edit = ConfigModule::get(Request::any('edit')); if (self::$instance->edit === false) Util::traceError('Invalid module id for editing'); if (!preg_match('/^' . self::$instance->edit->moduleType() . '_/', $step)) Util::traceError('Module to edit is of different type!'); Util::addRedirectParam('edit', self::$instance->edit->id()); } } protected function tmError() { Message::addError('taskmanager-error'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } protected function taskError($status) { if (isset($status['data']['error'])) { $error = $status['data']['error']; } elseif (isset($status['statusCode'])) { $error = $status['statusCode']; } else { $error = Dictionary::translate('lang_unknwonTaskManager'); } Message::addError('task-error', $error); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } /** * Called before any HTML rendering happens, so you can * pepare stuff, validate input, and optionally redirect * early if something is wrong, or you received post * data etc. */ protected function preprocessInternal() { // void } /** * Do page rendering. */ protected function renderInternal() { // void } /** * Handle ajax stuff */ protected function ajaxInternal() { // void } public static function preprocess() { if (self::$instance === false) { Util::traceError('No step instance yet'); } self::$instance->preprocessInternal(); } public static function render() { if (self::$instance === false) { Util::traceError('No step instance yet'); } if (self::$instance->edit !== false) Message::addInfo('replacing-module', self::$instance->edit->title()); self::$instance->renderInternal(); } public static function ajax() { if (self::$instance === false) { Util::traceError('No step instance yet'); } self::$instance->ajaxInternal(); } } /** * Start dialog for adding module. Here the user * selects which kind of module they want to add. */ class AddModule_Start extends AddModule_Base { protected function renderInternal() { $title = $order = array(); $mods = ConfigModule::getList(); foreach ($mods as $module) { $title[] = $module['title']; $order[] = $module['sortOrder']; } array_multisort($order, SORT_ASC, $title, SORT_ASC, $mods); Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translate('lang_moduleAdd'), false, 'start', array('modules' => array_values($mods))); } } /* * Helper functions to set/get a batch of vars from/to post variables or a module */ /** * * @param \ConfigModule $module * @param array $array * @param array $keys */ function moduleToArray($module, &$array, $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $array[$key] = $module->getData($key); } } /** * * @param \ConfigModule $module * @param array $array * @param array $keys */ function arrayToModule($module, $array, $keys) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $module->setData($key, $array[$key]); } } /** * * @param array $array * @param array $keys */ function postToArray(&$array, $keys, $ignoreMissing = false) { foreach ($keys as $key) { $val = Request::post($key, '--not-in-post'); if ($ignoreMissing && $val === '--not-in-post') continue; $array[$key] = $val; } }