=$queryTime AND sessionTable.data >= 60 GROUP BY machine.machineuuid ) t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT machine.hostname AS 'name', machine.machineuuid AS 'uuid', SUM(CAST(offlineTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'offlineSum', MAX(offlineTable.dateline) AS 'lastStart' FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~offline-length', $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." offlineTable INNER JOIN machine ON offlineTable.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid WHERE offlineTable.dateline>=$queryTime GROUP BY machine.machineuuid ) t2 ON t1.uuid = t2.uuid"); return $res; } public static function getLocationStatistics($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT t1.locName, timeSum, avgTime, offlineSum, loginCount FROM ( SELECT IFNULL(location.locationname, '') AS 'locName', SUM(CAST(sessionTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'timeSum', AVG(CAST(sessionTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'avgTime', COUNT(sessionTable.length) AS 'loginCount' FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~session-length', $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." sessionTable INNER JOIN machine ON sessionTable.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid LEFT JOIN location ON machine.locationid = location.locationid WHERE sessionTable.dateline >= $queryTime AND sessionTable.data >= 60 GROUP By location.locationname ) t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT IFNULL(location.locationname, '') AS 'locName', SUM(CAST(offlineTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) AS 'offlineSum' FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~offline-length', $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." offlineTable INNER JOIN machine ON offlineTable.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid LEFT JOIN location ON machine.locationid = location.locationid WHERE offlineTable.dateline >= $queryTime GROUP By location.locationname ) t2 ON t1.locName = t2.locName"); return $res; } // logins between bounds public static function getUserStatistics($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT username, COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM statistic WHERE typeid='.vmchooser-session-name' AND dateline>=$queryTime AND ((FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, '%H')*1 >= $lowerTimeBound) AND (FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H')*1 < $upperTimeBound)) GROUP BY username ORDER BY 2 DESC"); return $res; } // vm logins between bounds public static function getVMStatistics($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT data, COUNT(*) AS 'count' FROM statistic WHERE typeid='.vmchooser-session-name' AND dateline>=$queryTime AND ((FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, '%H')*1 >= $lowerTimeBound) AND (FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H')*1 < $upperTimeBound)) GROUP BY data ORDER BY 2 DESC"); return $res; } // AND(betweenBounds OR upper but begins in bound ) public static function getOverallStatistics ($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT SUM(CAST(sessionTable.length AS UNSIGNED)), AVG(CAST(sessionTable.length AS UNSIGNED)), COUNT(*) FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~session-length', $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." sessionTable WHERE sessionTable.dateline>=$queryTime AND sessionTable.data >= 60"); return $res; } public static function getTotalOfflineStatistics($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT SUM(CAST(offlineTable.length AS UNSIGNED)) FROM ".self::getBoundedTableQueryString('~offline-length', $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound)." offlineTable WHERE offlineTable.dateline>=$queryTime"); return $res; } // TODO: Short Sessions in Tabelle einbauen public static function getShortSessionsTotal($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM statistic WHERE typeid='~session-length' AND data < 60 AND dateline>=$queryTime AND ((FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, '%H')*1 >= $lowerTimeBound) AND (FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H')*1 < $upperTimeBound))"); return $res; } public static function getShortSessionsPerLocation ($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT location.locationname, COUNT(*) FROM statistic INNER JOIN machine ON statistic.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid INNER JOIN location ON machine.locationid = location.locationid WHERE statistic.typeid='~session-length' AND statistic.data < 60 AND dateline>=$queryTime AND ((FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+statistic.data, '%H')*1 >= $lowerTimeBound) AND (FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H')*1 < $upperTimeBound)) GROUP BY location.locationname"); return $res; } public static function getShortSessionsPerClient ($cutOffTimeInSeconds, $lowerTimeBound = 0, $upperTimeBound = 24) { $queryTime = time() - $cutOffTimeInSeconds; $res = Database::simpleQuery("SELECT machine.hostname, COUNT(*) FROM statistic INNER JOIN machine ON statistic.machineuuid = machine.machineuuid WHERE statistic.typeid='~session-length' AND statistic.data < 60 AND dateline>=$queryTime AND ((FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+statistic.data, '%H')*1 >= $lowerTimeBound) AND (FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%H')*1 < $upperTimeBound)) GROUP BY machine.hostname"); return $res; } public static function formatSeconds($seconds) { return intdiv($seconds, 3600*24).'d '.intdiv($seconds%(3600*24), 3600).'h '.intdiv($seconds%3600, 60).'m '.($seconds%60).'s'; } private static function getBoundedTableQueryString($typeid, $lowerTimeBound, $upperTimeBound) { $lowerFormat = "'%y-%m-%d $lowerTimeBound:00:00'"; $upperFormat = "'%y-%m-%d ".($upperTimeBound-1).":59:59'"; $queryString = " select @startLower := UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, $lowerFormat)), @startUpper := UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, $upperFormat)), @endLower := UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, $lowerFormat)), @endUpper := UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, $upperFormat)), (CAST(data AS SIGNED) - IF( dateline > @startUpper, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, $lowerFormat) + INTERVAL 1 DAY) - dateline, IF( dateline < @startLower, @startLower - dateline, 0 ) ) - IF( dateline+data > @endUpper, dateline+data - (@endUpper + 1), IF( dateline+data < @endLower, dateline+data - (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, $upperFormat) - INTERVAL 1 DAY) + 1), 0 ) ) - ( TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, '%y-%m-%d')) - TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, '%y-%m-%d')) - 2 + IF(dateline <= @startUpper, 1, 0) + IF(dateline+data >= @endLower, 1, 0) ) * ((24 - ($upperTimeBound - $lowerTimeBound)) * 3600) - IF( @leftBound := IF(dateline <= @startUpper, @startUpper, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, $upperFormat) + INTERVAL 1 DAY)) < @rightBound := IF(dateline+data >= @endLower, @endLower, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, $lowerFormat) - INTERVAL 1 DAY)), IF( @timeDiff := ( (date_format(from_unixtime(@leftBound), '%H') - date_format(convert_tz(from_unixtime(@leftBound), @@session.time_zone, '+00:00'), '%H') + 24) % 24 - (date_format(from_unixtime(@rightBound), '%H') - date_format(convert_tz(from_unixtime(@rightBound), @@session.time_zone, '+00:00'), '%H') + 24) % 24) = 1 AND ($lowerTimeBound >= 2 OR $upperTimeBound <= 2), 3600, IF(@timeDiff = -1 AND ($lowerTimeBound >= 3 OR $upperTimeBound <= 3), -3600, 0) ), 0 ) ) as 'length', dateline, data, machineuuid from statistic where typeid = '$typeid' and ( (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, $lowerFormat)) <= dateline and dateline <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline, $upperFormat))) or (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, $lowerFormat)) <= dateline+data and dateline+data <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline+data, $upperFormat))) ) "; return "(".$queryString.")"; } }