{ "lang_createTag": "Create Tag", "lang_global": "Global", "lang_globalTooltip": "This tag is global; usually there is no need to translate it explicitly for this module", "lang_menuCategories": "Menu categories", "lang_messages": "Messages", "lang_missing": "Missing", "lang_module": "Module", "lang_otherStrings": "Other strings", "lang_sample": "Sample", "lang_status": "Status", "lang_tag": "Tag", "lang_tags": "Tags", "lang_templateAdminHelp": "Here you can translate and edit phrases and texts.", "lang_templateHint": "Hint: Yellow lines indicate a translation is missing and red lines indicate a tag is not being used by the template.", "lang_templates": "Templates", "lang_translation": "Translation", "lang_translationHeading": "Manage translations", "lang_unused": "Unused", "lang_unusedUnreliableHint": "Detection of unused tags only includes currently activated modules. It's possible that a tag marked \"unused\" is actually refered to in a module not activated." }