$fromCutoff"); // " WHERE lastseen >= :from", compact('from')); $machines = self::getStats3($res, $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound); foreach ($machines as &$machine) { $machine['medianSessionLength'] = self::calcMedian($machine['sessions']); unset($machine['sessions']); $machine['clientName'] = $machine['hostname'] ? $machine['hostname'] : $machine['clientip']; } return $machines; } public static function getLocationStatistics(int $from, int $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $fromCutoff = $from - 86400 * 30; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT m.machineuuid, m.hostname, m.clientip, m.locationid, m.firstseen -- , m.lastboot, m.logintime, m.state FROM machine m WHERE firstseen <= $to AND lastseen > $fromCutoff"); // " WHERE lastseen >= :from", compact('from')); $machines = self::getStats3($res, $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound); $locations = []; $keys = ['locationid', 'totalTime', 'totalOffTime', 'totalSessionTime', 'totalStandbyTime', 'totalIdleTime', 'totalIdleTime', 'longSessions', 'shortSessions', 'sessions']; while ($machine = array_pop($machines)) { if (!isset($locations[$machine['locationid']])) { self::keepKeys($machine, $keys); $locations[$machine['locationid']] = $machine; } else { $l =& $locations[$machine['locationid']]; $l['totalTime'] += $machine['totalTime']; $l['totalOffTime'] += $machine['totalOffTime']; $l['totalSessionTime'] += $machine['totalSessionTime']; $l['totalStandbyTime'] += $machine['totalStandbyTime']; $l['totalIdleTime'] += $machine['totalIdleTime']; $l['longSessions'] += $machine['longSessions']; $l['shortSessions'] += $machine['shortSessions']; $l['sessions'] = array_merge($l['sessions'], $machine['sessions']); } } foreach ($locations as &$location) { $location['medianSessionLength'] = self::calcMedian($location['sessions']); unset($location['sessions']); } return $locations; } public static function getOverallStatistics(int $from, int $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $fromCutoff = $from - 86400 * 30; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT m.machineuuid, m.hostname, m.clientip, m.locationid, m.firstseen -- , m.lastboot, m.logintime, m.state FROM machine m WHERE firstseen <= $to AND lastseen > $fromCutoff"); // " WHERE lastseen >= :from", compact('from')); $machines = self::getStats3($res, $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound); $total = false; $keys = ['totalTime', 'totalOffTime', 'totalSessionTime', 'totalStandbyTime', 'totalIdleTime', 'totalIdleTime', 'longSessions', 'shortSessions', 'sessions']; while ($machine = array_pop($machines)) { if ($total === false) { self::keepKeys($machine, $keys); $total = $machine; } else { $total['totalTime'] += $machine['totalTime']; $total['totalOffTime'] += $machine['totalOffTime']; $total['totalSessionTime'] += $machine['totalSessionTime']; $total['totalStandbyTime'] += $machine['totalStandbyTime']; $total['totalIdleTime'] += $machine['totalIdleTime']; $total['longSessions'] += $machine['longSessions']; $total['shortSessions'] += $machine['shortSessions']; $total['sessions'] = array_merge($total['sessions'], $machine['sessions']); } } $total['medianSessionLength'] = self::calcMedian($total['sessions']); unset($total['sessions']); return $total; } /** * @param \PDOStatement $res * @param int $from * @param int $to * @param int $lowerTimeBound * @param int $upperTimeBound * @return array */ private static function getStats3($res, $from, $to, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound) { //$debug = false; if ($lowerTimeBound === 0 && $upperTimeBound === 24 || $upperTimeBound <= $lowerTimeBound) { $bounds = false; } else { $bounds = [$lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound]; } $machines = array(); foreach ($res as $row) { $row['firstseen'] = max($row['firstseen'], $from); $row += array( 'totalTime' => self::timeDiff($row['firstseen'], $to, $bounds), 'totalOffTime' => 0, 'totalSessionTime' => 0, 'totalStandbyTime' => 0, 'sessions' => [], 'lastStart' => 0, 'lastLogout' => 0, 'longSessions' => 0, 'shortSessions' => 0, 'active' => false, ); $machines[$row['machineuuid']] = $row; } // Don't filter by typeid in the query, still faster by being able to use the machineuuid/dateline index and filtering later $last = $from - 86400; // Start 24h early to catch sessions already in progress $dups = []; // Fetch in batches of 1000 rows (for current 50 machines) do { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT logid, dateline, typeid, machineuuid, data FROM statistic WHERE dateline >= :last AND dateline <= :to AND machineuuid IS NOT NULL ORDER BY dateline ASC LIMIT 1000", compact('last', 'to')); $last = false; $count = 0; foreach ($res as $row) { $count += 1; // Update count first, as we use it as a condition in outer loop. No continue before this settype($row['logid'], 'int'); // Update for next query $last = $row['dateline']; // Ignore dups, we query >= last dateline as we can have multiple events at the same second, but // only some of them got returned because of LIMIT. Skip here because excluding in query directly // would make the query itself rather inefficient. We also cannot use logid > X because the logid // is not strictly ascending with time, as dateline gets backdated to event start on insert if ($count === 150) { $dups = []; } elseif ($count > 900) { $dups[] = $row['logid']; } elseif ($count < 150 && array_key_exists($row['logid'], $dups)) { continue; } if (!isset($machines[$row['machineuuid']])) continue; if ($row['typeid'] !