// Ugly hack to get the ellipsisized fields to work function forceTable(t) { var pwidth = t.parent().innerWidth(); var rows = t.find('tr'); var row = rows.first(); pwidth = Math.round(pwidth); t.width(pwidth); var sum = 0; row.find('td').each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('slx-width-ignore')) sum += $(this).outerWidth(true); }); var w = Math.round(pwidth - sum); do { rows.find('.slx-dyn-ellipsis').each(function() { $(this).width(w).css('width', w + 'px').css('max-width', w + 'px'); }); w -= 3; } while (t.width() > pwidth); } // Mouseover and clicking var boldItem = false; function showmod(e, action) { var list = $(e).attr('data-modlist'); list = list.split(','); if (action === 'bold') { $(boldItem).removeClass("slx-bold"); if (boldItem === e) { action = 'fade'; boldItem = false; } } else if (boldItem !== false) { return; } $('.modrow').each(function () { var elem = $(this); elem.removeClass("slx-fade slx-bold"); if (action === 'reset') return; if (action === 'bold' && list.indexOf(elem.attr('data-id')) !== -1) elem.addClass("slx-bold"); if (list.indexOf(elem.attr('data-id')) === -1) elem.addClass("slx-fade"); }); if (action === 'bold') { boldItem = e; $(e).addClass("slx-bold"); } } // Polling for updated status (outdated, missing, ok) var statusChecks = 0; function checkBuildStatus() { var mods = []; var confs = []; $(".refmod.btn-primary").each(function (index) { mods.push($(this).val()); }); $(".refconf.btn-primary").each(function (index) { confs.push($(this).val()); }); if (mods.length === 0 && confs.length === 0) return; if (++statusChecks < 10) setTimeout(checkBuildStatus, 200 + 50 * statusChecks); $.post('?do=SysConfig', { mods: mods.join(), confs: confs.join(), token: TOKEN, action: 'status' }, function (data) { if (typeof data === 'undefined') return; if (typeof data.mods === 'object') updateButtonColor($(".refmod.btn-primary"), data.mods); if (typeof data.confs === 'object') updateButtonColor($(".refconf.btn-primary"), data.confs); }, 'json'); } function updateButtonColor(list,ids) { list.each(function() { if (ids.indexOf($(this).val()) >= 0) $(this).removeClass('btn-primary').addClass('btn-default'); }); }