session_data = Session::get('data'); elseif ($this->edit !== false) { $this->session_data = array( 'title' => $this->edit->title(), 'qss' => $this->edit->getData('qss'), 'messages' => $this->edit->getData('messages'), 'texts' => $this->edit->getData('texts'), ); } else { $this->session_data = array( 'title' => '', 'qss' => Dictionary::translate('saver_QssDefault', true), 'messages' => array( 'General' => array( 'shutdown' => Dictionary::translate('saver_MessageDefaultShutdown', true), 'shutdown-locked' => Dictionary::translate('saver_MessageDefaultShutdownLocked', true), 'idle-kill' => Dictionary::translate('saver_MessageDefaultIdleKill', true), 'idle-kill-locked' => Dictionary::translate('saver_MessageDefaultIdleKillLocked', true), 'no-timeout' => Dictionary::translate('saver_MessageDefaultNoTimeout', true), 'no-timeout-locked' => Dictionary::translate('saver_MessageDefaultNoTimeoutLocked', true), ) ), 'texts' => array( 'text-shutdown' => Dictionary::translate('saver_TextDefaultShutdown', true), 'text-shutdown-locked' => '', 'text-idle-kill' => Dictionary::translate('saver_TextDefaultIdleKill', true), 'text-idle-kill-locked' => Dictionary::translate('saver_TextDefaultIdleKillLocked', true), 'text-no-timeout' => '', 'text-no-timeout-locked' => '', ), ); } $this->session_data['next'] = 'idle-kill'; Session::set('data', $this->session_data); } protected function renderInternal() { /* Load summernote module if available */ Module::isAvailable('summernote'); Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'screensaver_title'), false, 'screensaver-start', array( 'step' => 'Screensaver_Text', 'next' => 'idle-kill', 'edit' => $this->edit ? $this->edit->id() : 0, 'id' => 'start', 'title' => $this->session_data['title'], 'qss' => $this->session_data['qss'], )); } } class Screensaver_Text extends AddModule_Base { private $session_data; protected function preprocessInternal() { /* Load session data */ $this->session_data = Session::get('data'); $id = Request::post('id', '', 'string'); if ($id === 'start') { Screensaver_Helper::processQssData($this->session_data); } elseif ($id !== '') { Screensaver_Helper::processScreensaverText($this->session_data, $id); } $next = Request::post('next', $this->session_data['next'], 'string'); $this->session_data['next'] = $next; Session::set('data', $this->session_data); if ($next === 'finish') Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig&action=addmodule&step=Screensaver_Finish'); elseif ($next === 'start') Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig&action=addmodule&step=Screensaver_Start&back=true'); } protected function renderInternal() { /* Load summernote module if available */ Module::isAvailable('summernote'); $next = $this->session_data['next']; $data = array( 'edit' => $this->edit ? $this->edit->id() : 0, ); /* Prepare and translate labels for the frontend */ $data['id'] = $next; /* Convert the id to a language tag (camelCase) styled string */ $tag = implode(array_map('ucwords', explode('-', $next))); /* For translate module: * Dictionary::translate('saver_TitleNoTimeout'); * Dictionary::translate('saver_DescriptionNoTimeout'); * Dictionary::translate('saver_TitleIdleKill'); * Dictionary::translate('saver_DescriptionIdleKill'); * Dictionary::translate('saver_TitleShutdown'); * Dictionary::translate('saver_DescriptionShutdown'); */ $data['title'] = Dictionary::translate('saver_Title' . $tag, true); $data['description'] = Dictionary::translate('saver_Description' . $tag, true); $data['msg_value'] = $this->session_data['messages']['General'][$next]; $data['msg_locked_value'] = $this->session_data['messages']['General'][$next . '-locked']; $data['text_value'] = $this->session_data['texts']['text-' . $next]; $data['text_locked_value'] = $this->session_data['texts']['text-' . $next . '-locked']; $data['inherit_locked'] = $this->session_data['texts'][$next . '-inherit']; $data['step'] = 'Screensaver_Text'; /* Set next and prev pages */ if ($next === 'idle-kill') { $data['next'] = 'no-timeout'; $data['prev'] = 'start'; } elseif ($next === 'no-timeout') { $data['next'] = 