== '~offline-length' && $row['typeid'] !== '~suspend-length' && $row['typeid'] !== '~session-length') continue; settype($row['dateline'], 'int'); settype($row['data'], 'int'); if ($row['data'] <= 0) continue; // Clamp to $from and $to if ($row['dateline'] < $from) { $diff = $row['dateline'] + $row['data'] - $from; if ($diff <= 0) continue; $row['dateline'] += $diff; $row['data'] -= $diff; } if ($row['dateline'] + $row['data'] > $to) { $row['data'] = $to - $row['dateline']; if ($row['data'] < 0) continue; } $machine =& $machines[$row['machineuuid']]; // Process event if applicable if ($row['typeid'] === '~session-length') { // SESSION timespan $row['typeid'] = 'totalSessionTime'; $machine['lastLogout'] = $row['dateline'] + $row['data']; } elseif ($row['typeid'] === '~offline-length') { // OFFLINE timespan $row['typeid'] = 'totalOffTime'; $machine['lastStart'] = $row['dateline'] + $row['data']; } else { // STANDBY timespan $row['typeid'] = 'totalStandbyTime'; } self::addTime($machine, $row, $bounds); } $dups = array_flip($dups); } while ($last !== false && $count === 1000); // Check if we need to fetch more rows for current batch foreach ($machines as &$machine) { if (!$machine['active']) { $machine['totalOffTime'] = $machine['totalTime']; } $machine['totalIdleTime'] = $machine['totalTime'] - ($machine['totalOffTime'] + $machine['totalStandbyTime'] + $machine['totalSessionTime']); } return $machines; } private static function addTime(&$machine, $row, $bounds) { // First event, handle difference if (!$machine['active'] && $row['dateline'] + $row['data'] >= $machine['firstseen']) { if ($row['dateline'] > $machine['firstseen']) { $s = $machine['firstseen']; $e = $row['dateline']; /* if ($debug) { error_log('Initial offline time += ' . self::timeDiff($s, $e, $bounds, true)); } */ $machine['totalOffTime'] += self::timeDiff($s, $e, $bounds); $machine['active'] = true; if ($machine['lastStart'] < $row['dateline']) { $machine['lastStart'] = $row['dateline']; } } else { // Not offline at beginning of period, do nothing $machine['active'] = true; } } // Current row if ($bounds === false) { // Simple case: No bounds $machine[$row['typeid']] += $row['data']; } else { $start = $row['dateline']; $end = $row['dateline'] + $row['data']; /* if ($debug) { error_log('Adding ' . $row['typeid'] . ' += ' . self::timeDiff($start, $end, $bounds, true)); } */ $machine[$row['typeid']] += self::timeDiff($start, $end, $bounds); $sh = date('G', $start); } if ($row['typeid'] === 'totalSessionTime' && ($bounds === false || ($sh >= $bounds[0] && $sh < $bounds[1]))) { if ($row['data'] >= 60) { $machine['longSessions'] += 1; $machine['sessions'][] = $row['data']; } else { $machine['shortSessions'] += 1; } } } private static function timeDiff($start, $end, $bounds) { // Put given timespan into bounds /* if ($debug) { $os = $start; $oe = $end; } */ if ($bounds !== false) { // Put start time into bounds if ($start !== null) { $sh = date('G', $start); if ($sh < $bounds[0]) { $start = strtotime($bounds[0] . ':00:00', $start); } elseif ($sh >= $bounds[1]) { $start = strtotime($bounds[0] . ':00:00 +1day', $start); } } // Put end time into bounds if ($end !== null && $end > $start) { $eh = date('G', $end); if ($eh < $bounds[0]) { $end = strtotime($bounds[1] . ':00:00 -1day', $end); } elseif ($eh >= $bounds[1]) { $end = strtotime($bounds[1] . ':00:00', $end); } } } if ($end !== null && $start !== null && $end < $start) { $end = $start; } /* if ($debug) { if ($start >= $end) { error_log('END < START: ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $start) . ' - ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $end)); } else { if ($os != $start) { error_log('Corrected start: ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $os) . ' to ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $start)); } if ($oe != $end) { error_log('Corrected end : ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $oe) . ' to ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $end)); } } } */ // Calc time excluding out of range hours return ($end - $start) - self::getIgnoredTime($start, $end, $bounds); } private static function getIgnoredTime($start, $end, $bounds) { if ($bounds === false || $start >= $end) return 0; $end = strtotime('00:00:00', $end); if ($start >= $end) return 0; /* if ($debug) { error_log('From ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $start) . ' to ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $end) . ' = ' . ceil(($end - $start) / 86400) * (24 - ($bounds[1] - $bounds[0]))); } */ return (int)ceil(($end - $start) / 86400) * (24 - ($bounds[1] - $bounds[0])) * 3600; } /** * Get median of array. * @param int[] list of values * @return int The median */ private static function calcMedian($array) { if (empty($array)) return 0; sort($array, SORT_NUMERIC); $count = count($array); //total