{ "lang_OK": "OK", "lang_addressConfiguration": "Address Configuration", "lang_areYouSureNoUndo": "Are you sure? This cannot be undone!", "lang_attention": "Attention!", "lang_average": "Average", "lang_capacity": "Capacity", "lang_cpuLoad": "CPU Load", "lang_dmsdUnreachable": "dmsd not reachable", "lang_downloads": "Downloads", "lang_failure": "Failure", "lang_foundStore": "Found:", "lang_free": "Free", "lang_goToStoreConf": "Go to VM store configuration", "lang_logicCPUs": "Logic CPUs", "lang_maintenance": "Maintenance", "lang_moduleHeading": "System Status", "lang_notDetermined": "Could not be determined", "lang_occupied": "Occupied", "lang_onlyOS": "OS Only", "lang_overview": "Overview", "lang_ramUsage": "RAM Usage", "lang_serverReboot": "Reboot Server", "lang_services": "Services", "lang_space": "Space", "lang_storeMissingExpected": "VM store not mounted. Expected:", "lang_storeNotConfigured": "No VM store configured!", "lang_swapUsage": "swap Usage", "lang_swapWarning": "Memory swap is being used. This may be an indication that the satellite server does not have enough physical memory available. In the case of performance problems or server instability you should consider equipping the server with more RAM.", "lang_system": "System", "lang_systemPartition": "System Partition", "lang_systemStoreError": "Error querying available system storage", "lang_total": "Total", "lang_unknownState": "Unknown status", "lang_updatedPackages": "Pending updates", "lang_uploads": "Uploads", "lang_uptimeOS": "OS Uptime", "lang_vmStore": "VM Store", "lang_vmStoreError": "Error determining available space of the VM storage. Please check the configuration." }