44mb_s'] = Util::readableFileSize($row['id44mb'], -1, 2); $row['icon'] = StatisticsStyling::machineStateToIcon($row['state']); $id44[] = $row; } // ID45 $q = new HardwareQuery(HardwareInfo::HDD); if (!empty($locs)) { $q->addMachineWhere('locationid', 'IN', $locs); } $q->addMachineWhere('lastseen', '>', strtotime('-60 days')); $q->addMachineColumn('clientip'); $q->addMachineColumn('hostname'); $q->addLocalColumn('unused')->addCondition('>', 50000000000); // 50 GB $q->addMachineWhere('id44mb', '>', 20000); // 20 GB $q->addMachineWhere('id45mb', '<', 20000); // 20 GB $q->addMachineColumn('state'); // Only suggest SSD based systems, caching on spinning rust is usually slower than GBit $q->addGlobalColumn('rotation_rate')->addCondition('=', 0); foreach ($q->query() as $row) { $row['unused_s'] = Util::readableFileSize($row['unused']); $row['id44mb_s'] = Util::readableFileSize($row['id44mb'], -1, 2); $row['id45mb_s'] = Util::readableFileSize($row['id45mb'], -1, 2); $row['icon'] = StatisticsStyling::machineStateToIcon($row['state']); $id45[] = $row; } if (empty($id44) && empty($id45)) return; ArrayUtil::sortByColumn($id44, 'hostname'); ArrayUtil::sortByColumn($id45, 'hostname'); Render::addTemplate('hints-hdd-grow', [ 'id44' => $id44, 'id45' => $id45, ]); } private static function showSlowNics(array $locs) { $list = []; $q = new HardwareQuery(HardwareInfo::MAINBOARD); if (!empty($locs)) { $q->addMachineWhere('locationid', 'IN', $locs); } $q->addMachineWhere('lastseen', '>', strtotime('-60 days')); $q->addMachineColumn('locationid'); $q->addMachineColumn('clientip'); $q->addMachineColumn('hostname'); $q->addMachineColumn('state'); $q->addMachineColumn('id45mb'); $q->addLocalColumn('nic-speed')->addCondition('<', 1000); $q->addLocalColumn('nic-duplex'); foreach ($q->query() as $row) { if ($row['nic-speed'] == 0) { $row['nic-speed'] = '???'; } $row['icon'] = StatisticsStyling::machineStateToIcon($row['state']); $list[] = $row; } if (empty($list)) return; if (Module::get('baseconfig') !== false) { // Reconstruct config tree for each machine, so we can show the ID45 caching setting $machineConfigs = Database::queryKeyValueList("SELECT machineuuid, value FROM setting_machine WHERE setting = :setting AND machineuuid IN (:uuids)", [ 'uuids' => array_column($list, 'machineuuid'), 'setting' => 'SLX_DNBD3_MIN_GB', ]); $locationConfigs = Database::queryKeyValueList("SELECT locationid, value FROM setting_location WHERE setting = :setting AND locationid IN (:locationids)", [ 'locationids' => array_column($list, 'locationid'), 'setting' => 'SLX_DNBD3_MIN_GB', ]); $default = Database::queryFirst("SELECT value FROM setting_global WHERE setting = :setting", ['setting' => 'SLX_DNBD3_MIN_GB']); if ($default !== false) { $default = $default['value']; } foreach ($list as &$row) { $val = null; if (isset($machineConfigs[$row['machineuuid']])) { $val = $machineConfigs[$row['machineuuid']]; } elseif ($row['locationid'] !== null) { foreach (Location::getLocationRootChain($row['locationid']) as $lid) { if (isset($locationConfigs[$lid])) { $val = $locationConfigs[$lid]; break; } } } $row['id45gb'] = floor($row['id45mb'] / 1024); $row['id45min'] = $val ?? $default; if ($row['id45min'] == 0 || $row['id45min'] * 1024 > $row['id45mb']) { $row['id45class'] = 'danger'; } } } // ArrayUtil::sortByColumn($list, 'hostname'); Render::addTemplate('hints-nic-speed', ['list' => $list]); } /** * Show machines that have a CPU that is only supported by VMware 12.5.x, * but not newer versions. */ private static function showLegacyCpu(array $locs) { $list = []; $q = new HardwareQuery(HardwareInfo::CPU); if (!empty($locs)) { $q->addMachineWhere('locationid', 'IN', $locs); } $q->addMachineWhere('lastseen', '>', strtotime('-60 days')); $q->addMachineColumn('clientip'); $q->addMachineColumn('hostname'); $q->addMachineColumn('state'); $q->addMachineColumn('cpumodel'); $q->addGlobalColumn('vmx-legacy')->addCondition('<>', 0); foreach ($q->query() as $row) { $row['icon'] = StatisticsStyling::machineStateToIcon($row['state']); $list[] = $row; } if (empty($list)) return; ArrayUtil::sortByColumn($list, 'hostname'); Render::addTemplate('hints-cpu-legacy', ['list' => $list]); } }