numbers in array $middleval = (int)floor(($count-1) / 2); // find the middle value, or the lowest middle value if($count % 2 === 1) { // odd number, middle is the median return (int)$array[$middleval]; } // even number, calculate avg of 2 medians $low = $array[$middleval]; $high = $array[$middleval+1]; return (int)round(($low+$high) / 2); } // User Data: Name, Name(anonymized), Number of Logins public static function getUserStatistics($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT username AS name, COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM statistic WHERE typeid='.vmchooser-session-name' AND dateline >= $from and dateline <= $to AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') >= $lowerTimeBound AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') < $upperTimeBound GROUP BY username"); return $res; } // Virtual Machine Data: Name, Number of Usages public static function getVMStatistics($from, $to, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT data AS name, COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM statistic WHERE typeid='.vmchooser-session-name' AND dateline >= $from and dateline <= $to AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') >= $lowerTimeBound AND FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H') < $upperTimeBound GROUP BY data"); return $res; } public static function getDozmodStats(int $from, int $to) { if (Module::get('dozmod') === false) return ['disabled' => true]; $return = []; $return['vms'] = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS `total`, Sum(If(createtime >= $from, 1, 0)) AS `new`, Sum(If(updatetime >= $from, 1, 0)) AS `updated`, Sum(If(latestversionid IS NOT NULL, 1, 0)) AS `valid` FROM sat.imagebase WHERE createtime <= $to"); $return['lectures'] = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS `total`, Sum(If(createtime >= $from, 1, 0)) AS `new`, Sum(If(updatetime >= $from, 1, 0)) AS `updated`, Sum(If((($from BETWEEN starttime AND endtime) OR ($to BETWEEN starttime AND endtime)) AND isenabled <> 0, 1, 0)) AS `valid` FROM sat.lecture WHERE createtime <= $to"); $return['users'] = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS `total`, Count(DISTINCT organizationid) AS `organizations` FROM sat.user WHERE lastlogin >= $from"); return $return; } public static function getExamStats(int $from, int $to) { if (Module::get('exams') === false) return ['disabled' => true]; $return = []; $eres = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT starttime, endtime, GROUP_CONCAT(exl.locationid) AS `locs` FROM exams LEFT JOIN exams_x_location exl USING (examid) WHERE starttime < $to AND endtime > $from GROUP BY examid"); foreach ($eres as $row) { // Get all boot events $data = ['from' => $row['starttime'], 'to' => $row['endtime']]; if (empty($row['locs'])) { $exam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS `event`, Avg(s.data) AS length FROM statistic s WHERE typeid = '~session-length' AND dateline BETWEEN :from AND :to", $data); } else { $data['locs'] = explode(',', $row['locs']); $exam = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(*) AS `sessions`, Avg(s.data) AS length FROM statistic s INNER JOIN machine m USING (machineuuid) WHERE typeid = '~session-length' AND m.locationid IN (:locs) AND dateline BETWEEN :from AND :to", $data); } settype($exam['length'], 'int'); settype($exam['sessions'], 'int'); $exam['duration'] = $row['endtime'] - $row['starttime']; $return[] = $exam; } return $return; } public static function getAggregatedMachineStats($from) { $return = array(); $return['location'] = Database::queryAll("SELECT MD5(CONCAT(locationid, :salt)) AS `location`, Count(*) AS `count` FROM machine WHERE lastseen >= $from GROUP BY locationid", array('salt' => GetData::$salt)); $prev = 0; $str = ' '; foreach (array(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 128, 192, 256) as $val) { $str .= 'WHEN mbram < ' . round(($val + $prev) * 512) . " THEN '" . $prev . "' "; $prev = $val; } $return['ram'] = Database::queryAll("SELECT CASE $str ELSE 'OVER 9000' END AS `gbram`, Count(*) AS `total` FROM machine WHERE lastseen >= $from GROUP BY gbram"); foreach (array('cpumodel', 'systemmodel', 'realcores', 'kvmstate') as $key) { $return[$key] = Database::queryAll("SELECT $key, Count(*) AS `total` FROM machine WHERE lastseen >= $from GROUP BY $key"); } return $return; } /** * @param int $from start timestamp * @param int $to end timestamp * @return int count of user active in timespan */ public static function getUniqueUserCount($from, $to) { $res = Database::queryFirst("SELECT Count(DISTINCT username) as `total` FROM statistic WHERE (dateline BETWEEN $from AND $to) AND typeid = '.vmchooser-session-name'"); return (int)$res['total']; } public static function getBaseSystemStats(int $from, int $to) { return Database::queryAll("SELECT `data` AS `system`, Count(*) AS `count` FROM statistic WHERE (dateline BETWEEN $from AND $to) AND typeid = 'boot-system' GROUP BY `system`"); } public static function getRunmodeStats(int $from, int $to) { return Database::queryAll("SELECT `data` AS `mode`, Count(*) AS `count` FROM statistic WHERE (dateline BETWEEN $from AND $to) AND typeid = 'boot-runmode' GROUP BY `mode`"); } }