60Sec, Number of Sessions < 60Sec, name of location, id of location (anonymized), machine uuid (anonymized) public static function getClientStatistics($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24, $excludeToday = false) { $notassigned = Dictionary::translate('notAssigned', true); Database::exec("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000000"); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT t2.name AS clientName, timeSum, medianSessionLength, offlineSum, IFNULL(lastStart, 0) as lastStart, IFNULL(lastLogout, 0) as lastLogout, longSessions, shortSessions, t2.locId, t2.locName, MD5(CONCAT(t2.locId, :salt)) AS locHash, MD5(CONCAT(t2.uuid, :salt)) AS clientHash FROM ( SELECT machine.machineuuid AS 'uuid', SUM(CAST(sessionTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'timeSum', GROUP_CONCAT(sessionTable.length) AS 'medianSessionLength', SUM(sessionTable.length >= 60) AS 'longSessions', SUM(sessionTable.length < 60) AS 'shortSessions', MAX(sessionTable.endInBound) AS 'lastLogout' FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~session-length', $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." sessionTable INNER JOIN machine ON sessionTable.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid GROUP BY machine.machineuuid ) t1 RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT machine.hostname AS 'name', machine.machineuuid AS 'uuid', SUM(CAST(offlineTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'offlineSum', MAX(offlineTable.endInBound) AS 'lastStart', IFNULL(location.locationname, '$notassigned') AS 'locName', location.locationid AS 'locId' FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~offline-length', $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." offlineTable INNER JOIN machine ON offlineTable.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid LEFT JOIN location ON machine.locationid = location.locationid GROUP BY machine.machineuuid ) t2 ON t1.uuid = t2.uuid", array("salt" => GetData::$salt)); return $res; } // Location Data: Name, ID (anonymized), Time Online, Median Time Online, Time Offline, Number of Sessions > 60Sec, Number of Sessions < 60Sec public static function getLocationStatistics($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24, $excludeToday = false) { $notassigned = Dictionary::translate('notAssigned', true); Database::exec("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000000"); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT t2.locId, t2.locName, MD5(CONCAT(t2.locId, :salt)) AS locHash, timeSum, medianSessionLength, offlineSum, longSessions, shortSessions FROM ( SELECT location.locationid AS 'locId', SUM(CAST(sessionTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'timeSum', GROUP_CONCAT(sessionTable.length) AS 'medianSessionLength', SUM(sessionTable.length >= 60) AS 'longSessions', SUM(sessionTable.length < 60) AS 'shortSessions' FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~session-length', $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." sessionTable INNER JOIN machine ON sessionTable.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid LEFT JOIN location ON machine.locationid = location.locationid GROUP BY machine.locationid ) t1 RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT IFNULL(location.locationname, '$notassigned') AS 'locName', location.locationid AS 'locId', SUM(CAST(offlineTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'offlineSum' FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~offline-length', $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." offlineTable INNER JOIN machine ON offlineTable.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid LEFT JOIN location ON machine.locationid = location.locationid GROUP BY machine.locationid ) t2 ON t1.locId = t2.locId", array("salt" => GetData::$salt)); return $res; } // User Data: Name, Name(anonymized), Number of Logins public static function getUserStatistics($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT username AS name, IF(username = 'anonymous', 'anonymous', md5(CONCAT(username, :salt))) AS userHash, COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM statistic WHERE typeid='.vmchooser-session-name' AND dateline >= $from and dateline <= $to AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') >= $lowerTimeBound AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') < $upperTimeBound GROUP BY username ORDER BY 2 DESC", array("salt" => GetData::$salt)); return $res; } // Virtual Machine Data: Name, Number of Usages public static function getVMStatistics($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT data AS name, MD5(CONCAT(data, :salt)) AS vmHash, COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM statistic WHERE typeid='.vmchooser-session-name' AND dateline >= $from and dateline <= $to AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') >= $lowerTimeBound AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') < $upperTimeBound GROUP BY data ORDER BY 2 DESC", array("salt" => GetData::$salt)); return $res; } //Total Data: Time Online, Median Time Online, Number of Sessions > 60Sec, Number of Sessions < 60Sec public static function getOverallStatistics ($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { Database::exec("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000000"); $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT SUM(CAST(sessionTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS sum, GROUP_CONCAT(sessionTable.length) AS median, SUM(sessionTable.length >= 60) AS longSessions, SUM(sessionTable.length < 60) AS shortSessions FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~session-length', $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." sessionTable"); return $res; } // Total Data(2): Time Offline public static function getTotalOfflineStatistics($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT SUM(CAST(offlineTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS timeOff FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~offline-length', $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." offlineTable"); return $res; } // query string which provides table with time-cutoff and time-bounds private static function getBoundedTableQueryString($typeid, $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound) { // get Clients that are currently oflfine (the offline time is not yet recorded in the statistic table) $union = $typeid == '~offline-length' ? "union select CAST(IF(lastseen < $from, $from, lastseen) as UNSIGNED) as start, $to as end, '~offline-length' as typeid, machineuuid, 'machine' from machine where lastseen <= $to and UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - lastseen >= 600" : ""; $lowerFormat = "'%y-%m-%d $lowerTimeBound:00:00'"; $upperFormat = "'%y-%m-%d ".($upperTimeBound-1).":59:59'"; $queryString = " select # The whole length of the session/offline time. (end-start # Now the time that is not within the daily time bounds is subtracted. # This includes the time before the first daily bound, the time after the last daily bound # and the time between the daily bounds (if a session/offline time spans multiple days) # Time before the first daily bound is subtracted. - IF( start > startUpper, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(start, $lowerFormat) + INTERVAL 1 DAY) - start, IF( start < startLower, startLower - start, 0 ) ) # Time after the last daily bound is subtracted. - IF( end > endUpper, end - (endUpper + 1), IF( end < endLower, end - (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(end, $upperFormat) - INTERVAL 1 DAY) + 1), 0 ) ) # Time between the daily bounds is subtracted. - ( daysDiff - 2 + IF(start <= startUpper, 1, 0) + IF(end >= endLower, 1, 0) ) * ((24 - ($upperTimeBound - $lowerTimeBound)) * 3600) # If the session crossed a clock change (to/from daylight saving time), the last subtraction may have subtracted # one hour too much or too little. This IF will correct this. - IF( innerStart < innerEnd, IF( timeDiff = 1 AND ($lowerTimeBound >= 2 OR $upperTimeBound <= 2), 3600, IF(timeDiff = -1 AND ($lowerTimeBound >= 3 OR $upperTimeBound <= 3), -3600, 0) ), 0 ) ) as 'length', IF(end < endUpper AND end > endLower AND end < $to, end, 0) as endInBound, machineuuid # These nested selects are necessary because some things need to be calculated before others. # (e.g. start is needed to calculate startLower) from ( select *, # timeDiff is the clock change between innerStart and innerEnd. ( 0 = no clock change) ((CAST(date_format(from_unixtime(innerStart), '%H') as SIGNED) - CAST(date_format(convert_tz(from_unixtime(innerStart), @@session.time_zone, '+00:00'), '%H') as SIGNED) + 24) % 24 - (CAST(date_format(from_unixtime(innerEnd), '%H') as SIGNED) - CAST(date_format(convert_tz(from_unixtime(innerEnd), @@session.time_zone, '+00:00'), '%H') as SIGNED) + 24) % 24) as timeDiff from ( select *, # innerStart and innerEnd are start and end but excluding the time before the first daily upper bound and after the last daily lower bound. CAST(IF(start <= startUpper, startUpper, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(start, $upperFormat) + INTERVAL 1 DAY)) as UNSIGNED) as innerStart, CAST(IF(end >= endLower, endLower, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(end, $lowerFormat) - INTERVAL 1 DAY)) as UNSIGNED) as innerEnd from ( select *, # daysDiff = how many different days the start and end are apart (0 = start and end on the same day) (TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(end, '%y-%m-%d')) - TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(start, '%y-%m-%d'))) as daysDiff, # startLower = lower daily time bound on the starting day CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(start, $lowerFormat)) as UNSIGNED) as startLower, # startUpper = upper daily time bound on the starting day CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(start, $upperFormat)) as UNSIGNED) as startUpper, # endLower = lower daily time bound on the ending day CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(end, $lowerFormat)) as UNSIGNED) as endLower, # endUpper = upper daily time bound on the ending day CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(end, $upperFormat)) as UNSIGNED) as endUpper from ( # Statistic logs (combined with currently offline machines if offline times are requested) . select CAST(IF(dateline < $from, $from, dateline) as UNSIGNED) as start, CAST(IF(dateline+data > $to, $to, dateline+data) as UNSIGNED) as end, typeid, machineuuid, 'statistic' from statistic where dateline+data >= $from and dateline <= $to and typeid = '$typeid' $union ) t ) t ) t ) t # Filter out the session that are at least overlapping with the time bounds. where ( (daysDiff = 0 and (start <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(start, $upperFormat)) and end >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(end, $lowerFormat)))) or (daysDiff = 1 and (start <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(start, $upperFormat)) or end >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(end, $lowerFormat)))) or daysDiff >= 2 ) "; return "(".$queryString.")"; } }