'shutdown'; $data['prev'] = 'idle-kill'; } elseif ($next === 'shutdown') { $data['next'] = 'finish'; $data['prev'] = 'no-timeout'; $data['lastStep'] = true; } Render::addDialog(Dictionary::translateFile('config-module', 'screensaver_title'), false, 'screensaver-text', $data); } } class Screensaver_Finish extends AddModule_Base { protected function preprocessInternal() { /* Get session data */ $session_data = Session::get('data'); if (empty($session_data['title'])) { Message::addError('missing-title'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); return; } /* Only create an instance, if it's a new one */ if ($this->edit !== false) $module = $this->edit; else $module = ConfigModule::getInstance('Screensaver'); /* Set all the data to the module instance */ $module->setData('qss', $session_data['qss']); $module->setData('messages', $session_data['messages']); $module->setData('texts', $session_data['texts']); /* Insert or update database entries */ if ($this->edit !== false) $module->update($session_data['title']); else $module->insert($session_data['title']); $task = $module->generate($this->edit === false); // Yay if ($task !== false && $this->edit !== false) Message::addSuccess('module-edited'); elseif ($task !== false) { Message::addSuccess('module-added'); AddModule_Base::setStep('AddModule_Assign', $module->id()); return; } Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); } } class Screensaver_Helper { public static function processQssData(&$session_data) { /* Process post data from the Screensaver_Start */ $session_data['title'] = Request::post('title', $session_data['title'], 'string'); if (empty($session_data['title'])) { Message::addError('missing-title'); Util::redirect('?do=SysConfig'); return; } $session_data['qss'] = Request::post('qss', $session_data['qss'], 'string'); $helperMode = Request::post('helper_mode', 'false', 'string'); if ($helperMode !== 'false') { // Get all the helper variables and build the qss $bg_color_1 = Request::post('bg_color_1', '', 'string'); self::fixColor($bg_color_1, '#443'); $bg_color_2 = Request::post('bg_color_2', '', 'string'); self::fixColor($bg_color_2, '#000'); $label_color = Request::post('label_color', '', 'string'); self::fixColor($label_color, '#f64'); $label_size = Request::post('label_size', 10, 'int') . 'pt'; $clock_color = Request::post('clock_color', '', 'string'); self::fixColor($clock_color, '#999'); $clock_size = Request::post('clock_size', 20, 'int') . 'pt'; $header_color = Request::post('header_color', '', 'string'); self::fixColor($header_color, $label_color); $header_size = Request::post('header_size', 20, 'int') . 'pt'; $session_data['qss'] = "#Saver {\n background: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 " . $bg_color_1 . ", stop:1 " . $bg_color_2 . ")\n}\n\n" . "QLabel {\n color: " . $label_color . ";\n font-size: " . $label_size . ";\n}\n\n" . "#lblClock {\n color: " . $clock_color . ";\n font-size: " . $clock_size . ";\n}\n\n" . "#lblHeader {\n color: " . $header_color . ";\n font-size: " . $header_size . ";\n}"; } } private static function fixColor(&$color, $fix) { if (!preg_match('/^#([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-6a-f]{6})$/i', $color)) { $color = $fix; } } public static function processScreensaverText(&$session_data, $name) { /* Process post data from the Screensaver_Text */ $session_data['messages']['General'][$name] = Request::post('msg_value', '', 'string'); $session_data['texts']['text-' . $name] = Request::post('text_value', '', 'string'); $inherit_locked = Request::post('inherit_locked', 'false', 'string'); $session_data['texts'][$name . '-inherit'] = $inherit_locked; if ($inherit_locked !== 'false') { $session_data['messages']['General'][$name . '-locked'] = $session_data['messages']['General'][$name]; $session_data['texts']['text-' . $name . '-locked'] = $session_data['texts']['text-' . $name]; } else { $session_data['messages']['General'][$name . '-locked'] = Request::post('msg_locked_value', '', 'string'); $session_data['texts']['text-' . $name . '-locked'] = Request::post('text_locked_value', '', 'string'); } } }