{ "lang_configurationCompilation": "Compile configuration", "lang_contentOf": "Content of", "lang_moduleAdd": "Add Module", "lang_moduleAssign": "Assign Module to System Configurations", "lang_noModuleFromThisGroup": "(No module from this group)", "lang_unknwonTaskManager": "Unknown Task Manager error", "location-column-header": "SysConfig", "ls_clock-background-style": "Background style (QSS) for the status bar of the clock (top)", "ls_clock-shadow": "Shadow of the clock (X-offset, Y-offset, color, blur)", "ls_clock-text-style": "Style (QSS) for the clock time (top)", "ls_guest-session-button-text": "Label of the button to select the guest session", "ls_guest-session-start-button-text": "Label of the button to start the guest session", "ls_guest-session-start-text": "Hint above the guest session start button", "ls_password-placeholder": "Placeholder for the password input field", "ls_qr-session-button-text": "Label of the button to select login via QR code", "ls_reset-timeout": "Time in seconds after which it returns to the selection screen due to inactivity", "ls_shib-session-button-text": "Label of the button to select login via Shibboleth\/bwIDM", "ls_user-session-button-text": "Label of the button to select login via simple user\/password mask", "ls_username-placeholder": "Placeholder for the username input field", "module_name": "Localization", "page_title": "Localize and integrate", "saver_DescriptionIdleKill": "If the screen saver is active and a set inactivity timeout is pending, this text is displayed below the countdown. You can phrase the text differently depending on whether the user's password must be entered to unlock the screensaver. ", "saver_DescriptionNoTimeout": "A screensaver without a timeout. The machine can run indefinitely with the currently active session\/screensaver.", "saver_DescriptionShutdown": "If a scheduled shutdown or reboot of the computer is pending, this text is displayed below the countdown in the screensaver. Here, too, the text can be customized depending on whether the screensaver needs to be unlocked with a password.", "saver_MessageDefaultIdleKill": "This session will end in %1 when inactive.", "saver_MessageDefaultIdleKillLocked": "This session will end in %1 if the session is not unlocked.", "saver_MessageDefaultNoTimeout": "This screen is in saving mode.", "saver_MessageDefaultNoTimeoutLocked": "This computer is locked.", "saver_MessageDefaultShutdown": "Caution: Computer will shutdown in %1!", "saver_MessageDefaultShutdownLocked": "Caution: Computer will shutdown in %1!", "saver_QssDefault": "#Saver {\r\n background: qlineargradient(spread:pad, x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #443, stop:1 #000)\r\n}\r\n\r\nQLabel {\r\n color: #f64;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#lblClock {\r\n color: #999;\r\n font-size: 20pt;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#lblHeader {\r\n font-size: 20pt;\r\n}\r\n", "saver_TextDefaultIdleKill": "\r\nNo user activity detected.
\r\nIf the computer is not used until the time specified above, the session will end.
\r\nAll running applications will be closed without further requests.
\r\nMake sure that all files and changes are saved before the time runs out.
\r\nIt prevents computers from being locked for hours and not being available to other users.\r\n<\/body><\/html>", "saver_TextDefaultIdleKillLocked": "\r\nThe current session will end by the time specified above if the computer isn't unlocked before.
\r\nAll running applications will be closed without further requests.
\r\nMake sure that all files and changes are saved or the session is unlocked before the time runs out.
\r\nIt prevents computers from being occupied for hours and not being available to other users.\r\n<\/body><\/html>", "saver_TextDefaultShutdown": "\r\nCaution: The computer will shutdown at the specified time above.
\r\nAll running applications will be closed without further requests.
\r\nMake sure to save all files and changes and leave the session before the time runs out.\r\n<\/body><\/html>", "saver_TitleIdleKill": "Idle Kill", "saver_TitleNoTimeout": "No Timeout", "saver_TitleShutdown": "Shutdown" }