action = Request::any('action', 'show', 'string'); } /** * Menu etc. has already been generated, now it's time to generate page content. */ protected function doRender() { if ($this->action === 'show') { // timespan you want to see. default = last 7 days GetData::$from = strtotime("- " . (Request::get('cutoff', 14, 'int') - 1) . " days 00:00:00"); GetData::$to = time(); GetData::$lowerTimeBound = Request::get('lower', 0, 'int'); GetData::$upperTimeBound = Request::get('upper', 24, 'int'); $data = GetData::total(GETDATA_PRINTABLE); $data['perLocation'] = GetData::perLocation(GETDATA_PRINTABLE); $data['perClient'] = GetData::perClient(GETDATA_PRINTABLE); $data['perUser'] = GetData::perUser(GETDATA_PRINTABLE); $data['perVM'] = GetData::perVM(GETDATA_PRINTABLE); Render::addTemplate('columnChooser'); Render::addTemplate('_page', $data); } } protected function doAjax() { $this->action = Request::any('action', false, 'string'); if ($this->action === 'setReporting') { if (!User::isLoggedIn()) { die("No."); } $state = Request::post('reporting', false, 'string'); if ($state === false) { die('Missing setting value.'); } RemoteReport::setReportingEnabled($state); } elseif ($this->action === 'getReporting') { echo RemoteReport::isReportingEnabled() ? 'on' : ''; } else { echo 'Invalid action.'; } } }